Saturday, Oct. 13, 2001 - 7:18 A.M.

Hey lady! How about you take that check and shove it up your ass!


"Pleased to meet you, hope you know my name."

Rolling Stones, Sympathy for the Devil

I swear I wouldnt have such a problem going out in public if I didn't have to deal with the public.

So I'm out running around paying off bills, cause these damn companies keep persisting I pay for having gas and electric and shit, its outrageous I swear.

So my cable bill is so late I have to go directly to the main office a couple miles away from me and pay it off or say goodbye to all those channels for the weekend. Which is no big deal, I can just take the bus out there, and it don't cost much to do that either.

Well I THOUGHT it wasn't going to be a big deal, tell the driver picked someone else up. Seems she wants to go to Family Dollar, but she doesn't want any money so could he stop by a bank so she can cash her check.

Thats when I knew this day was all down hill from there.

So there is a bank like fifty feet away from Family Dollar that we stop at. Before she gets in I see half the freakin town walk before her, so I know this is going to be a long ass wait. So we sit there and wait for her to finally get her ass back on the bus just so he can drive her fifty feet more, I'm contemplating running up to the driver and paying the two freakin bucks for her ride and telling him to go.

So what feels like enough time to read the Kenneth Star report twice, she comes out of the bank with this fake sad look on her face. Seems she can't cash her check there...

ok everyone at once.....1...2.....3......aaaaaaawwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwww


So she asks him to drive to Family Dollar thinking she can cash it there. So we cruies across the parking lot, her constantly mumbling "just maybe I'll cash it there", me sitting in the back wondering where I could hide her body.

In and out of the store and guess what?? She can't cash the fucking check there, big suprise.

Hey lady, what the fuck are you thinking!!! If a bank aint going to cash your check, you can bet your ass a freakin dollar store isn't going to do it.

He is sitting there baffled, probably knowing he just drove this lady around to only find out that she won't be paying for it. I'm thining either the check is someone elses name and not endorsed and/or she doesn't have any ID and was hoping to pull a miracle out of her ass so she can pick up some knock off cheez its and those dollar store shoes that are all the rave.

So she asks him to drive her around to any banks he can find so she can cash this check, aparently he has become her personaly chauffer. Thankfully the guy decides dropping me off to where I am suppose to go is his next priorty.

As where pulling out of the parking lot, about to get back on the highway, she spots a grocery store across the street and starts asking him to stop there cause maybe she can cash a check even a fucking bank wouldn't take there.

So I can feel my bullshit meter busting through the top as I can see that all reason and cognitive thought has escaped the grasp of this lady.

So the entire time out to the cable company, she is pointing out all the places she thinks she can cash the check at, probably hoping he will pull over and let her check it out.

So an hour and half has gone by since I started this little trip, and I'm finally at the cable station. Now normaly cause its so far out of town, I can get the bus to wait for me to give me a ride back into town, especially since it only takes me a minute or two and it would be easier to sit there and wait for me instead of sending out another bus. But, unfortunetly with miss money bags there, he couldn't wait for me, so he would send out another bus.

Great, nothing cooler then hanging around a remote cable company building while waiting for a bus to come pick my lame ass up. So ar everything is SNAFU *Situation Normal All Fucked Up* I'm walking in there suspectiong to find a Evengilist, a Hari Krishna, and a Jehova's witness all in there with a prediliction to converting the unconverted.

Thankfully I didn't have bad enough luck to deal with the three stooges of religion that day.

I crank out a payment for my bill in record speed, then have to sit and wait for another bus to show up. To add to my misery, the large television in the room is turned to day time soap operas. So I supress a groan of misery while trying to block out Blake and Buffy in a torrid love affair only to find out she is pregnant, he has tiny brain clusters, and they might be brother and sister seperated at birth.

*lets out a mock gasp of suprise, drops the act and lets out a low fart*

Thats what I think of your day time soap operas.

So as I'm sitting there planing my hari-kari if I have to sit through this shit for five minutes more, breaking news comes through about some one in the NBC offices contracting Anthrax.

So they say the lady is doing ok now, and that Anthrax is not contractable from person to person and this particular strain only affects you if you come in contact with it and have open a open wound or sores or some shit like that. You know what they used to cure her of the Anthrax?? Anti-botics and penisilin. Ok I am so less paranoid about this whole Anthrax thing now. You can pump me full of meds you would normally give me to fit out a flu or a infection and I'm good to go. Well fuck then, bring it on bitch boy. I'd rather have that then get hit with VX gas, cause THAT is some seriously scary shit.

