Wednesday, Oct. 03, 2001 - 8:12 A.M.

The Cookie Buffet in the Hellraiser movie, damn my dreams are a bit funky


"Ignorance spreads lies, how much can money buy?"

Puddle of Mudd, Drift & Die

Ok this will be another dream entry, so for those who can't stand my dreams, especially for some people who decribe my dreams as something similar to a window to insanity.

You have been fore warned.

And thank you for stopping buy the Chrome Diary. The Chrome Diary, where all consumers go for there daily dose of bullshit.

This dream is particularly freaky, and I have henced dub this dream as.....


Now the dream starts off with me and a bunch of other people standing in this room on a space transport. We are gathered in groups and quietly chatting as we await the band to arrive. We can see the the band equipment stacked on the far wall, awaiting the bands arrivel. For some reason I knew it was suppose to be the band Judas Priest, the old days before they broke up and Rob Halford went on to do his gothic/metal band tell the fans hated it then went back to metal and confessed he was gay. But for some reason they are late, so we are all trying to pass the time by chatting. I realized I was surrouned by a circle of woman with such tanned faces it made the whites of there eyes stand out even more in contrast. They all had this wide eyed, slightly freaked look on there face, as if they have seen to many hardships in there life. Now across the hall from this room, is this large cookie buffet filled with a whole lot of different cookies in huge piles. It is waiting there for the audience tell a intermision of the band, but waiting so long people started making there way to it before the band shows up.

Then this huge ass bouncer shows up and stands between whats left of the crowd and the band equipment. His arms crossed he slowly scans the audience with a hard glare, a look just daring anyway one to do something wrong. Someone comes up to him and says, "Hey buddy, since you have to stand here, you want me to grab you some cookies?"

The bouncer looks over at him with a that hard, cold stare, "Yeah, get me some chocolate chocolate chip cookies!"

*might I add I absolutely hate those kinds of cookies, to much damn chocolate*

So some how I'm regulated to getting this bouncer's cookies as I am handed his plate. So I make my way over to the other side of the room to find everyone sitting or standing in small groups as they munch on there cookies. So I make my way to the buffet, and let me tell you I have NEVER seen a buffet bigger in my life, and there is nothing but cookies everywhere. SO I toss a few cookies on my plate and the bouncers, and just as I'm about to take a bite out of one of the cookies, a telvision in a far corner comes to life. A femal reporter sitting behind a desk, shuffling some paperwork, looks up at the camera.

"We have breaking news, a deep space transport has come up missing, here is some footage from the long distance scanners of a ship in the system."

Tje o,age switches to a space transport slowly flying its way through space as off in a distance one of those little cubes from the movie Hellraiser is flying fast towards the ship, the voice of Pin Head evident inside the box. I drop the cookie and groand softly, just knowing something nasty is to come from this. THe picture switches back to the news reporter," its seems we have some footage from inside the transporter of the final moments of the ship. We earge the audience to send the kids out of the room cause the next scenes are very graphic."

THe screen flashes to a camera view deep in the bowels of the ship with this large ass furnace. The doors are wide open, and this large metal plate sticks out from it. On top of this large plate lays all these naked woman writhing with looks of pure bliss on there face, and a guy in the middle of them with a horrorfied look on his face, his mouth opened wide in a silent scream. Each one of them on the plate are covered in these large gashes in there legs and abodmens, wide gashes that look like some one ripped there skin and muscles apart. Blood slowly oozing from the wounds, but the only one to seem to realize the gashes are there is the man in the middle of the writhing ladies. Another group of ladies are slowly pushing the metal tray inside the furnace, and this is where I notice Pin Head. He is standing on top of one of the furnaces off to the side, looking down with his arms stretched out before him, chuckling evilly.

