Friday, Nov. 16, 2001 - 1:59 A.M.

Hey brainiac, how about you drop the act awhile and watch the world come to a end with me, SPOON!


"But would I be a good Messiah with my low self esteem? If I don't believe in myself would it be blasphemy?"

Blood Hound Gang, Hell Yeah

Well it seems once again my theory on this town being nicknamed, "The town that hell forgot," just went out the freakin window once again.

Some entries ago, I mentioned about the FBI snooping around town quite a bit. Now I find out that they are not the only goverment agency in town.

Headline news, the D.O.D. (Department Of Defense) arrested a 22 year old male in the posession of a fully functioning missile launcher and a compolation of missiles with it.

Well spank my fanny and call me granny, aint that some fucking shit!

Aparently, this guy was really getting sick of not bagging some dear this hunting season with a regular rifle. So whats the next best step you can take, get you a missile launcher buddy!

Yeah, thats logical.....sure.....after ten hits of acid and five hits xtacy.

And I'm telling you, I know a lot of people around here around that age, and that is some scary shit.

I mean come on, nothing freakier then a drunken red neck with a pick up truck, a missile launcher, and a bad additude.

Only thing that could make that worse is if he asked you to bend over and started squelling like a pig.

Then, kiss your ass and your sanity good bye buddy, cause its all down hill from there.

Now the possilbe after effects of this is what has me a bit

nervous is if we find out this guy is part of the Michigan Militia. Then, a lot of hell will break lose with that.

Nothing like teroist attacks and a little local militia troubles to make a grown man weep like a little girl in the fetal position.

Yes, I know by our own Constitution, militias can be legally formed, but we are talking about a right here thats sole purpose was to have civilians able to protect this country from invading forces. Not give grown men an excuse to dress up like G.I. Joe, run around the woods, and buy more and bigger guns to compensate for some... ahem ... "small" complex they have.

Which reminds me of another little tid bit of information. YOu have any clue how many unregistered .50 caliber sniper rifles are floating around in this country? Well, from one out of the garage designer, at least five thousand unregistered .50 caliber rifles with no serial numbers.

It seems a few years ago, this guy saw a fifty caliber military issue sniper rifle and said, "Gee, I think I could make one of those." So, like Willie Coyote, Super Genius trying to build a better road runner trap, he set to work on it in his garage. After a lot of work, he manages to make a functional rifle, and guess what, people saw him using it in a shooting range and boy, they just HAD to have one of those babies.

So, he makes a few of them for personal order, then decides, "Hey, I could make tons more money from this if I just sold it mail order in a gun magazine."

He cranks out a town of these rifles, then gets busted for it. So by court order, he is no longer alowed to posses a fire arm or make and distribute any for sale. Does this stop the man........

Nope....of course not......that would mean logical would prevail and we just CANN'T have that.

So, he gets this bright idea to keep selling them through mail order, only the guns are disasembled. You can order all the parts as "machined tooled parts" and you can do with it what you want, so if you choose to make it into a rifle, its your choice pal, not his.

Despite popular belief, our goverment is not lame enough of the head to not see what he is doing here. So they bust him once again, shut down his operation.

Of course, they don't manage to stop this before he cranks out something like seven thousand of them and mails them out all across the country. The did manage to find something like two thousand of them, but being that he made them out of his garage, he did not put a serial stamp on any of them.

Now, for you less informed in military weapons, I'll describe to you exactly what a .50 caliber sniper rifle intails.

The caliber is represented by the diameter of the bullet itself in inches in this case, which means this bullet is half an inch in diameter. Not only that, but its a rifle round, so it is longer then pistol rounds and comes down to a penetrating point. The rifle has a affectictive range of fifteen hundred yards, nearly a mile here folks. Not only that, but it can shoot through a inch and a half thick brick wall and still have lethal force.

Now, to give you a bit more perspective on this, lets use the M-16 assault rifle, American forces number one favored rifle for roughly forty years. The M-16's caliber is 5.56 milimeters, converted over to inches its .223, just barely bigger then a .22 rifle round. We choose this sized round for many reasons, but one of them was because we chose a smaller round then our enemies *7.62mm* so we wouldn't shred our enemies faces off. Simple is that, not as lethal so you stand a better chance to survive it.

