Friday, Feb. 08, 2002 - 1:16 A.M.

Things could be worse, I could be that asshole Fred Durst.


"I'm a media whore, with no talent, an unlimitless ego, and I have just pulled off the biggest scam to rip off thousands of orginal rifts and songs by holding a contest for my new guitar player."

The orginal meaning behind Fred Durst's words in an interview where he said, "the turn out is great and we are hearing all kinds off good stuff."

Well the year is young and already the bullshit has begun.

Well exploring a few of my favorite sites the other night, I stumbled across an article about the Limp Dickletz *aka Limp Bizkit* guitarist try outs in Guitar Centers across the states.

Here, go take a look at it yourself before you keep reading my diary, or the rest of this will only vaguely make sense to you.

Bizkit Bandits on UGO.com aka Under Ground Online

You done reading it yet? Good, now for my seething outrage of a entry.

To start, can not be completly sure if this e-mail is truth or a lie, but seeing how Fred Durst acts, I can believe it to be true.

How many unsuspecting people have just been ripped off by Fred Durst and Limp Bizkit just for the hopes to try out, maybe finally get there music career going, put all there training into making something of themselves. Now almost all of them, forced to play orginal rifts for this try out because of the "rules", have just lost any rights to something they created themselves. How many of them thought it would be a good idea to give them a CD of there band's music. Not realizing that all of those songs, unless previously copy writed which would have had them elimnated from the contest, now have no right legally to call that there music.

This scam is up there with the psychic phone lines and pyramid scams, only your not losing any money here, you are losing your right to say "I wrote that" or to be able to use it in any of your work used at this "contest" if Limp Bizkit chooses to copyright the work.

I have to wonder if this was nothing but a large scam by them, that there intentions where not to get a new guitarist but to find thousands of new songs and rifts, to make there jobs easier by getting everyone else to do it. Do they already have a guitarist waiting somewhere, and when this is all done, reveal him as the winner of this whole contest. Knowing full well ahead of time they where going to use this guitarist, but wanted to use this as a elaborate cover up to get the rights to so much music.

From everyone I have told about this already, there perspective of the band has radically changed, and many of them cann't even put words to the shock and outrage the feel.

This is proof that power can corrupt, that people will do anything and everything to stay in the spot light for that bright and shinning moment of feeling like a god.

And Fred Durst has proven that by no means will he hold back at a chance to screw over his fans just so he can get another fix of fame and fortune.

If this gets out big enough, it most assuredly will end his career faster then Vanilla Ice's.

Say good bye Fred Durst......cause we will all be happy to see you go, then piss on your grave.

Michael Moore for 2004



It's about time - Wednesday, Jul. 07, 2004
An Honor for Chrome - Friday, Feb. 20, 2004
A great loss - Monday, Oct. 20, 2003
a terrible announcement. - Tuesday, Sept. 09, 2003
Chrome speaks: - Friday, Sept. 05, 2003

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