2001-05-23 - 11:17 p.m.

Goals in life and personal philosphies....things a stoner will never get straight...cha-ching


The question: What do I want to do when I grow up?

Well since I am preaty much a 25 year old child in all but body size. *Hell, such a child that I am thinking of reverting back to wearing diapers. Hell, I am pissing now and you can't even tell. Oh shit, I should really have put the diaper on first before I did that.* So I deicded to ask that question of myself. Well by theory I want to be my generations Stephen King. Although my mom seems to think I could be the next George Carlin. But I am a lazy, procrastinating, letting my fears holding me back, waisting my brain stoner. Shit, I use to be the kind of guy that would say no once and awhile when offered to smoke. I use to stop ealier then others cause I had enough of it, or I would just flat out refuse. Now ah days, I am the guy with the roach clips sucking the life out to the puny roach. *Well not roaches clips for me ever since four christmas's ago when my dad bought me a LeatherMan Supertool. Thanks dad, I am getting great use out of my weed pliers...I mean Supertool.*

Here is a intersting note on being a stoner. And yes I am a stoner, not one of your I smoke it at best once a month kinda guy. I have been smoking on a weekly to a daily to sometimes a hourly basis for enough years that my short and long term memory and 35 cents can get me a phone call and thats it. So being a full blown stoners for *insert number of years here* and have smoked what I guess would be many pounds of that mean green. And you know how much money how much I have spent on weed my entire life? Five fucking dollars in total. I have no fucking clue how I tapped into the free weed pipe line, but you won't here my bitch ass complaing. Well having a few friends who hook me up when they get hook up everytime and them having friends who smoke who have friends who smoke. Preaty much, when one well dries up, another always pops up. Great way to have a active social life. If you can deal with them being pot heads who are totally blitzed out of there skulls on a regualar basis.

Oh, how many of you have seen that show The Weakest Link? Aint it nice to see a Domintrax get prime time air on a major network. I am preaty sure the network is pushing for her to play the role of "bitch on wheels" to make the show ruthless. But, I can already picture years down the road, her doing interview and playing in Lifetime movies to show her "softer" side. Either way you look at it, she is fucking anoying as hell. She acts like she got a corn cob stuck up her ass. I have expect her to start coffing up freshly popped popcorn. But think of all the money you could make with. No more fussing with popcorn machines or poping them in a pan. For $49.95, you two can shove a corn cob up her ass and get freshly popped popcorn.

And on final note, I have developed a new philsophy for life. Words of wisdom to solve any and all problems you encounter. In six simple words I can rap it all up very Zen like. Behold my new philsophy on life.

.......eh....fuck it.....it's to far

Well its better then what my goal in life use to be. Which was collect as many shinny objects as I can. As you can see, I never try to set the bar to high.

Michael Moore for 2004



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a terrible announcement. - Tuesday, Sept. 09, 2003
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