VX gas, accidently created by a guy who was working out a new formula to ferment his wine and bam, he created one of the deadliest bio-toxins in the world.

Symptoms of VX intoxication: Your skin will bubble and melt off yoru body, your internal organs turn into a gelatiounus mass, and your body convusles so hard that you will actually snap your own back.

And how do you stop this from happening you ask? Well you get yourself a syringe, a auto-injector is the best cause your body will probably be so racked in pain you probably have a tough time concentrating on pushing the plunger down. The needle on it will be something like six to eight inches long, and it will be filled with Atropine. What you have to do with this auto-injector is plunge the needle into your chest directley into your heart, and you have to do this sometime within the first minute of exposure.

Now here is the drawback to auto-injecting Atropine directly into your heart, other then the hole driving a long ass needle into it. If your body does not contain the toxins of VX or any other of the bio-toxins Atropine is used for, the Atropine itself will kill you.

To help out my description of this, here is the Webster's Dictionary definition of Atropine...

Main Entry: at�ro�pine

Pronunciation: 'a-tr&-"pEn

Function: noun

Etymology: German Atropin, from New Latin Atropa, genus name of belladonna, from Greek Atropos, one of the three Fates

Date: 1836

: a racemic mixture of hyoscyamine obtained from any of various solanaceous plants (as belladonna) and used especially in the form of its sulfate for its anticholinergic effects (as pupil dilation or inhibition of smooth muscle spasms)

Now as you can see, Atropine is made from belodonna, which does what it says there in small quatities. In the dark ages, alchemists also believed it could be used to make love potions with it. The thing is, in a large enough quantities, belladona is poisonious. Since you are already injecting it directly into your heart, hence sending it through your entire blood stream at rapid speed, and its definetly a large enough quantity, it could kill you instead if you are not effected from the bio-toxin.

Just to sooth your fears, the chances that the Taliban having VX is slim to none since its preaty damn hard to come across it outside of U.S. faculties.

Well, now that I probably scarred quite a few people with to much information, I'll get back to my story.

So I'm sitting at the cable station, waiting for my bus to pick me up, watching the news. After about fifteen to twenty minutes of waiting, the bus finally shows up. I have them take me to this pharmacy where I can pay most of my bills via electronic transfer, and the ones I can't do that with, they have Western Union money orders at a cheap price and sell stamps. Which works perfectly for me since they are like four blocks from my home, and on the way back home there is a mail box on the street corner.

So I get to the pharmacey and find that they are closed permanetly do to lack of business.

Oh when the shit rains it poors in large, peanut filled chunks I'm telling you.

Luckily for me, there is a party store directely connected to it, and entering through there I find I can still go and make electronic transfers, for now.

So I'm working out all my bills, and my money is a bit shy to pay any of them all off without completely ignoring another bill. Which wouldn't be so bad if the computer wasn't being a pain in the ass with my electric bill and not letting me pay part it off, instead kept demanding I pay it all off. Fine, I'll take a money order and a stamp then, means more money spent, but it will be payed off then. Oh, since the owners moved out of the building, there are no more stamps so I have to find somewhere else to get them. And of course I didn't bring any extra stamps cause well I had it all figured out down to the last penny and steps needed to be taken, so what could go wrong?

I should always doubt things are going to go wrong, it would be so much easier if I came over prepared.

So I start off with enough money to buy a playstation 2 with a memory card, which made me weep like a little school girl after she dropped her ice cream cone on the side walk. Now, I'm so poor I'd have to put a down payment for a snickers bar and maybe be able to get it in two weeks.

Well, at least I still have cable.


Oh, as a bit of a foot note to this entry, Gawain had to say about my whole describing VX gas in this entry.


god. you're kind of an ass.

heh, gotta love the guy Uncle Booby reffers to as the most politically incorrect memember of Diaryland, calling me kind of an ass.

Michael Moore for 2004



It's about time - Wednesday, Jul. 07, 2004
An Honor for Chrome - Friday, Feb. 20, 2004
A great loss - Monday, Oct. 20, 2003
a terrible announcement. - Tuesday, Sept. 09, 2003
Chrome speaks: - Friday, Sept. 05, 2003

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