Thursday, Apr. 04, 2002 - 3:04 A.M.

Analyzing Fight Club...cause I'm bored and I feel like making a point.


So I was watching Fight Club recently, a movie I truely love as you can probably tell if you ever have looked at my profile. Well I happened to be talking to my mother when and off handedly mentioned watching it the other night.

Thats when she asked me why do I love this movie in particular. Now she does like this movie also, but she quiestions me once and awhile on things like this to see what I think about it. Its more like a test to see....well to put it as easy as I can, to see if my opinion is smart or not. Though when she asks me quiestions like this about movies or books and the such, she has a look on her face like she expects I'm going to say the "smart" thing and not just say something like, "cause I like seeing the guys pummel the living shit out of each other."

Why I love this movie is for multiple resons. First off it makes you think, think about how hard we all work to get a better job, find a decent career, how we judge each other by what career we picked and how much we get payed, and realize in the big picture of life, none of that means absolutely jack shit in the end. When you are dead, it won't matter if you bought that good couch or that large screen TV or if you got the largest stereo system possible. It makes you think about all the boundries that have been set by society and a need to "advance civilization". That we where not intended to spend day in and day out in a cubicle for eight hours a day just to earn money to buy crap that essentialy we don't need.

Its a radical philosphy that Tyler Durden spews and all his followers desperately grasp onto it as if hanging on for dear life. And why do they do that, because they are all desperately looking for a higher purpose to there life. A purose more meaningfull then what kind of car you drive and do you own your own home. With no real great wars in our generation, no great depresions to struggle against, the typical nature of man is repressed to fit within the boundries of a civilized society. With Fight Club, they see a way to break free of these boundries, be it only for a short period of time. Follow there nature and test there boundries...to finally get the answer to the life long quiestion that so many of us men live with, "when the chips are down, how will I handle the situation."

Though like any philospy out there, if you look deep enough into it, it will come to a point that it doesn't work and in essences contridicts itself. Like Tyler Durden's philopsy, part of it is that you are not unique and special, you are the same decaying organic mass. Problem with that is, all the followers of this philosphy see Tyler Durden as this great man that leads them to a greater meaning in there life, to make a difference in this complacent world. So if everyone is the same and not special, then how can Tyler Durden be so special to them by this philosphy? All philposphys, be they great or not, have there flaws.

The closest I can think of a "philosphy" that doesn't contridict itself would be what Socrates said.

"Wisdom is the knowledge that you know nothing."

Which makes so much sense as is, but if you try to expound on that sentence, then the flaws that are inherient to all philosphies will apear.

Now another thing my mother asked me about this movie was does the concept of the Fight Club itself apeal to me, the just beating the living shit out of each other. And truth be told, yes in away that does apeal to me, which left her quiestioning me why, which I did my best to try and explain it to her.

Deep down inside I wonder on occasion how would I do in a fight. Would I try and hide from it, run away, look for some kind of a way out, get my ass kicked, or would I find that I can handle myself preaty good. As disgusting as it maybe to so many people, to often a man is judged by his prowess either in the sack or how well they could stand up in a fight. Because of this preasure, so many of us find ways to prove ourselves, to test themselves out and see how they can handle it. I believe the majority of the men in the world feel the exact same way as I do about this.

No man wishes to feel impotent in there life, to come across a situation where they feel completely helpless to do anything to stop it, especially when we feel a need to protect someone we love. Sure, a lot of men may disagree with that while not having to deal with the situation. To sit in a calm enviroment and say, "I wouldn't fight because I don't feel a need to prove anything." Its easy to say that in a safe, calm enviroment, but how will they actually handle it when the situation is at hand. Say someone is beating there kid or molesting them, or maybe there wife or girlfriend are being raped while they are being held at gun point and forced to watch. What will they think when that situation comes to hand.....I'll tell you what they would think. They will be wishing to pummel that person to death to stop them, to protect the people they love. Hence why Fight Club apeals to so many men, its like a test to see if the situation did come up, could you beat that person who threatens the safety and/or sanity of there loved ones.

As sad and/or pathetic this sounds to so many people, its the reality of the majority of us men's nature to be the best protecter he can.

I'm not saying these feeling are exclusive to just men and that all men feel this way, but classically this is how its been during the entire existence of humanity.

And alose to break it down to a more vulgar and basic emotion, there is just something that feels so good beating the tar out of another man. The adrenalin rush, the feeling of victory through physical prowess, knowing that you have just conquered something....there is just something about it that is such a rush, plus can you think of any better way to eliviate pent of stress other then screwing your brains out.

I'm probably going to get a few complaints about this being a "stereo typical GUY" kind of thing.

Look, I didn't write these rules, I'm just forced to live by them cause I was born with a certain chromosone.

Michael Moore for 2004



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