2001-08-02 - 9:55 a.m.

The ravings of a very tired crazy man......and NADS!!!!


"You have caught me at a very strange time."

Edward Norton (Narrator aka Tyler Durden), Fight Club

Ok, some body give me my freakin crown over here. Cause now even the offical spokesman/biggest freakin name in diaryland agrees. And what does he agree on you may ask. Well hold your horses slap happy I'm getting to it. In Uncle Booby's own words I shall make my point...

You are one crazy beeyotch, Chromey.


Even he agrees I'm one strange ass guy. Aparently the more normal I think I am. The wierder I come across. Maybe I should use some reverse psychology on me. And yes he did OFFICALLY say that. I snagged that off his message board from a entry I put in there. So you can run to Unchle Booby and ask.

"Uncle Booby, what do you think of good ol Chromey?"

You are one crazy beeyotch, Chromey.

I didn't quite catch that.....could yeah make yourself just a tad more clear.

You are one crazy beeyotch, Chromey.

Damn Uncle Booby, I still couldn't hear yeah. I got my head phones on, so you need to speak a bit louder.


Jesus Uncle Booby.......you didn't have to yell so loud. You hurt my feelings with your harsh language and your rude behavior....would you look at this... I'm crying now...I hope your happy you sadistic mofo... making me cry like this....its just not right *sniff sniff*

he he.......I am a few sandwhiches shy of a picnic aint I.

So, I go to my bathroom and realize right away. Whoa.....there is something missing in here. It doesn't quite feel right, I can't quite put my finger on it. Maybe its...........


oh for fucks sake

God damn friends and there need to shit here THEN USE MY PRESSUSE TP TO WIPE THERE SHITTY ASSESS!!! Great......now I got to use paper towels. And let me tell you. If you never been forced in this situation. I highly recomend avoiding it like the freakin plague. This shit is meant to clean up nasty crusty stains on your counters and plates and shit. This little "texture" bumps do nothing to keep the silky softness of my ass ......did I reveal to much information there??? Oh well.....I have been up for freakin god knows how long and I'm a wee bit tired, and when I get tired. I get even more wierd... which is hard to believe since I'm already scrapping the barrel of wierdness on a regular basis. But trust me...theres a little bit of wierdness underneath that barrel for your good ol Chromey.

Oh by the way. Bounty really IS the quicker picker upper. Just check my ass for proof.....

on second thought......don't check my ass..... in fact forget I even mentioned my ass whats so ever.

Oh and I have to ask.....WHAT THE FUCK IS UP WITH THIS NADS HAIR REMOVAL SHIT!!!! Did someone in the marketing department convenently forget what we commonly reffer to as NADS!?!? Oh, I will admit, sure caught my attention. But I was to busy laughing my nads off to even contemplate buying this shit. Hell, I put the info-mercial on when I'm online just so I can softly chuckle on my comp everytime they say NADS with any seriousness. Everytime I see this comercial, I have expect to see memebers of the Saturday Night Live or Mad TV crew doing the commercial and I just happened to turn on the tv durring one of there shows. And a hair remover!!!! What the fuck, that does NOT encourage me to run out and buy this shit. I will admit, I would name a product NADS, but sure as shit wouldn't be for a hair remover. Maybe NADS crabs cure, or NADS sexual lubricant....now comes in cocuNUT flavor.

he he.....I'm on a roll here.

aaaaaannnnnnnnnddddddddddddddddddd the roll ends here *throws his hands up in defeat*. I'm out of things to talk about. Plus I'm really tired, and I need to run a shit load of things down to the Salvation Army before I make a b-line to my bed. Oh sweet, wonderfull, comfy "probably about three feet off the box spring cause I flop around like a dead fish in my sleep" bed. Your my friend, my comforter, my companion, the one who protects me in my sleep.......my lover...........*stops dead in his tracks and turns some sleepy eyes on what he just wrote* did I really say that last part....or am I just imagining it.

And on the finally note.......


uh huh huh huh huh huh hey Beavis...that wierd dude said NADS

yeah he he he he he NADS bbbrrrrrrraaaaaaauuuuuugggggghhhhhhhhhhh NADS NADS NADS NADSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSS

*shakes his head slowly while chuckling softly*

I crack myself UP!!!!!!


Michael Moore for 2004



It's about time - Wednesday, Jul. 07, 2004
An Honor for Chrome - Friday, Feb. 20, 2004
A great loss - Monday, Oct. 20, 2003
a terrible announcement. - Tuesday, Sept. 09, 2003
Chrome speaks: - Friday, Sept. 05, 2003

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