2001-05-27 - 2:57 a.m.

The slob among snobs-living my dreams


So I did a little investagative research the other day *more like heard from a friend who talked to the shop owner*. Now before I go on with this story, lets get you all updated on the situation. Across the street from my apartment is the most trendy high class bar we have in town. It is caled The Pub, a micro-brewery with a bit of an old fashion apeal. All the people with the money go there on a regular basis. Plus all the rich tourist who come from the care ferry, especialy since the road into town from the care ferry is the road I am on. So there are BMWs, Mercedes, Cadilacs, Porche, all sorts of really expensive cars parked outside my door. Well up to about a month or two ago, there was a Tattoo shop just to the left of the door to get into the up stairs apartments I live in. Well they moved to a shop about two blocks away from where I am. I use to wonder why they did that. Its not like its a better location, slighty better shop, but not quite worth the time and money. Well I found out the owner of the tattoo shop found out some very intersting information. It seems the owner of The Pub where holding meetings on how to get the tattoo shop kicked out of there. It seems they didn't like the idea of a Tattoo shop in site of there trendy customers. This is a direct quote from the owner of the tattoo shop on how he feels about it.

Tattoo Shop Owner"They have a problem with seeing a tattoo shop outside there prestene bar. But they don't mind sending there drunk customers driving home."

Well I picked up the new Staind album, Break The Cycle. And I have been currently listening practically non-stop for the past two days. I loved there first album and am thourghly impressed with this one. I highly suggest you get one *you as in the figurative you..since I have no clue if any one reads this shit*

Oh, I have a chance to live out a life long dream of mine. One of my closest friends is a bass player and he wants me to start practicing singing. He thinks the idea of me being is lead singer to be a kick ass idea. So....I MIGHT BE A ROCK SINGER HERE SOON BABY!!!!! Ok, groupies can line up to the left, hero worshipping to the right. Ok, so I aint the best singer. And I need a lot of practice, but him and his girlfriend like my singing voice when I sing some songs. And they think with practice, I could be a kick ass singer *ok, so imbelsh a little, so they didn't say kick ass*. Even though I am not the best singer right now, I do have a few things to offer that no other singer in his band has accomplished. 1. I am a very emotional and intense singer and he loves that. Especially since no other singer in his band has acomplished to put even a little heart into it. 2. This has been a dream of mine for as long as I can remember, and it would mean everything to me if I did. Unlike there other singers who do cause it sounded like fun and for the groupies. Shit don't get me wrong, I want the groupies too, just love the music too. And 3. I will show up to rehearsals and shows unlike a few of them, who I won't name any names. So If I can manage to get my voice not suck. I am already set with the long hair, earrings, and tattoo *yes only one, have not gotten the money for what I want. Which will probably cost more then the car I will buy in the future*. So ROCK ON....AND HELLO MICHIGAN!!! THANK YOU AND GOOD NIGHT!!!!

Michael Moore for 2004



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a terrible announcement. - Tuesday, Sept. 09, 2003
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