Saturday, Aug. 31, 2002 - 5:55 A.M.

I'm someone's dream boat.....or crazed beer seller with serious gas problems.


Well it seems a certain Madame Fromage has been having dreams about yours truely.

Seems she has been dreaming of me as some long, blonde, curly haird adonis peddling strange beers to her while wearing a baseball hat.

I find this preposterious!

By no means would I ever be found wearing a baseball hat ever.

But everything else is right on the money!

Well, except for the color and curls of my hair. Oh and I'm slacker so peddlng beer would REALLY cut into that. Yeah, ok, so the closest I've come to hearing the words adonis and my name in the same setence was when someone said..

"Hey, Chrome, move the hell out of they way you are blocking my view of that adonis!"

Ok, so I added in the adonis part to. I'm reaching for a joke here people, give me a break.

So, land mark occasion for me. I ended up in another diarylander's dreams. Even if I had painfull gas problems.

Strange, I just had spicy mexican food the other night and was farting the star spangled banner.


Yeah, pretty much.

So I picked up a paper the other day and I see on the cover a big bust the cops made recently. It seems on a regular check of the harbor, thye managed to stumble across a portable crystal meth lab run by two brothers.

So how do they catch these two diabolical criminal master minds?

The two brothers where seen running down the beach waving the smoke from there face rolling from there portable crystal meth lab. Seems not only where they dumb enough to park an illegal drug manufacturing lab RIGHT IN TOWN, but on a very conservative, very watched area. Then managed to start shit on fire, allowing the distinct smell of the drug permiate a couple mile radius.

Now to add on a little more humor on top of hearing a story of "the world's dumbest criminals". A couple miles here sits Crystal Lake. Not all that fair away from where the brother's where caught.

And the last name of the brothers....










I shit you not. You who are familiar with the multiple Friday the 13th movies will get that joke.

Friday the 13th part 253: Jason sets up a crystal meth lab.

This town and its occasional golden nuggets of entertainment I'm telling you.

Michael Moore for 2004



It's about time - Wednesday, Jul. 07, 2004
An Honor for Chrome - Friday, Feb. 20, 2004
A great loss - Monday, Oct. 20, 2003
a terrible announcement. - Tuesday, Sept. 09, 2003
Chrome speaks: - Friday, Sept. 05, 2003

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