Thursday, Sept. 27, 2001 - 11:25 P.M.

Can I buy that soundtrack on cd and fear strange women cluthcing cheese graters


"Yeah, and maybe she will invite you in and you can do it to her red shoes diary style."

Idle Hands

I've come to the conclusion I must have a soundtrack to my dreams. It seems the majority of the time I wake up with a different song in my head. Then I walk around for the next hour or two with that song trapped in my head. It can get preaty fucking annoying I tell yeah, good thing its almost always songs I really like. I don't think I could handle waking up with the Macrena or a Ricky Martin tune floating around in my head, I would have to contemplate which kitchen utensils I have that will fit in my ear or above my eyeball and shove it in far and see how much I can fuck up my brain.

This morning I woke up with George Cliton and the Parliment Funkadelic's song stomp and another one also I can't remember the name of. I have no fucking clue why this happens and what the hell my wierd ass dreams trigger in my subconscience to get these songs going. I have such a variety of music floating through my head each morning. From AC/DC's Big Balls to Drowning Pool's let the bodies hit the floor, from Judas Priest's breaking the law to the song Oklahoma *I blame the movie Twister for this one..god damn sonsabeyotches!!*

The thing is I can't compare and contrast this to see if its normal to wake up almost everyday with a song floating through my head. This isn't like the older you get the more curious you get with your body and one day you find a mysterious lump somewhere and freak out tell you find a matching lump on the other side of your body. Everytime I mention this to other people, they just laugh and call me wierd.

Jeez, its hard to get straight answers from people when they all think you are a bit to wierd to be normal.

Which reminds me, reason number 3,452,654 I am not fit for public situations with friends. That trip to see Jay and Silent Bob Strikes Back. Well I thought it would be a good idea to grab me a large cherry coke then hit the bathroom, which I thought where on the way to the theater I was heading to. Oh no, I was wrong, the bathrooms where by the OTHER consesion stand. So I had to walk all the way over there and take a piss. So when I'm finally done shaking the one eyed devil dancer a few times, I decide that since I was so close to a consesion stand, I might as well take advantage of there free refills. Well, the consesion stand next to the bathrooms DON'T have cherry coke, I have to go to the other stand to get a refill. Not one to argue over getting free shit, I make my way back to the other consesion stand. So I got my free refill, my bladder is empty, and I'm ready to see some funny ass shit. I meet up with my friends at the ticket booth that handles one of ten theaters my theater is. Out loud as I'm walking to them, I decide to call out, as a joke mind you,

"I have never walked so far in my freaking life to take a piss and get a refill on a cherry coke!"

Well, sufice it to say my friends where embaressed over that, I think the family of five there to see some Disney flick was embaressed too, but hey.....at least I didn't yell out

"Man, I have never jerked off in a cleaner bathroom cubicle in my life!"

Which I didn't do mind you, but you know that would be some funny shit to call out in a crowded theater.

Oh and as little tip from your pall Chrome, don't watch Josie and the Pussycats high as a kite, cause the movie makes even less sense if you are. I mean the woman where hot, and there was some funny shit in there on occasion, and the music wasn't so bad in a light rock pop radio friendly kinda way. I just know I aint watching it again, not willingly anyway.

Speaking of movies, who in there bloody fucked up mind thought Nicholos Cage to be a good Superman!!! I know I'm probably baffling a quite a few of you, but here let me try and explain it to you. It seems it has been set up for quite awhile that a new Superman movie is coming out and Nicholos Cage is going to play him. What are they going to call it? Superman 2001, when the man of steel goes bald! Could they have picked any worse with this. Don't get me wrong, I like Cage, he has done some great flicks. I'm just thinking that even Tom Arnold could play this role better just cause he has a full head of hair! I think the only redeming factor in this new movie is when they got Kevin Smith to direct the movie. Which is starting to look he might not do it, especially since he has been contracted by Miramax to do the next Fletch movie.

ehgads, Nicholos Cage, you people in Hollywood think we're going to fall for everything as long as some one with a name is in the movie don't you!

Oh and as a final warning to all you readers out there. If you see Anenigma clutching a cheese grater with a crazed look in her eyes. Run like the freakin wind, drop everything and run like Ben Laden. Just run while screaming, "Don't tell me they feel like penis heads!!! Please don't say that!!!"

Just trust me on this, you'll thank me later.


Michael Moore for 2004



It's about time - Wednesday, Jul. 07, 2004
An Honor for Chrome - Friday, Feb. 20, 2004
A great loss - Monday, Oct. 20, 2003
a terrible announcement. - Tuesday, Sept. 09, 2003
Chrome speaks: - Friday, Sept. 05, 2003

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