Wednesday, Oct. 17, 2001 - 4:49 A.M.

I'm freakin sick here, wheres my god damn binky!


"You stupid, dumb shit god damn mother fucker!"

The Offspring, Bad Habit

GREAT! I'm sick, I hate being sick. I'd rather sit through five hours of home shopping network then be sick. Ok thats a lie, cause five minutes into watching it *unless its there knife collectors hour, then that time stretches to fifteen minutes* and I start wishing I was sick rather then watch this shit. Of course thats a serious waste of a wish, cause I could just use the remote control instead.

Did I mention I am really not funny when I'm sick? Of course I have, its right there above these words, jeez pay attention people.

So my head is all stuffed up, my nose is drooling more then a mental patient, running faster then a marthon runner going for the gold. My chest is all congested, my breathing so labored I have thus gained the lung capacity of a three year old child with emphasima. I blame the lack of breath on the invisible elephent who decided to park its ass right on top of my chest. I coughed so hard earlier I swear I saw my liver fly out of my mouth and splatter against the far wall with a wet thump.

I"m figuring at this rate of getting sicker with each new day, in two days I'll be laying on my back on the floor rolling helplessly around coughing and wheezing, to weak to even raise my ass up off the floor, crying for my binky.

Ok, so I won't be that bad, and no matter how much I'm told all men act like big babbies when there sick, I'll keep my complaints down to a low grumble.

But to break that argument of being a big baby down to a sexless related quiestion. How many out there don't like being nutured and takin care of when your all sick and feeling vulnerable, raise your hand if you don't like taken care of when sick.

*takes a quick hand count*

Thats what I thought, everyone wants to be taken care of when there feeling sick, its a natural feeling. And to all of you who did raise there hands, I aint buying it cochese, so drop the act and get with the program bub.

So I'm getting preaty damn close to my 100th entry in this diary. Its hard to believe I have babbled that much on this site, but the numbers don't lie.....really they don't...well on occasion they do, but there seeking consouling as we speak.

So I decided my site needs a brand spankin new look to it, so I get a idea going and go buck wild on my Paint Shop Pro. After a few hours of tinkering around, I come up with, what I think are some good looking graphics. Not wanting to reveal the graphics to soon, I set up the html on another web site I have to perfect the final touches to it.

So, I got preaty much the layout finished for the new look, when I reveal it to Gawain for the first time, get his opinion and a some help to work out a few things. He takes one look at it and says this.....

Gawain: ohh. thats pretty damn good. when did you suddenly develope talent?

Well gee, so nice to know he holds my skills up to such a glowing review before...heh.

So I get some help from him on working the table I want for my main entry. Him being the net guru he is, explains to me how I got to set it up. I take one look at his explanation on how to do it, and I just about smack myself for not figuring it out myself.

Nothing erks me more then being so preplexed at something, I'm completely lost, then finally seeing how it works and realizing it is so simple I have to wonder how the fuck didn't I get that before.

So preaty much all of it os done, just some more finally touches when I finally load it up on this page. It should be up in the next few days or so. I orginally was going to put it up as my 100th entry, but unless I crank out few entries a day for the next few days, it aint gonna happen. I'm to impatient to wait the week or so to have this be put up. I really am proud of my work on it, and hope you readers will enjoy it too.

Bright side to this though, this entry just put me one closer to 100, so maybe just maybe I'll acomplish my task how I wanted to in the first place. That or I'll just lie my ass off and hope none of you check my profile to see it really is my 100th entry and call my bluff.

You know, I really shouldn't tell you I'm going to lie before I actually do the lieing. It makes it so hard to have the lie come across as believable then.

Oh well, I'm playing my "I'm sick, give me a freakin break here" card on this one.


Michael Moore for 2004



It's about time - Wednesday, Jul. 07, 2004
An Honor for Chrome - Friday, Feb. 20, 2004
A great loss - Monday, Oct. 20, 2003
a terrible announcement. - Tuesday, Sept. 09, 2003
Chrome speaks: - Friday, Sept. 05, 2003

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