2001-05-12 - 6:31 a.m.



Guess what I saw tonight. A Knigt's Tale ba-by!Preaty wicked movie if you can get over the tribute to Queen's we will rock you at the begining *which was kinda cool and so disturbing at the same time*. And get over the Saturday Night Fever/Grease dance number. Other then that it was a preaty kick ass movie, but then again I am a nut for medevil movies. The jousts rocked, not enough sword fighting though.

Going to the theater, I realize I am unfit for public viewing. Sooner or later the censors are going to slap a NC-17 sticker on my forehead. Ever get dirty looks from a old women. Well, not counting the ones they always get. I embaresssed the shit out of one of best friends, but thats what he gets for getting me higher then Jimmy Hendrix before the movie. Which reminds me, I agree with Uncle Bob, if pot was legalized I would to be jumping on here and posting a new diary entry every five miutes.

NEW ENTRY Found a m&m in the couch, come to the conclusion that the candy coading protects the chocolate from all forms of diseases. So I ate it, was good.

NEW ENTRY Come to the conclusion that the word booby is the coolest word in the history of mankind. Just try saying it without smilling...go ahead....say it......B O O B Y! uh huh

NEW ENTRY *sniff sniff* wonder where that smell is coming from

NEW ENTRY Took me five mintues to remember the name of the guy I was talking too, which led to forgetting what he was saying......wait....what was I just talking about....oh look..another m&m .....hhhhhhhhmmmmm yummy

Now I didn't say it would be anything cohernt or intersting, just would be more information then you would ever wanted.

I AM ABOUT TO EXPLODE!!!! The new view askew film, Jay and Silent Bob Strikes Back, doesn't come out for another 3 and 1/2 months. AAAAAAAHHHHHH SHIT!!! Which just sucks so bad, can't wait until I see some more adventures of Jay and Silent Bob. Guess in the movie, Blunt Man and Chronic are becoming a full feature film in the film. Got some real good pics downloaded from the movie *grins as he rubs his hand wickedly while chuckling* One of them looks like the superman symbol but instead of a S there is a Pot leaf *shit I want that t-shirt*

Well I am tired, and this has been a preaty god damn boring and unfunny entry. Well I got to things to say about that. One I am so tired right now that if I laid my head down on my keyboard, six hours later I would have keyboard face and this diary entry would be filled with randon set of letters and numbers so long that you could get a act of Congress passed before you got down reading it.*random I say, triple encrypted message to the aliens in my Microwave is more like it* And secondly

grumble....grumble....yawn...grumble....fuck off... I'm tired.....

Michael Moore for 2004



It's about time - Wednesday, Jul. 07, 2004
An Honor for Chrome - Friday, Feb. 20, 2004
A great loss - Monday, Oct. 20, 2003
a terrible announcement. - Tuesday, Sept. 09, 2003
Chrome speaks: - Friday, Sept. 05, 2003

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