Monday, Sept. 17, 2001 - 2:13 A.M.

Angry as hell and sick of the shit.


"You know why you where hiding in that hole?"

"Fear, Sir?"

"No, you still have hope that you are going to make it through this. The key to being a good solider is knowing you are going to die."

Band of Brothers

Well, I have been meaning to do a entry on here all week. I put up a couple, but one was preaty much a cut and paste and another is a poem about Sept. 11's tragedy. Since then I really didn't know what to write. Sure I could have ranted and raved about this whole situation, but I wasn't sure how to start, or was I ready for it. I know I could have went off on some long tagent, and prety much still will, but I just didn't seem to want to do it.

I don't want to trivalize the events of this week, or have my words misconstruded for a strict belief structure, when I know I can get angry and say things I don't quite mean. A point in itself that requires much explanations so IT is not misinterpruted.

When I get really angry, I tend to see very black and white, right from wrong. For example,

Right: Sending out troups to kill those responsible for these terroist actions and those who hide and/or chose to aid them for such causes.

Wrong: Anyone of similar middle eastern heratige being harrased in this country JUST cause they look like Ben "Bitch Boy" Laden. You know how wrong this is on so many levels. We do this with each major fucking war. During World war II we put all japanese-americans in camps for fear of them being spies. During the cold war we had the "red scare" which had McArthy hauling in anyone he remotely suspected comunist in front of his evaluation comette and black listed the ones who he found to be.

This is nothing but looking for a scape goat for all the pain, fear, and anger. Since for so many people the fear of the unknown far out ways the sins of blind persecution.

You know who else sought out these same answers with similar means. To find a group of people who to blame all there woe's upon, to blame them all for the suffering you had to deal with. Hitler and his god damn Nazis.

Yes I know, extreme ends of this similarity, but god damn it. You know a lot of these assholes would be taking more leathal measures if it wasn't for media persuction. Why the fuck wouldn't they, they do it to gay people. Look what they did to that poor kid who was drug to death behind that pick up truck! There all the same to these people, be it gays to lesbians, from blacks to mexicans and muslims, they are all the same to them and all should suffer the same rath.

FUCKING DAMN IT!!! What is wrong with these people!! Can't they see what pain and suffering THEY cause! They bitch and moan about there problems while turning around and BEING the problem for so many others. Fucking hipocrits get me so angry all I want to do is rip out there god damn eye balls and skull fuck them!!!

Yes I am angry right now, very fucking angry so deal with it.

Right: Equality for all humans.

Wrong: Racial, sexual, creed, and religious segragation in society.

Every one begs and pleads for Utopia, an existence of peace and harmony, where everyone gets along. Oh and don't forget to leave out this race and that religion and feminist and everyone who doesn't look, act, or pray like us.

Oh is that right asshole!

Well how about this dipshit, how about you and all your scum bag friends who thinks the same way, take them and load them up on a plane and buy your own fucking country! This is America pal, land of the free home of the fucking brave. This is the melting pot of the fucking world and if you rather be part of the problem then part of the solution then get the fuck out. Oh don't get me wrong, I'm all for freedom of speech and press, hell I would fight for that cause, but when you go out and do the shit like you do. Harrasment, physical harm and mental terroism I DON'T take this shit lightly.

Quite your fucking whinning about how all the jews are buying up everything, the blacks are infesting your neighberhood, the mexicans are getting all the good jobs, and how feminists are making "such a big fucking deal about" inapropriate sexual advances at work!

BLOW IT OUT YOUR ASS!! Cause life sucks so get a fucking helmet!!

We all suffer, we all have our problems, we all feel misunderstood and afraid. Not just you and NOT cause some group of people are doing it to you!

I say don't hate people by a group basis. Hate people on a individual basis, theres plenty of them out there to give you a good excuses to hate them.

I'm sick and fucking tired of hearing all this shit. Everytime I hear shit like this I feel as humanity we have taken a step back not a step forward. We hold onto old angers, stick with outdated belief structures, and go on to teach a new generation this is how it should be.

I guess its eaiser for some to do it this way rather then think for themselves.

To many let the fear of the unkown control them, are to afraid of fucking with there safe little worlds rather then fighting for whats right. So they seek out some one to blame, some one different then them. Cause its so much easier to blame someone else then it is to take some semblance of responsibility.

Can we not find a middle ground for all this shit?? Do people have to always need to persecute a specific group of people to apease there anger?? Do we have to take the other extreme and assume that all white on black crime, or white on latino crime is a hate crime?? Must we always ignore the hiporacy of our actions when dealing with other hipocrits?

You know what, I guess I ask for to much. I'm not asking for a end to all of this on both sides. I'm asking why should it all matter in the first place? Why should it matter who you work with, or how many there are of this or that in a company, or if they look differently then you or act differently then you. Why is it so many people need to segrate everyone? I don't want a boss not hirring someone cause there black, muslim, womaan, etc because of some narrow minded beliefs. AND I don't want them hirring them cause our goverment is forcing them too. I just want it all to not fucking matter.

Some times in my most ignorant points of my life, I'll hear one of these atrocioius acts and actually wonder why. Then I remember all the bitter, closed mindedness of the world and go ooooohhhhhhhhhhhhhhh yeah thats right, THATS why they did that. And it depresses me to be reminded like that on little tolerante so many people can be for other people.

I have a very low tolerance for all the ignorance of this world......mine especially.

I went off on such a tagent this entry that I don't even remember my orginal idea for doing it.

So fuck it.....I'm out of here......


Michael Moore for 2004



It's about time - Wednesday, Jul. 07, 2004
An Honor for Chrome - Friday, Feb. 20, 2004
A great loss - Monday, Oct. 20, 2003
a terrible announcement. - Tuesday, Sept. 09, 2003
Chrome speaks: - Friday, Sept. 05, 2003

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