Thursday, May. 30, 2002 - 5:06 A.M.

I've said so much in this entry that I'm clueless what to name it.


I wrote a new Suck Ass Poem
You can go read it right here
Did I ever get a huge suprise today when I finally got online.

Now first off, I went thorugh my usual routine of checking my mail, looking at my diaryland stats, then read my favorites on diaryland followed by some good ol Angst Technologies.

So I feel a bit down that my hits from the day before are pitifull, especially after I just put up a new Monty&Dexter episode that day.

Eh....so I have very few readers.

So, I go on my way and begin reading my favorite diarys.

Ok, so I see that Weetabix has put a link/message to me in her entry. A message that makes me laugh and feel like a blushing, giddy little school girl all at the same time. An interesting feeling I must say.

Well, I'm thinking no one seemed to follow through on that link since I have my usual hits of the day. The usual low end of my hits anyways.

So, I keep running through my list and what do I see next. Madame Fromage has linked me in her current entry mentiong something about me saying butt cheese. Which to my recolection, I have never said once in this entire diary.....

Heeeeyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy wait a minute! I have never said it before, but because I felt a need to mention that she did say that, I have NOW said the words BUTT CHEESE in my diary!!! I bet she planned this all out, lulling me in with a false sense of hope JUST so I say the words BUTT CHEESE! She is diabolical I'm telling you....heh.

Ok, so that makes two people who have linked me on there current entry. Strange my hits don't seem to show any signs of it, but I guess thats just how it is sometimes.

Well shortly after that I come to a very popular diaryland site. I'm happily reading it and see there are a few links on in the entry. So I do the usual thing of running my cursor over it to see where the links go.....and....WAIT A MINUTE!! One of those links are to my site!! HOLY FUCKING POPE ON A PORN POGO STICK!!*don't ask me what that means, I have not a clue, it just sounded funny* Uncle fucking Booby has a link to my page in his entry.

Alright, so now I'm a little supicious about my stats seeing as I have gotten linked in three different diarys all in the same day, two of them I know for sure are VERY huge here in diary land.

So, I decide to go back and make sure I saw my hits right. Sure enough they where the wrong hits. It turns out the hits page on diaryland had not updated from the following day's hits. What I saw was the hits I got the day before yesterday.

And the hits I got yesterday? Holy fucking hell I have never come even CLOSE to that many hits with that many unique hosts EVER!!!

I about crapped my pants when I saw that many hits on MY diary. Then I realized I needed a shower and these pants need cleaning anyways, so I went ahead and crapped them anyways.

heh, not really.

I'm just really glad this super charged amount of hits came on a day I posted a new Monty&Dexter episode. First off, it would have really sucked if I had a bunch of new readers come and read one of my whiney/bitch entries, just wouldn't look good. Second, I'm really begining to like writing these Monty&Dexter stories, and I love the fact I got a quite a bit more exposure to new readers.

Now I know this is a one day thing, the entries that have my link will soon be replaced by new ones, and all the new people who followed the links will more then likely not come back for some more Chrome craziness.

Either way, this has been one hell of a day for my diary.

Ok, I got a little anouncement to make.

One of my closest friends in the real world has finally gotten around to making his own diary here at the place I like to call my home away from crap home.

You all know him as Coco on here, but his diary you shall know him as Necro-Fetish.

Ok, I'd rather not explain what his obsession with dead people is, I'll leave it up to him.

Though you may know him as another name on his diary, but forever shall he be known as Coco on here because I find it funny to call him that and its a hell of a lot less disturbing then necro fetish......jesus, he really needs to get out more often...heh.

Earlier tonight Willow brought me a newspaper article she thought I would be intersted in.

Its a list of the shows in order of viewers by the Nielsen ratings.

Which I'm really wondering how the hell you become one of these Nielsen people since I watch so much god damn TV. The idea of getting payed to watch it....hog heaven baby, hog heaven.

On this list they also have a little number one by some of the shows to signify which ones have been cancelled.

