Wednesday, Oct. 24, 2001 - 2:45 A.M.



"Would you like to swing on a star, carry moon beams home in a jar. Be better off then what you are, or would you rather be a pig."

You know what I really need right night, I need some time alone away from me. I'm telling you I'm getting real sick of being around me, and I swear I'm stalking myself. I go to the store and there I am, I go to the bowling alley and I run into myself renting shoes, I hit a bar and there I am hitting on some lady. I'd slap a restraining order on me, but I know me to well, it wouldn't stop me.

I wonder how much it would cost to pay a few thugs to break my legs and teach me a lesson.

Now reading Uncle Booby's entry about his favorite scary movies, it reminded me of my love of horror films.

Now I didn't always love horror films when I was a kid, they used to scare the crap out of me so I would hide my eyes and ask when the truelly scary parts where over. From Amityville horror to Hallowen to Friday the 13th the first one, I was scared shitless, tell I slowly begin to start to love watching them.

TO this day I still love watching a good horror movie real late at night in the dark, a real strong thunderstorm all the better.

Now my Dad has this story he told his friends one day, its when he realized at a real early age he knew I would be into horror films. The story is, its not to long after Jaws came out on HBO. We didn't have much but we did have HBO. I was real young, couldn't have been much older then four or five when this happened. So my dad is sitting in the chair, reading the news paper. He looks up and sees me watching the television as the begining of Jaws starts up. He thinks to himself it might be a bad idea to let me watch the movie, thinking its going to give me nightmares, but decides to just let me watch it tell I'm to freaked out to watch it anymore. At the beginging where the woman is swimming in the water at night and the shark is swimming around underneath her, I was sitting there watching it itently. Just when the sharks grabs a hold of the woman, I quietly whisper, "gotcha!" Which makes my dad laugh to this day.

This whole gotcha thing became a theme in my life aparently, cause my mother also has a story with me saying that. Working the time line out, this next incedent happened sometime after I watched the movie. My mother was having lunch with a friend in a small restraunt/ice cream parlor called House of Flavors. She is so intent in the conversation, she doesn't see me crawl down under the table. It seems I had dropped one of my match box cars down underneath the table, and went venturing to go find it. When my mother realizes I am crawling around under the table, she doesn't give it a second thought cause that was one of my favorite things to do in a restraunt as a kid. Well, back then, each both had a gap undereath the seats to the next booth over, big enough for a little kid to crawl through. The next booth over was a lady with a group of friends quietly chatting and peacefull in there lunch. Being a adventerous child, I crawl under the seats to right where her legs are. I don't know what possesed me, but according to my mother, I sat there very quietly with my hand stretched out before me, then all of sudden grabbed the woman's leg and softly said, "gotcha!" The lady unknowing of my presence underneath her as I grab her leg, screams at the top of her lungs and jumps out of the booth freaked out. Everyone looked under the booth to see me crowtched down there with a big grin and a look of mischeve on my face. My mother broke down in laughter as she desperately tried to apologize to this lady.

This could explain my love for scaring the crap out of people to this day.

Michael Moore for 2004



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A great loss - Monday, Oct. 20, 2003
a terrible announcement. - Tuesday, Sept. 09, 2003
Chrome speaks: - Friday, Sept. 05, 2003

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