Wednesday, Jan. 16, 2002 - 5:14 A.M.

And now a quick note on....


"Life has a way of making you wonder, 'what the fuck!?'"


As a quick note, if you want to keep a witty, smart, sexy lass from doing something she will regret for your entire life, then go visit Belle and if you find it in your heart, send a donation her way.

Your Chromey buddy will be your bestest friend for life.

No really, he would be....

Ok, I'll dig your willingness to be so generous and respect a heart that can reach out to a person in need, but bestest friend...thats asking for quite a bit.

Another quick note on...

The George Bush choking on a pretzel news.

Well, at least he didn't choke on a chicken.

Ok, so I'm wishing he had choked on some chicken, the raw material that would serve for comedic purposes would be legendery.

Another quick note on...

The kid who crashed the Sesna in Florida.

Well, at least the kids are getting more creative with there suicide packs rather then trench coats and shotguns.

Not neccassarily smarter, just more creative.

Another quick note on.....


Old men with twenty four hour hard ons is a bad thing....a VERY bad thing.

Nothing makes your genitals retreat back in your body faster then the thought of your grandfather chasing your grandmother around the house naked with his hard on flapping in the breeze.

Another quick note on....

Testicular cancer.

I'd give my right nut not to have it.

Another quick note on....

Slutty in the bedroom, June Cleaver in the kitchen.

Add some free thinking, and great conversationalist into that mix and I'm all over that like cheese on your nachos.

Another quick note on...

Contradiction in term.

We don't need no education.

Judging by that sentence, I'd say you do buddy.

And now, a not so quick note on...

Why Regis Philips should strung up by his testicules.

Since the introduction of, "Who wants to be a millionare" a flare of new game shows have been popping up on prime time television. There where a few other shows similiar to it that came to life shortly after the first burst of popularity of millionare, but thankfully they all died off.

I was begining to hope that the networks where not going to try and keep captilizing on this idea when it showed that any other show didn't work.

I was false in my beliefs I am sad to say.

Now we have shows like the weakest link, a show I have never seen a woman I have ever wanted to slap more in my life.

I find it distatefull at the concept of hitting woman, but like any rule there are exceptions.

I don't know what it is about this woman that makes me just want to slap the taste out of her mouth and yell, "shut the fuck up!", but I can't fight the bile rising in my throat everytime I see a comercial for it.

Now, we have "The Chamber" and "The Chair" two game shows *yes two even though they are EXACTLY the same, just different networks and hosts*.

I groaned with pain as I realized they where not only beating this dead horse into the ground, but they are using a dead cow to do it.

What is this shit, and what demographic are the appealing to when the create shows like this.

Probably the same ones who watched "who wants to marry a miillionare" then fanatically followed the controversy afterwards when the woman who won thought, "gee, this might have been a bad idea."

No shit sherlock, when did you come to this conclusion, when he tried sticking his dick up your ass.

The sickening part of that show wasn't that so many woman willingly subjected themselves to an advious loveless mariage in order to get rich and fame quick. The real sick part about it was the winner got EXACTLY what she wanted and thats rich off all the interviews she did and plenty of fame to go with it.

Leaves you with a sickening, bile taste in your mouth when you think about it.

Now we have "The Chamber" which is hosted by John Macenroe *or how ever you spell his fucking name*. A man that was destined to fade from the lime light with no VH1's "Where are they now" segments. Now they have him hosting this game show JUST cause we know he can be loud and obnoxious.

Jesus, if I knew that was a paying gig I would have been rolling in the dough years ago.

And also we have "The Chair" with your host.......who the fuck is that guy anyways?

COuld our prime time air waves be filled with anything more mind numblingly dumb? Is it possible I ask you, cause personally not counting shows like "family matters" with that Urkel bitch boy, I can't think of anything worse.

The only thing that has come of good with this new game show fad has to be "Fear Factor" with Joe Rogan. Not a particularly good actor, but seems like a over all cool guy which makes a preaty good host.

Though I'm begining to think they should change that show's name to "whats the nastiest thing you are willing to eat before spewing like Linda Blair." The shit they try and get you to eat on that show turns my freakin stomach.

You would think I learned my lesson from the time they had the contestants eat boiled cow balls, but as history has proven, I'm a slow learner in many cases.

Hence why I almost was spewing all over my peperoni pizza as they got the contestants to eat raw cow's brains.

It was nasty ass hell, but I was handling it preaty good with the first two contestants who ate all there share.

When they got to that third woman who was trying to act all tough, shovelling it in her mouth as you could hear her gagging it down then ralphing back up only to try and swallow it down.

Now THAT almost had me projectile vomiting cheesy pizza all over the place. The sight of it alone was nasty enough, but when I hear some one gagging, its just about as effective to me as seeing them ACTUALLY puking.

When it comes to the physical challanges I would try any of them for fifty thousand bucks.

You bring out something on a silver plater with a lid, before you reveal it to me I'll be saying, "Fuck you Joe Rogan, I like you dude but I'll kick you repeatidely in the nuts before I even contemplate eating what is under there."

Preaty much, other then Fear Factor, this game show fad is out of hand and I'm just waiting for the day it dies out along with the boy band fad.

I swear if they bring back dating games I'm so going to hurt someone...anyone.

Michael Moore for 2004



It's about time - Wednesday, Jul. 07, 2004
An Honor for Chrome - Friday, Feb. 20, 2004
A great loss - Monday, Oct. 20, 2003
a terrible announcement. - Tuesday, Sept. 09, 2003
Chrome speaks: - Friday, Sept. 05, 2003

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