Tuesday, Mar. 05, 2002 - 2:23 A.M.

Cleanliness is next to impossible.


"Holy shit, I am wearing pansy little red booties. Why the fuck didn't you tell me."

Jay and Silent Bob Strike Back

Well a a couple special ladies reminded me of a few important things I seem to forget on occasion.

Anenigma reminded me that on here, we all say a lot of things we never say in reality. So many things we wish to say to people for one reason or another, but feel comfortable saying these things to them for one reason or another. But on here, we can talk trash or say the things we are thinking all we want, even if we are all quite about it in reality.

Weetabix reminded me that quantity isn't whats important, but quality. That I may not apeal to a large quantity of people, but to the people I do apeal to, do like my work. I'm not sure about the whole "diarist's diarist" thing, I don't know if you could clasify me as the writer that other writers read, that being a preaty high honor all itself.

Either way you look at it, I do have a lot of fantastic people who read my dairy and which makes this all worthwhile and not just a means of getting off my chest all the things floating through my head.

Pardon me as I peal my lips from all your asses and get on with some resemblance of a entry.

Well I have been severly busy around my apartment for the past few days. You see, I got someone special coming to visit me and I want to make a good first apartment impression on her.

Don't need to have her come into my house with pizza boxes all over the place and the garbage stacked up smelling something a kin to wet card board and spaghetti.

So I'm going through my place with a fine toothed comb, cleaning up all the little messes I passed over, straighting up things to make it look more tidy, a genearl clean sweap of my apartment.

Now included in this cleaning is working on my bedroom aka the closest of the apartment. Seeing as I don't officaly have any closets in my apartment, there is a shit load of crap stacked in my bedroom in a not so organized manor.

Translation: Dude, did some one come in and destroy your bedroom or did a tornado just pass through here.

Not to mention I have to complety rearange the room so the bed is turned side ways in hopes of some room to walk around in there. Right now the only clear space in there is right in front of the door where I have to do all my dressing and undressling. In order to get on the bed, you have to slide up the lower right hand corner to get on my bed. So preaty much the largest clear space in my entire bedroom is the surface of my bed alone. The only solace I get from all this is that it is a small room, so really there isn't much stuff in there.

I have a feeling that sentence is going to come back and haunt my ass later this week. As I'm knee deep in old clothes, boxes of this and that and shit I should have un packed about a year ago but haven't gotten to it yet, that sentence is going to come and taunt me.

"Oh looky here, its amazing how much shit you you can pack in such a tiny space aint it. And you thought this wasn't going to be so hard....ha! Thats right I said ha, whatcha going to do about it huh?? Not like you can do anything since you are trapped in the funk of your bedroom.....well that and I'm only a regretfull sentence you have given a personality to just to justify this joke."

Though another brite side to this, cleaning my room will give me plenty of time to think up more strange shit like that for future entries.....cause I know how you all love the strange shit. How else can you explain coming here and reading my diary..heh.

On top of cleaning my room, I'm also going to bag up all my sheets, pillow cases, blankets, and comforters and give them a thorough washing. Cause nothing says lovin like washing out the smell of ass in your bed sheets.

Oh and on top of all this I'm also going to be shampoing my carpets and tossing out my old couch and chair for one big ass, wrap around couch.

Oh yeah, my place is going to reak of awesomness. Its going to be so slick you would swear Barry White is standing in a far corner singing songs of hot monkey lovin, thats how wicked cool my place will look.

Then again, like she is really going to know a difference since she has never been here before.

And yes I'm fully aware I did use words like "reak of awesomness" and "wicked cool". So the majority of my youth was spent growing up in the eighties....so sue me. That or make me listen to Culture Club 24/7 as I watch old reruns of Growing Pains.

On second thought, sue me instead, it would be the less painfull of the two options and I'd be able to keep clinging to what little sanity I still have left.

So if you haven't noticed by constant quotes at the top of my page, I have been watching Jay and Silent Bob Strike Back a lot since I have gotten the DVD. Which is a testment to how sad my social life is.

Though I have found it to be one hell of a movie to watch when you are backed out of your gord. My god, I thought I laughed hard watching it sober.....I nearly laughed my freakin balls off when I was more baked then Woody Harelson and his hemp loving ass.

Well, better to laugh my balls off then freeze them off out side. Good god, has it been snowing a fucking lot lately. All this winter its been unseasonably warm with the occasionaly light sprinking of snow. Now, being that its the begining of March and getting closer to spring, we now are starting to see the heavy snow falls of winter's past.

Man there is a lot of fucking snow.....

How much snow is there?

Well I'm glad you ask...

There is so much snow, a friend of mine thought his car was stolen only to later find it under a bank of snow.

There is so much snow, a family of Eskimos have set up base camp on my front steps.

There is so much snow, a coke head would cream his jeans at all the white on the main strip.

There is so much snow, moutain climbers have declared the snow piles here as the new K-5.

There is so much snow, I thought a large albino blob was eating the town.

just one more for good measure...

There is so much snow, the Abominable Snow Man has been spotted leaving town while muttering, "fuck, thats to much snow for even my furry ass."

Thank you, thank you, I'm here all week folks!

Seriously, can we not do something about all this freakin snow. I'm two feet and degrees lower temperature away from standing outside spraying aersol cans in the air while screaming, "fuck the ozone! Bring on that good ass green house effect!"

I think I just heard a enviromentalist quietly weeping in the distance after that sentence.

Michael Moore for 2004



It's about time - Wednesday, Jul. 07, 2004
An Honor for Chrome - Friday, Feb. 20, 2004
A great loss - Monday, Oct. 20, 2003
a terrible announcement. - Tuesday, Sept. 09, 2003
Chrome speaks: - Friday, Sept. 05, 2003

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