As I'm watching this in horror, I realize thatI am no longer on the other ship standing in front of the cookie buffet, but now I'm the guy on the metal plate. Except I'm not naked, instead I'm wearing this tight black tank top and a pair of black pants with zippers at all angles up and down the legs and a pair of black combat boots. So I get up and start fighting my way out of the furnace before it gets turned on, while some large muscled woman runs to the back of the furnace and tries ripping this gas pipe out. So I get out of the furnace and start running down the metal grate walk ways, I can hear my boots click off the grate with each step. I look up and see that Pin Head is starring right at me with those dead, black eyes. I freak out and leap off the walk into the black unknown below. Before I fall down to far, one of my hands reaches out and snags one of tons of pipe works underneath the walk way. I can't see the pipes cause for some reason I never look up, but I keep swinging forward grasping onto a new pipe with each forward movement with complete confidence that it is there.

I spot Pin Hed out of the corner of my eye and realize he is watching me and following me along on top of all the furnaces. I know I got to do something to lose him or fool him. Next thing I know, I'm hanging from this long hose tht comes from teh ceiling then loops back up to it, the hose tucked uner my arms holding me up. My body is limp and my head is layed back with my eyes closed, as if I'm dead, but I'm not cause I can feel myself swinging back and forth. I hear Pin Head say in that chilling voice, "I see you, and I know you are not dead." So I keep my eyes closed tell I know I have fooled him to believe I am dead. So I'm swinging back and forth and patiently waiting him out,while deep inside I am freaking out. Finally I can sense he is no longer there, so I open my eyes open and see this large, rope net hanging from the ceiling to my left. There are these human size cacoons hanging from different points over it, and I don't even want to explore this.

So in a blink of an eye, I'm no longer swinging from the hose but I'm standing on a movie set. Flood lights and cables all over the place, and the back end of a old beat up van sitting in front of me. There is this guy standing next to me holding on to all these long strips describing to me how they are doing there next special effect to me, but I'm so dazed I'm not paying attention. Then the director calls for action and the back of the van doors starts bubblig and moving as if there is something behind the doors pushing on the doors but it won't open. Then the doors fly open and out walks slowy Pin Head rising his arms up in the air. The director calls for a cut and the entire crew begins applauding the return scene of Pin Head. The actor playing Pin Head gets this big, proud filled ginr on his face. Exposing more of the human side of the actor under the make up to me rather the monster he is done up in.

Then another flash happens, and I find I'm sitting in the mess hall of a space transport once again. Except this time I know I'm actor in a movie, and this time its nothing but a role. I'm sitting next to the star of the movie during the scene, John Malkovich. Except he has a lot more hair on his head then he really does, he does have these deep widow's peeks, but there is a ton of hair on top of his head the normal. And its coal black, making him look a lot younger then he is. He is leaning over the table, his elbows resting on it, running his fingers through his hair in a very nervous and anxious way. SO I'm talking to him why he feints listening to me, it seems my role in the movie is I'm the annoying gabber who tries and talk to the main character and make friends with him. Then a voice calls over th PA and we both know its calling John Malkovich to the Captain's corders, but I can't actually understand what she is saying. He gets up and walks off, as he keeps moving he turns and says to me, "Yeah sure, and when I get back you can play me a Eric Clapton tune." Now in real life I know who Eric Clapton is, but the movie is set like a few hundred years in the future, so I turn to the other people sitting at the table and say, "Who the fuck is Eric Clapton?" and they all have a good laugh.

Then I wake up, wondering what the fuck ws that and why do I always have these funky ass dreams. Well they are better then the normal dreams where everything goes how it would in real life. Those dreams are so vivid and so real I swear for the next day or two I have to actually think if I dreamed something or did it really happen.

Heh heh oh well.....this is my little fucked up life and I dream funky.

But on the bright side that dream was a preaty good idea for a new Hellraiser movie if I piece together right, and I have a lot of it pieced right in my head. And while I was thinking of the dream, wishing that we had some device that will record your dreams so I could show people my dreams like a movie and show them how vivid they are. And THAT spawned a new idea for a story/book/movie.....not sure yet but it sounds preaty good to me.

See......apparently this Freaky Weird shit can really pay off.


Michael Moore for 2004



It's about time - Wednesday, Jul. 07, 2004
An Honor for Chrome - Friday, Feb. 20, 2004
A great loss - Monday, Oct. 20, 2003
a terrible announcement. - Tuesday, Sept. 09, 2003
Chrome speaks: - Friday, Sept. 05, 2003

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