So we are talking about the .50 caliber round is more then twice the size of round in one of our popular assault rifles. That is freakin huge, I'm telling you.

And yes, I do watch a lot of "History of the Gun" on the History channel, if you couldn't tell already.

Now, doesn't all this just leave you with a warm, fuzzy, comforting feeling inside.

Well, I caught the second episode of The TICK tonight, which I have been waiting for sense something like last fall, but still managed to miss the very first episode.

Well aint that fucking great, miss the first episode, damn it!

So far, I'm still up on the air for this live action The TICK, they couldn't have picked a better guy for to play The TICK, maybe, depends on if he can get better at doing the freak out speeches The TICK does.

I am annoyed they changed American Maid, the only super hero on the orginal show that was an actual hero, to Captain Liberty or some shit like that. And changed Deflauder Mouse into Batmanuel, which is a funny play on words, but they changed the character a bit to much. And where is Sewer Urchin in all this? He was my favorite of all The TICK's buddies. The little guy with the porcupine like helmet that talked like the Rain Man. Thats a bit disapointing. And how are they going to do some of the best super villians in there? Chair Face Chipendale with a chair as a head, how the fuck they going to pull that off.

So far, I don't know about this, I did love the living shit out of the cartoon, but I'm not sure on this live action yet.

Though, after watching that show, I DO feel a need to run around and talk like The TICK.

"Arthur, my moustache is touching my brain!!!"

"Do you dig my ditch!"

"Well then, can you at least blow up the earth? Eghads man! Thats where I keep all my stuff!"


Yes, I'm quite easily amused, but that was some funny shit, I'm tellin yeah.

By a show of hands, how many of you out there agree with me that MENSA is full of shit?

Well, since I can't actually see any of you, I'm just going to say the vote was all in favor for yes....heh

And why do I think this you may ask. Of course I assume this, cause really, if you were not actually wondering that, would make for a preaty shitty ending for this entry.

So I'm going to make a ass out of u and me and assume.

You see, MENSA is based on a group of people with a IQ score in the top percentiles as means of membership. According to there own website, the average age of the group is between the age of 20 and 49.

Now THATS is what makes them so full of shit, and I'll tell you why.

The formula for figuring out ones IQ is based on a simple math really. You take the test and then use the number of correct answers with a multiplier of 100 then divide that number by your current age. The way the formula works, once you are pased the age of 18, it starts making your IQ score get lower and lower. If you have a IQ that is considered to be in the genius level at age 18, by the age of 30 you could get the same exact number of quiestions right, but your score would come out at about mildly retarded. By time you are retired, your IQ based on the formula is lower then your shoe size.

So, by the average age of a memember of MENSA, you have as little as a few points dropped, to as high as there IQ being lower then Tom Greens at his peek...stupid is as stupid does.

Preaty much what we have here then is a bunch of brain children who did real good in high school now wishing to create a group of other people to feel intelectually superior to the other 98% of us lower IQ people. And some how, this is suppose to be something important to the rest of us.

"Ohhhhhh you are a memember of MENSA! Oh, you be a smart one I do believe."

HA....not anymore my simpleton friends.....we can now rise up from our second hand chairs, brush off the cookie and chip crumbs on our chests, raise a remote control clenched fist in the air and yell..

"QUIT LIVING IN THE PAST SLAP NAPPY! We have figured out your diabolical plans, and we are no longer impressed by it!"

Once again I prove I have WAY to much time on my hands.

Thanks Dana for saying I rock, but do I roll *quirks and eyebrow*...give yeah something to think about ...heh.

And oh, Madame Fromage, thanks for letting me know not all my hits are sick perverted google hits. Though you didn't mention if you found my page by searching for butt plugs and anal drippings.....ha...might have caught you in a white lie there.....heh heh kidding.

Of course, I probably just assured a few dozen freaky hits from google by saying that.

Michael Moore for 2004



It's about time - Wednesday, Jul. 07, 2004
An Honor for Chrome - Friday, Feb. 20, 2004
A great loss - Monday, Oct. 20, 2003
a terrible announcement. - Tuesday, Sept. 09, 2003
Chrome speaks: - Friday, Sept. 05, 2003

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