2001-07-11 - 1:36 a.m.

Stay away from my teenage daughter you freakin perv!


"Have you ever dreamed of eating cream corn off of one of your female fans?"

"Have you ever dreamed of Korn's cream?"

Q&A at Korn's record release of Life is Peachy

So I'm dicking around on the internet a few nights ago and I get a message from ICQ Lady *name withheld just for the hell of it*. Aparently she thought my little entry for the ICQ search was funny, and wanted to talk. Well it turns out we are both movie buffs, and like a lot of the same movies. Ok, she reffers to herself as a movie buff and me obsessed, I don't know why. Ok maybe I know why, but withold comment tell I talk to my lawyers. So I jump on tonight and she is telling me she is reading my other web page. Well I asked her if she read this one, and she hadn't yet, so I sent her the web page. Of course she thinks I'm funny, how can she not, I'm just the man *laughs hard, even I can't believe this line of horse shit*. So she tells me "I'm going to sign your guestbook!". Cool, I love guest book entries, especially if they can make me laugh. So she then says to me "Why is the last ten entries in your guestbook all by teenaged girls?" What??? So I'm thourougly confused now, so I have to ask. How did she come to that conclusion, and how could she know what age they are? So I go take a look at my guestbook, my curiousty peeked. And I'm looking, and I get more confused. I know for sure a few of them are married with kids old enough to make it impossible to still be a teenager. Plus, I'm seeing nothing that would hint towards there age. More confused then George Michaels about his sexual desires, I start coming up with a few conclusions to figure this out. A. She is using some resource of my guest book to find info on people I didn't know exsisted. B. I sent her the wrong web addy, and she is reading someone elses web page and guestbook entry. Or C. I managed to tap into a alternate universe with my ICQ. Well I feel the need to defend my honor, so I tell ICQ Lady "No there not!" and then procced to rasberry her while calling her poo poo kakka. Well she starts laughing and tells me nevermind on what she said, she was mistaken. Still a bit confused, I go Columbo mode, and start looking for possible answers that brought her to that conclusion. Then I see it, entry numbers. So I tell her "you thought those entry numbers meant how old they where did you?". After a bit of laughing and a firm "no comment" I know I have it pegged. So now that I feel like a greasy pig looking to get in the pants of as many teenage girls I can get on the internet. I think I will go crawl off to my room and spank my monkey to my child porn collection *laughs and gags at the idea*

Well, I have some new banners for all you boys and girls in case you want to link your buddy chrome to your page. Now here is what you do, scroll down to the bottom of the page, save pic to your hard drive. Then e-mail me when you do so I can send you my PO box addy so you can send me your check for 49.99 c/o My man Chrome. Then you to can join in the wonderfull universe thats me *big game show grin and wink*

Ok, so I lied about the P.O. box. I got to get some more money some how don't I.


Michael Moore for 2004



It's about time - Wednesday, Jul. 07, 2004
An Honor for Chrome - Friday, Feb. 20, 2004
A great loss - Monday, Oct. 20, 2003
a terrible announcement. - Tuesday, Sept. 09, 2003
Chrome speaks: - Friday, Sept. 05, 2003

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