2001-08-05 - 2:12 a.m.

Even I don't know what the fuck I'm talking about half the time.


"People checking there feces for fiber. You have to much free fucking time on your hands."

"Maybe I shouldn't be singing this song. Ranting and raving and caring on. Maybe there right when they tell me I"m wrong.....*flips off everbody* NNNNNNAAAAAAAHHHHHHHHHHHHH I'm an asshole!"

Denis Leary, No Cure for Cancer

So I'm talking to Gawain last night, and we both come to a conclusion.


Yeah sure, they are fun and loveable, and they make kids laugh and smile. But god damn dude, have you ever seen Stephen Kings IT. Now thats some scary ass shit. You get a guy acting a little bit wacko in a dark corner while wearing a clown costume. Thats some scary ass shit, and yeah know it.

Well, we where trying to figure out what to change about my main psycho in the story. And the trench coat thing, although very cool in the past and still preaty cool. Has been WAY over done to death. Just look at that trench coat mafia shit. Its been done to death , literaly.

And as respone to Gawain's entry, with the little bit about me. Yeah its true, as you can adviously read in my own diary. My spelling is absolutely atrocious *heh well sometimes I can spell a good 25 cent word, but you know what they say. Even a broken clock is right twice a day.* I'm lucky if I don't misspell the word THE. Its sad, I fucking know. And yeah, my grammar is aquated to watching a three year old try and write a coherent sentence sometimes. All I got to say about this is..... THANK FUCKING GOD FOR EDITORS!!!! he he..which isn't a valid excuse to keep doing the same shit over and over. I should *and will* go back to college and take some more english classes, and some creative writing classes. Maybe, tell then, I should really crack a few of these manuals on writing and proper grammar and shit like that I have. Unforutently, I have the attention span of a crack baby hopped up on no-doz. I guess being distracted by shinny objects could be attributed to some of my lack of focused attention.

Now, I got a friend moving to Maine *of all places*, and a few friends moving to Florida. And with my tendecy of being anti-social and just unable to put up with new people's load of horse shit. Thats leaving me with, well not many friends. And I'm moving where.....absolutey freakin no where *sighs*. Man, I got to get out of this shit hole that hell forgot. I'm running out reasons to stay here anymore. Other then the advious "don't have the money for it, or a place to go, or a place to stay where I go" problems. I just know I aint going to be able to get myself to go anywhere, unless I know someone there already. It just comes down to this, if I don't have any friends there already. It probably means I won't have any friends there at all. Oh sure, I'll have aquiantences, but no close friends. I'm just to anti-social for that shit. Plus, if I'm not in a enviroment I'm comfortable with, I don't feel like I can be my whacky old self. I sort of revert back to how I was like when I was a teenager, quiet and shy as hell. Man I got to get over this before I find myself some old ass shut in, complaing about those god damn whipper snappers around town.

Whoa hoo, it seems the friend I reffered to as the Wal-Mart Nazi has quit Wally World. Now he is disgruntled ex-wal-mart nazi. Now that would be so much more intersting if he decided to go postal on the place, but knowing my friends. About the worst thing he will do is flip off the place as he passes them on the high way. Oh well, Wally World is a waste of space anyway. And I have a very particular reason why to say that. Oh, I know what your thinking, "Oh please Chrome, fill the void inside me. Tell me your grand and glorious Wally World story...complete me!!!" ....damn you people have to much free times on your hands. But since you twisted my arm, I'll tell you my story.


Well, since roughly the age of 12, I have been budgeting and shopping for food. So, by now I'm preaty god damn good at it. Every month when I go shopping, I check out the sunday fliers for everything that is on sale at stores. Now, I'm so use to shopping that if I have bought a certain item more then like twice, I usually have the price of it memorized from the store I buy it from. Which is just handy as hell when making out a monthly list of meals and budgeting it out. But I love me some sales, nothing gets me charged up more then saving money when working out my meal list. Which is so sad.... it sounded so much better in my head...but now that I see it, its truelly sad I know all this shit. But anways, back to the story. So, I grab the sunday paper full of fliers, and pick out the stores I choose to shop at the most. Shop-N-Save *or as Gawain likes to say anytime he passed one. If I shop here will I N-save. Much funnier if you hear it rather then read it.* Save-A-Lot *yep, they really like there hyphonated stores around here.* And Meijers *which took so long to finally get built here, I was sure I would have grey hair by time it was built. Probably didn't help that they tried building the land on endangered swamp lands. Now lets just break down a few things they did wrong here. How could you not tell that was swamp land when you first started building it. Didn't all the mudddy, water soaked ground tip you off. So what happens, the freakin building started sinking into the swamps. Oh great thinking slap happy, I've always wanted to go shopping under water, thanks for fulfilling my dream. And endangered?!?!?! My god, I know as a culture we're hung up on saving anything we almost wipe out of existence, but its freaking land people. Get over it.* And do I get a Wal-Mart flier..nnnnnoooooooooooooooooooo. Some marketing genuis decided, "Hey, lets make the store bigger and ad a food market, so we can beat out the competition. But fliers.....eh fuck that. We don't need to let the people know what deals we have, let them figure that out for themselves." For a guy like me, that means one thing and one thing only. I'M SHOPPING AT YOUR COMPETITION NUMB NUTS!!!! How can I plan out a budget if I got to go there and walk up and down the freakin isles, looking for everything marked with a sales sticker. It just doesn't work out as well as sitting down with fliers, pad of paper and a pencil and figure the shit out before I go shopping. To me, this has to be THE DUMBEST marketing fuck up I have ever seen. I keep getting told how good Wally Worlds prices are, and how they undercut the competition. Which sounds just fine to me, but if your not willing to let me see what those sales are without going to your freaking store, I'm not shopping there. So fuck you Wally World, I'm going to Meijers and shit.

Well, now that I have rambled on and on incoherently, jumping off the subject more often then Evil Kenevil jumped is motorcycle over a bunch of shit. I'm going to go know and hope I make more sense some time later.


Michael Moore for 2004



It's about time - Wednesday, Jul. 07, 2004
An Honor for Chrome - Friday, Feb. 20, 2004
A great loss - Monday, Oct. 20, 2003
a terrible announcement. - Tuesday, Sept. 09, 2003
Chrome speaks: - Friday, Sept. 05, 2003

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