Wednesday, Jan. 23, 2002 - 1:47 A.M.

Yes I know, I have nothing better to talk about then what I have watched recently.


"Who is this?"

"I'm the last one you will see if my wife and daughter are not alright."

Fox Network, 24

Oh man, I'm really digging this new show 24 with Kiefer Sutherland. I have been watching it from episode one and I'm really wishing I had started taping it back then.

This show is unbelievable, its like a long ass movie, continually pushing the boundries of television.

From dead bodies in trunks, to people being shot in the head. A woman getting her armed bashed by a crowbar then shot up with heroin to quiet her up. A mother sacrficing her body to the horny gaurd so he doesn't violate her daughter. Two dead assasins one of which Kiefer Sutherland cuts his thumb off to get a finger print ID of later. And a woman slicing open her wrists, blood spurting everywhere as it squirts out a major vein just so she wouldn't have to face the consequences of treason or having her child see her carted away in handcuffs.

Man this show rocks my boat house, slaps my ass and calls me Charlie, then convinces me to buy shares of Amway.

Very good continuing plot idea with great acting. I love the progress of the actors getting worn down as the show is shown in real time. If you don't understand that, let me explain.

Each show is an hour long, a hour within a single twenty four hour day. The first show starts at midnight, the day of the presidential primaries. With each show it gets an hour longer into the day, the characters grow more tired from being up all night, wounds persist on from episode to episode. They're only eight hours into the day and I'm anxious for each new episode to see how the story progresess and how the characters hold up the longer it goes along.

I have to say it has to be the most inovative television show this season, and maybe for the past several seasons. Its refreshing and very entertaining and I give big credit to the people who thought up the idea of this show.

Went about it in all the right ways, advertisment pulls you into the show with the intensity of it all. A big name actor as the main star, though Kiefer Sutherland hasn't been a real big name in many years, you still recognize it, which they hope is a good thing. Not only that, but they re-air the show on Fridays and then on Sundays with there afiliate channel FX.

The only thing missing from this show is me being payed the big mulla for giving up such a raving review of it..heh.

So I posted a recipe on Trinity's very own Public Recipe Diary.

Its right here in case you are interested in it.

I may or may not have posted it here before, or promised to post it here before. I don't know, can't remember.

I don't bother to remember trivial things like what I have done, where I have been, or whats my name. I'm just to busy going over every little detail of the last episode of 24, wondering how many more fucking days tell new episodes of Farscape come on the Sci Fi channel, and what is my current QB rating and how many takeways I have in Madden 2001.

As you can see, I'm a very busy man not willing to ponder such trivial things.

So I was watching this movie earlier today called Inherit the wind. It was a remake of a fifties movie starring Spencer Tracey and Fredich March.

This remake had more familiar Hollywood faces then you can shake a lawsuit at.

It had Jack Lemmon, George C. Scott, Bo Bridges, and a whole shit load of other recognizable faces I can't put a name to.

The movies is based on a true story, a case called The Hilsburo Monkey trial in Arkansas circa 1920's.

Aparently back then it was illegal to teach Darwin's theory of evolution in public schools. A man, a young teacher one day gave a speech, or as Jack Lemmon said in the movie,"a fable", to a class about Darwin's theory. Shortly there after he was arrested and the trial named by the media, "Milsburo Monkey trial" commenced.

With Arkansas being such a bible belt kind of place, Jack Lemmon's character who was the defending attorney, ran across many obstacles that the religious right found, "unfit, and a severe discretion of the law." With five witnessess, all highly regarded scientests and/or experts on the theory of evolution, was turned away being declared, "uncalled for," by the religiously biased prosecuting team and judge.

Jack Lemmon was then forced to use an expert on the bible and its words to prove his point. Thus the prosecuting attorney aka George C. Scott, takes the stand. Jack Lemmon's character made a very valid point I have never thought of myself. I'll do my best to quote it verbatim, but I can't promise anything as stated earlier about remembering trivial things like making a point or what state I live in.

Jack Lemmon: See this rock, how old do you think this rock is. According to the profesors at *can't remember the name* Univesity, the rock is ten million years old.

George C. Scott: Thats preposterious, with carefull studies of the books of Genesis, it has been proven that the universe is only six thousand years old.

Jack Lemmon: Alright, lets assume that is true. Now the universe was created in six days, but the sun wasn't created tell the third day, correct.

George C. Scott: That is correct.

Jack Lemmon: Now with no sun, how was it possible to keep track how much time elapsed. There was no day or night, no sun for the earth to revovle around and judge time by. So with that knowledge, is it conceviable that the very first day of creation could have been a twenty five hour day.

George C. Scott: *reluctantly* Yes, I guess with that in mind, its possible that the first day could have been twenty five hours long.

Jack Lemmon: So its conceviable that it could have been twenty five hours long, or twenty six hours, maybe twenty seven. How about a week, or a month, or maybe a year, or possibly ten million years. How would you know?

A very valid point and to give you something to think about and discuss with friends. Even my heavily religious friend Spanky couldn't argue against it, and in fact discussed heavily of it being a possibility.

Another point Jack Lemmon made is very valid and intersting, but not a point that is new to me since I have already put in depth thought to it.

"If God didn't want us teaching evolution, why would God plague us with a thing like free thinking?"

Not being a religious man myself, more of and agnostic, I still find religious conversations stimulating as long as I'm NOT and I repeat NOT talking to a fanatic so set in there ways that they are unwilling to budge on any point of the bible.

Of course, I really love exposing the hypocracy, lies, or inacuracies in the bible as my side of the argument. Use some simple logic rather then blind faith.

But, thats just me.

Michael Moore for 2004



It's about time - Wednesday, Jul. 07, 2004
An Honor for Chrome - Friday, Feb. 20, 2004
A great loss - Monday, Oct. 20, 2003
a terrible announcement. - Tuesday, Sept. 09, 2003
Chrome speaks: - Friday, Sept. 05, 2003

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