Friday, Aug. 30, 2002 - 12:26 A.M.

Something that sounded funny in my head, but did not translate well in written form.


As many of you long time readers have already come to realize. I am a walking human slap stick comedy act just waiting to happen.

Let me give my most recent proof of this.

You see, I'm on my computer late at night when I'm cranking out these entries. Spending a few hours here reading other people's diarys. Like for example Weymouth66 who I mistakingly said didn't give me a hint on the "Lost in translation contest" who he was. Being the dumb ass I am as I assumed that wasn't his diaryland nick.

Whoa, is my face red. I really need to pay more attention.

Well since I'm primarly sticking to only my computer at that time, I turn off all the lights in the rest of my apartment and leave me with just my desk lamp on.

Here lies the problem and why I should probably put up motion sensor cameras everywhere in my apartment so I can make some money off my own stupidity.

Why not, a lot of people are doing it each and every day.

Now to help ilustrate this little story, heres a simple floor plan I did up of my apartment.

Nifty....aint it.

Yes only here at my diary can you see shitty not scaled floor plans. I'm special like this.

So as you can see the desk is a good distance away from the bathroom. Plus there is a partial wall blocking any light from the desk lamp to the bathroom door. A a very dark brown door that magicaly blends in with the blackness of night.

Now tere are two reasons I keep my bathroom door closed when I'm not in there. One, its cold as hell out and my space heater does a shitty job. I can live with a cold bathroom if only to spread the heat to other rooms. And two, well shit stinks, lets face the facts. And really, I don't need to be smellin my own ass every time I dump a load and go back to my computer.

So, naturally, I close my bathroom door. And eventualy I have to go back there sometime during the night or my bladder will strangle me in my sleep.

Now since I was a dumb ass and didn't put any windows on the floor plan. I tell you now there is only one window in the main living room, which faces a alley way, and none in the bathroom. So no real natural or artifical light coming through to either room.

What I'm saying is....ITS FUCKING DARK IN THERE MAN!

So I'l be sitint here doing the leg bounce bit to avoid going to the bathroom tell I can't hold it anymore. Finally I'll leap up and run to the bathroom and.....


Face first into the bathroom door.

ouch.....mother fuck.

Seriously, at night its so dark in there I can't see a difference between the open space of the bathrooom and the door itself. Looks all the same to me in the dark.

Oh or the worst thing is when I stub my big toe on the door which has an in grown toe nail I'm to lazy to take care of.

To many a time have I spent stumbling around in my dark living room cursing like a sailor after he finds out that hooker isn't a woman.

And really I dont even know why I shared this story which has turned lame so quickly.

Whoa....I really should contemplate getting a life or something.

eh......I'll do that tomorow.

I can't be bothered right now.

Michael Moore for 2004



It's about time - Wednesday, Jul. 07, 2004
An Honor for Chrome - Friday, Feb. 20, 2004
A great loss - Monday, Oct. 20, 2003
a terrible announcement. - Tuesday, Sept. 09, 2003
Chrome speaks: - Friday, Sept. 05, 2003

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