Thursday, Dec. 26, 2002 - 5:23 A.M.

Post holiday confusion.


Christmas has come and past. Well, not completely for me.

See it turns out my mom came down with a hard hitting case of the flu and was so sick Christmas day that my brother, mother, and I just spent the morning exchanging and opening gifts. Then we called it a day then and rescheduled the games and dinner for this coming Sunday.

Well since that didn�t take that long, I decided to spend the rest of the day noshing on some really good bagels and getting a sensory overload of Trading Spaces. Ok so I never reached the sensory overload level because I�ve become so hooked on that show now. I probably would have if eight episodes in I didn�t get so tired I needed a nap.

Couple things I learned from my Trading Spaces marathon *ok a few I knew before, but this is the best time to bring it up.*

If I was to get on that show I would have Vern design my room, if I got to choose. An architect into clean lines and wickedly cool looking rooms, he is the designer that best suits my tastes. So far I have not seen a single room Vern has done that I didn�t like and envy in a way.

Another thing, Paige Davis is cute and all, but I�m over her and have moved on to some sweet, sweet Geneveive lovin. Gggrrrooowwwlll, helllloooo nurse!

Would it be wrong of me to sign up to show and demand Vern does my room and Geneveive works on the one I�m working so I can get close to her and admire that beauty up close?

And one last thing, I was slow to like Doug, but I�m really beginning to dig that guy. Sure he can be somewhat of an ass sometimes, but that�s usually after they question his �vision� on the room only to later find it to be fantastic. Well, not all the time because he has done some nasty looking rooms. Though he has given me the joy of actually seeing one woman weep at how much she hated her room, so go Doug.

Ok that�s enough of this raving about Trading Spaces.

Fuck, this asshole is right. I am turning into Martha Fucking Stewart.

Damn it.

Ok as if the Trading Spaces Marathon wasn�t bad enough. I ended up getting creative while cooking an improvised dinner tonight.

Jesus, the more I talk the more I concrete this Martha Stewart shit.

Seeing as dinner was moved abruptly I had to come up with something to eat on Christmas night. I have a shit load of skinless, boneless chicken breasts sitting in my freezer right now. Exceptionally good sale on four pound bags, buy one get one free. So I figure I need to start eating that up before it gets frost bitten, but I didn�t want a piece of bland chicken.

That�s when inspiration struck. I know Worchester sauce goes horrible with chicken and I have not teriyaki sauce, but I want a good, thick dark sauce with this chicken sauce. Then I remembered the two bottles of balsamic vinegar I have in my cupboard and an idea came to me.

In a pan on the stove I very slow cooked two pieces of chicken in a small pool of balsamic vinegar, making sure to cover each piece. Then I sprinkled it with Italian seasoning, lemon pepper, garlic and onion powder, and a dash of season salt. I cooked it so slow tell the balsamic vinegar mixed with the seasonings; tell it reduced to a nice, thick sauce. There was enough there to cover each piece liberally and have some left over to dip fresh cut pieces in. And just at the end of the cooking I turned up the heat and blackened each side a bit.

That chicken turned out bloody fantastic!

I was surprised, I thought the vinegar would be over powering, but with it reduced like it was it didn�t. Problem is the flavor the chicken contradicted way too much with the chicken and broccoli flavored rice I had with it. So I�m thinking next time I�m going to thin slice some potatoes. I�ll season each one with a bit of season salt and some fresh garlic and cook it in a thin layer of oil till they are crispy.

Holy fuck, what the hell am I turning into?

Shit I need a beer, a pizza, and a football game, quick!

Well since my nap was exceptionally longer then originally intended. Making me miss pretty much the rest of the Trading Spaces marathon, damn it. I�m heading out early morning to take advantage of a video rental gift certificate, a yearly gift my brother gives that I love. And to return the one DVD I got this Christmas since it�s a duplicate of what I already have.

Irony in that it�s a copy of Chasing Amy, a movie I had a tough time finding on DVD for several years. Now I have two copies of the freakin movie. I�m hoping in the confusion of after Christmas returns I can pawn the unopened DVD to Wal-Mart and get a replacement.

Yes I have no receipt; it was a gift I got for Christmas that I already have a copy of.

Alright so it wasn�t originally bought at Wal-Mart if you are going to get all technical about it. Though there is no distinguishing marks to show it didn�t come from them so I figure I can work that deal out no problem.

If not I have no clue what I�m going to do with it. I�m hoping I can trade it for another DVD I�d like and make sure my mother is none the wiser about it.

Why yes that is the DVD you got me for Christmas. I just love the hell out of it! Thank you so much.

Hey, that�s my freakin story and I�m sticking to it.

Michael Moore for 2004



It's about time - Wednesday, Jul. 07, 2004
An Honor for Chrome - Friday, Feb. 20, 2004
A great loss - Monday, Oct. 20, 2003
a terrible announcement. - Tuesday, Sept. 09, 2003
Chrome speaks: - Friday, Sept. 05, 2003

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