Wednesday, Jul. 03, 2002 - 4:01 P.M.

A vile act of injustice.


Alright, to best understand this entry, go here

In case you are to lazy to to click on the link, let me sum it up for you here.

In Pakistan, an eleven year old boy was tried in front of a tribal council and convicted for walking unchaperoned with a girl from another tribe.

So whats the sentence for such an "injustic" to these people. Why its simple, they sentence his eighteen year old sister, who teaches the Quran to children in the tribe, with a twenty man gang rape.


This has got to be one of the sickest, most vile, most disgusting things I have ever heard. These men, these who the tribe looks up to for leadership and wisdom, decide the best way to punish the son is to violate the older sister.

I can taste the bile rising in my throat at the thought of it.

The father begged that this should not happen, but his words fell on the deaf ears of the sickingly perverted council.

By what means is this justice? How can they who call themselves men of god justify this action in anyway?

A part of me aches deep inside for this poor girl. To know her life will never be the same because a group of men excussed this sentencing because a boy of a lower cast tribe was walking unchaperoned with a girl of another tribe.

The fucking father of the girl who was seen walking with the younger brother demanded that the gang rape be her punishment. How could he dare even ask anyone to do this to a woman, to another man's daughter? What if it was his daughter that was up there and being sentenced to a gang rape for something someone else did? You bet your mother fucking sweet ass he would be arguing tell he was out of breath. Yet, he demands this as punishment.

This is one of those things that if you heard it from someone and didn't see it on the news yourself, it would be hard to believe. Its so outrageous, you would think it was a bold face lie.

How dearly I wish this was a lie.

I close my eyes and I can imagine how this scenario goes. The gathering of the tribal council. An irate father pleading for punishment for the defilement of his honor and dignity. A boy of a lesser tribe seen with his daughter unchaperoned. Demanding a unreasonable and unjust sentencing of someone not even responsible for this.

"My daughter has been defiled by this peasant! So shall his daughter be defiled by you!"

An anguished father weepingly begging to a unsympathetic council. Desperately trying to remind these men the virtue of his daughter, her teachings to there own children of the holy way. Begging that they show some humanity to his daughter.

The council, eyes gleaming with sinfull lust, sentencing this girl to a life time of degredation. Taking this poor soul to a mud hut, ripping her of her clothes and her dignity. Violating her as she pleads with these men, these leaders of there tribe. Hoping and begging to be free of this hell. Tears rolling down her cheeks as she cries out for the comfort of her mother.

I think of this and I want to weep. I want to scream with unrepent rage, blood boiling in my veins.

And I think, what if I had a daughter and she was caught in this. I realize I would kill any man who dared touch my daughter, even if it cost me my own life.

And I am thankfull, as much as it pains me to say that, thankfull that I live in a country where we don't follow this tribal cast. Thankfull I most likely will never be forced to be in this kind situation.

To clear things up, this is something done outside of Pakistan's law. This is something there goverment is investigating and prosecutting these men who commit such vile acts.

Despite our hatred for the goverment with its corruptions and its lies. Despite our social and economical problems. Despite all this, it is good to remember the freedom we take for granted on a dialy basis. The security we feel that allows us to go on day after day with our lives as we see fit, not as how others dictate it to be.

Despite all my complaints and every one elses, I do love this country.

So today, our independence day, remember to be thankfull that we can live in a democracy like this.

Have a good fourth of July people. Tell the people you hold dear how much you love them and be thankfull that they are safe and may never have to suffer the fate of that poor girl.

Michael Moore for 2004



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