Saturday, Jul. 20, 2002 - 1:29 A.M.

The truth about truth.com as I see it.


As senor BDC has pointed out, I haven't updated that much this week.

Why, he asks.

Well, its a simple as this, I've been creatively blocked as of late. Couldn't think of a damn thing to say.

If, for some fucked up reason, all it took for me to become a mutli-millionare and get to pick my top ten ladies I most want to play "hello kitty, meet my bologna" with is by writing one setence of my own making. At best I would have gotten a roll of nickles and naked pictures of Rosie O'Donnel.

Thats how creatively blocked I've been.

Not to mention my life has been so boring at best I would be describing to you what I watched on television while picking frito corn chips out of my navel.

And no one wants to read that shit, seriously.

Oh, I could have gone into yet more greater detail about the escalades of my pal Spanky's band Stone Hog. But how much could you handle the ravings of someone elses band before I begin looking like a crazed fan boy hoping to get head by association.

Hell, I couldn't even think of a decent Monty & Dexter story. Which is how I bullshit my way through an entry without actually discussing me, my life, or topics that concern me. While at the same time stretching my creative boundries and getting a decent sized, unbiased *mostly* audience to read it.

Thats a double score for me buddy.

Guess what though. The block is gone, I'm back baby. Get ready cause I've come up with quite a bit of shit to talk about.

First, let me introduce to a crazy ass friend who has recently gotten himself a diary right here on diaryland.com.

He's a bit strange, a bit cookie, and a bit spookie, but he definetly has got some shit to say.

So run over to Brainbanger's diary and tell him Chrome sent your monkey ass on over there.

Ok, gotta mention a little bit about Gawain, the evil arch-villian

If you haven't read it, then go read it not. Its most definetly worth your time.

First off, despite his want to klll us all, the man has made some very valid points. Things I think of quite often but have gotten frustrated thinking about them for so long, I've grown stagnent and unwilling to discuss do to its futilety.

And lets face it, despite how angry he gets, that mother fucker is one funny ass bith boy I'm telling you. He threatens to wipe out my humanity....

I'm laughing my balls off.

He tried recruting me as his offical henchmen/side kick, but I said fuck that.

I aint down with wearing an eye patch and a hump, buddy. Just not my style. And that whole "abuse the side kick thenhave him take the fall as he gets away" shit, just aint happen.

Though, ChrisB, expect an aplication and your mandatory "kick my ass, master" sign in three to five working days.


I"m getting more google hits from mentioning Temple 3 Ragga Dagga then I care to mention.

Every day, more hits looking for Ragga Dagga. Am on the front page of the google hit for Temple 3 Ragga Dagga, was once the number one page for that search. I'm getting e-mails asking me if this shit is for real or not.

Why do I mention this you may ask.

Cause I can always go for more hits, thats why.

Plus, really, I have no clue what this shit is really. Which is funny I get so much traffic from it cause I made fun of one e-mail I got from someone trying to sell the shit.

Google is the cruel mistress that gives you a sympathy hand job once and a great while.

I had a very intersting conversation with a buddy I talk to called OzAndy.

Canadian born, Australian raised.

Try not to hold that against him....heh.

Now part of the reason this conversation is intersting is because it finally gave me something to talk about on here. Removed that creative block thats been frustrating me.

Now I would have put it up last night, but by time we got done talking about it, I was to dead tired to even bother putting it up here.

Little did I know I would find so much shit to talk about since that conversation last night.

OzAndy and I, being both smokers, where bitching about the anti-smoking campaign currently at large.

This conversation started because a local pub him and his lovely wife went to has a ban on smoking in doors there. Though it seems they do, like many pubs in his area, have a ton of slot machines in it.

Pretty much saying, "Hey, gambe your life savings away buddy, just don't you dare fuck up your lungs awhile you are doing it."

First off, those damn truth.com comercials are driving everyone insane. I'm seeing non smokers looking to buy a pack because lets face it. Over zealous, self rightgeous youth cramming there belief structure down everyone's throat like Kevin Spacey in Seven with glutony. Its as annoying as sticky tape on new CDs, spam mail, and presidents hypocriticly preaching better business ethics combined ten fold.

Though I'll tell you now, don't bother looking for that campaign on the offical truth.com web page. All you will find is "inovations for windows, patio doors, &skylights".

It took me awhile, but I did finally find the actual web page for this campaign and you know what. Not anywhere on there could I find who sponsers this fervent campaign.

So, this is my theory of where the money comes for "truth.com".

I think its a govermentaly subsidized program that they aren't willing to let publically know it is. The money I believe is from the supreme court case results against the seven big tobbacco companies. As part of this ruling, each of the companies where to give a large sum to anti-smoking advertisment geared at the youth.

This, I believe, is where the money comes from.

Now thats a true case of bitter irony if I ever heard one. The largest and most annoying anti-smoking campaign is sponsered by the very people they are campaigning against.

And here is why I think the goverment is not willing to connect themselves to the "truth.com" campaign.

The United States goverment has been on a long term campaign to make us all a more healthy nation. From apointing Arnold Swarzenagger as the head of the health adminstration, to giving tax right offs to overly obese people willingly losing there weight.

With that in mind, and the case against big tobbacco companies, the goverment has established a pretty hefty taxes on all tobbacco related products.

So what does this mean?

It means, the goverment, while pushing for a more healthy nation, are profting heavily from all the smokers in the country slowly killing themselves each and every day.

Sure they claim to want a "healthier" nation, but what they are really saying is "don't be fat you over eating bastards, but keep on smoking."

So they don't connect themselves to the campaign in fear of it being to successfull and watching all that glorious tobbacco tax dwindle to a pultry sum.

At the same time they can feel moraly justified by establishing such a campaign while aspeasing all the non smokers at the same time.

Sitting high on the throne of morality while lining there pockets thickly with the overly taxed luxury product that makes there "a healthier nation" hipocrtical by default.

The truth hurts, doesn't it.

Michael Moore for 2004



It's about time - Wednesday, Jul. 07, 2004
An Honor for Chrome - Friday, Feb. 20, 2004
A great loss - Monday, Oct. 20, 2003
a terrible announcement. - Tuesday, Sept. 09, 2003
Chrome speaks: - Friday, Sept. 05, 2003

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