So, lets run these shows down in order of how they showed up on the list.

1 and 8 - Friends - 24.5(million)/18.5

How the hell does this show get TWO slots on the Nielsen rattings? Aparently the number eight slot is reserved for the times Friends was shown at 8:30. I like the show, but I find that sort of cheap.

9 - Will&Grace - 17.3

I love this show, I'm glad to see its this popular.

15 - Inside Schwartz - 15.1 - cancelled

Now I liked this show, very interesting twist on a sitcom. So someone explain to me how you can end up in the top twenty most popular shows via Nielsen ratings with 15.1 MILLION viewers and STILL get cancelled. I'm preplexed by this.

49 - Weakest Link - 10.3 - cancelled

I'm not suprised this one was cancelled. I couldn't stand that woman anyways.

58 - Ed - 9.8

Now I don't watch this show, but I sure as hell hear enough about it from Uncle Booby. I'm sure he will be pleased to know he will still be writing articles about it next year since its not cancelled. Though judging by how he acts when the season finale has come and passed, I'm not sure how happy he is going to be.

63 - Bernie Mac Show - 9.5

I really like this show, Bernie Mac is one funny mother fucker. And the woman who plays his wife....GOOD LORD is she fucking hotter then hell!! I want to add a lot of cream to that coffee if you get my drift.

67 - X-Files - 9.1 - cancelled

I'm not suprised by this one. Personally I lost a lot of interst in the show when Fox left and Scully pretty much played a bit part through most of the season.

89 - Titus - 7.9 - cancelled

Mother fuck, I loved that show. I thought it was one of the funniest shows on tv and always looked forward to a new episode. I blame those assholes over at FOX for switching it from a really good night, to a real shitty night with a horrible time slot. Ignorant bastards.

91 - Greg the bunny - 7.4 - cancelled

I got this article from Willow two hours after I just got done watching Greg the bunny. Now it wasn't the greatest show in the world, but I've always been a huge fan of Seth Green. For that alone, this is a disapointment.

93 - Undeclared - 7.3 - cancelled

Hey now, this was a very good show and pretty orginal. You see, this is what you get for taking a show off the air for so long, the ratings suffer and the show gets cancelled all so a network can air some crappy specials or some new up and coming shows they hope crack that top ten list.

93 - The Job (tied)- 7.3 - cancelled

HOLY MOTHER FUCKING SHITTY ASS MOTHER FUCKS!!!! I am so fucking pissed with this one I can't even convey my feelings via words. I'm just pretty much foaming at the mouth, turning a deep shade of red, growling, and sending curses to ABC about demons infecting there stool samples. How the fuck do you let this shit go!!! Denis fucking Leary you sumabitches!!! You see, this is the true example of how to completely fuck up a show. ABC would air like five episodes, then take it off the air for a couple months, then bring it back for a short stint then once again remove it. How the fuck am I going to be a fan when I NEVER know when the mother fucker is going to be on the air...huh....HUH!!! I hate ABC with a fucking passion and this was the FINAL show I was watching on that god damn channel.

114 - Dark Angel - 6.5 - cancelled

Oh my fucking lord I didn't see this one coming. I thought this show was doing really good. Now I've come to find out that they have taken my baby, Jessica Alba, away from me. Taken away my friday nights of obsessing about smacking that ass and making her call me daddy.....if it wasn't for the wife on Bernie Mac Show and the wife on Grounded for Life, I wouldn't know what to do with all this ass slappin need.

Maybe run over to Wisconsin and show Weetabix's husaband how to give a proper ass slap with his left hand...me being left handed and all.

heh, I've grown quite a little obsession with the idea of spankin well rounded and fine asses.

I might need therapy....or a few volunters.

Michael Moore for 2004



It's about time - Wednesday, Jul. 07, 2004
An Honor for Chrome - Friday, Feb. 20, 2004
A great loss - Monday, Oct. 20, 2003
a terrible announcement. - Tuesday, Sept. 09, 2003
Chrome speaks: - Friday, Sept. 05, 2003

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