Monday, Oct. 29, 2001 - 5:53 A.M.

Hey George....how about you make with the jokes soon buddy....I'm losing it here!


"Kicken your ass would be a pleasure."

Nickle Back, Never Again


Could I have been anymore bored this weekend?

I know this one......wait, don't give the answer.....

Invite a group of mormons over to discuss the bible in detail, playing barney videos on the television while drinking nasty tea and eating fat free cakes.

Oh wait, thats how to get me from 0 to homicidal tendencies in nothing flat.

So I find myself doing cleaning this weekend rather then.......oh I don't know....something fun and not mind numbing boring!

Spending Saturday night washing dishes is the best way to confirm to you that you have no life.

Though I did finally start working on rearanging my book shelf, throwing away paper work and junk stacked up on them, dusting and polishing the shelves. So I'm about half way through the project when I realize.....god damn I got a lot of freakin books! I got three book shelves nearly full of books, a crate or two packed away with books, and several books scattered around the house. I also have a good amount of loose paper work and box sets from games I want to store away. Which then I also realized I hadn't clean out my front hall yet, to see whats in those boxes from movng here more then a year ago and then storing shit in nice little crates in a orderly fashion. Since I didn't have that cleaned out, rearranging my shelves and cleaning them up sort of became a complication, cause now I don't have any place to store half the shit.

So I said fuck it..........I'm not that bored and I really didn't want to do it. So now I got big stacks of books propped up here and there, a pile of it on the floor of my living room. It preaty much looks like a library exploded in my living room and someone made a half assed try of at organizing it all, but not putting it up on the shelves.


Its party freakin central at the chromer's pad this weekend.

So what was my alternative to all this? Well lets see, I'm flat broke so I couldn't even buy a half a stick of gum to freshen my breath. So whats left.......oh yeah, get so trashed I make a complete jackass of myself, then wake up the next day feeling like shit and wondering what the fuck did I do last night and where the fuck am I, and who the fuck is that in bed with me wearing a tube sock on there head??

Well whoopity freakin do!! Where do I sign up for this ride.

Michigan, land of christmas trees, cherries, indian casinos and drunken white trash tipping over your cows.

Yeah, I can see that being a great slogan to put on your licence plate.

Well I do have something I am really looking forward to next weekend, and no I'm not talking about thanks giving. I'm talking about the new George Carlin Stand Up Comedy Special called Complaints and Grievances. It is live at the Beacon theater in New York City November 17 at 10 PM eastern standard time.

The minute I heard this was happening, I couldn't freakin wait tell it happens. I have been dieing for some good uncensored stand up comedy. Sure Comedy Central has plenty of it on there, but a lot of the comedians suck and they all have to censor themselves for cable television. Now this will be HBO, uncensored and comercial freakin free! Plus, George Carlin is just fucking funny as shit. I remember watching his stand up comedy acts along with Richard Pryor, Bill Cosby, and Eddie Murphy when I was a little kid. And now for him to come out with another one! I'm in angry, judgmental, thinking man's comedy heaven here. I need to get me a fresh blank video tape and record that mofo.

Now if I could just get Denis Leary to have more stand comedy specials and move them from showtime to HBO, and some more of those skits/stand up comedy hours of John Leguizamo.

Oh, and to all you people who have signed my guestbook saying hello or how much you like me, thank you so much, its apreciated.......really...I mean, you are getting apreciation from a bitter and sarcastic smart ass here.....mark it on your calender, cause you won't see it again for quite awhile.

I have contemplated getting a messenger board on this web page, but the thought of three or four messages a month is quite depressing, even for me.

Michael Moore for 2004



It's about time - Wednesday, Jul. 07, 2004
An Honor for Chrome - Friday, Feb. 20, 2004
A great loss - Monday, Oct. 20, 2003
a terrible announcement. - Tuesday, Sept. 09, 2003
Chrome speaks: - Friday, Sept. 05, 2003

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