Friday, Apr. 12, 2002 - 7:02 A.M.

I actually have better things to do then write an entry, if you can believe that,


Well, I had a very shocking moment last night.

Now you have heard me talk about my special lady Icey in here before. And to clarify something, I call her Icey because her online name is The Ice Maiden, not because I think she is frigid or anything. And since I don't use real names in here, I'm just using a condensed version of her online name.

Ok, so I use one real name in here, Spanky's. I have offically and legally changed his full name to Spanky, he just doesn't know it yet...heh.

Well, as I had mentioned in the past, she came to visit me for awhile, and neither one of us was sure when she would be back....probably not for a quite a long time.

So, I'm sitting her in my living room with Spanky when my door opens without a knocking. I'm thinking its one of a very few friends who are a little to comfortable with my place sometimes and just walk in without bothering to knock....don't even give me an advance warning that its an end to naked time. Just walk on in and ruin the great moment of naked time, putting an end to today's events like cooking bacon buck ass naked.

I should have won the gold on that event....god damn friends and there need to walk in on me.

Me and Spanky are sitting there staring at the door, trying to see which one of my friends it is. Stepping out of the front hall in full sight of me and Spanky comes....you guessed it, Icey.

In unison, I shit you not, me and Spanky said "holy shit!" in complete suprise.

She didn't call me, send an e-mail, instant message me, or left a cryptic guestbook entry leaving me quiestion the sanity of some of my readers...heh. She just drove down here in a rented car and suprised me.

Talk about a happy freakin suprise. Specially since I have been in a real down and funky mood the past few days.

Of course, my house is a complete freakin mess, but thankfully the dishes where done cause that would have just been nasty. Trust me, if you saw the condition of my sink area and national monument to eating piled hip high on every surface possible, you would have probably blown chunks.

Well thank god for friends who are easy to bribe, or those dishes wouldn't be done at all. Though as a tip to all you people who want to use your friends with promises of food or small dollar amounts, make sure you check up on there work. Cause they will sneak in some lazy ass work if you don't....heh

Well, I got a sexy lady sleeping in my bed....what the fuck am I doing here chatting with you people!!!


As a final few notes to this entry. If you rent thirteen ghosts, only watch it about half way through. See the Jugernaut in action, check out the wicked glass house in it, then find out the orgins of the house itself, then stop that freakin movie. From there on out, the movie is a complete disapointmen and an insult to your intelligance. Plus, the ending is so weak I could punch holes through the plot with a plastic spork.

Oh, and go see Blade 2, cause the action in there rocks out. Not a deep thinking master piece, but if you love seeing ass whoopin at its CGI finest....er, almost....then go see this.

Nuff' said, I got some cuddling to go do.

Michael Moore for 2004



It's about time - Wednesday, Jul. 07, 2004
An Honor for Chrome - Friday, Feb. 20, 2004
A great loss - Monday, Oct. 20, 2003
a terrible announcement. - Tuesday, Sept. 09, 2003
Chrome speaks: - Friday, Sept. 05, 2003

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