Saturday, Jan. 19, 2002 - 7:45 A.M.

I got your cure right here ba-by!


Well, as you adivously have seen, I haven't updated in a few days.

Sorry about that, lack of anything to write about and feeling drained has killed any idea of updating in the last few days.

Just came off a weeks worth of insominia where I got at best three hours sleep in thirty hours. Now it seems my body seeks a balance somewhere since for the last three days I have slept ten hours each day and STILL feel worn out.

I blame this freaking cold weather and a need to hybernate tell its not "balls turning blue then dropping off" cold.

I shouldn't really complain since it may be cold as shit, we practicaly ave no snow. At best we have had a half a foot in the past week or so which is CONSIDERABLY less then what I'm used to around here.

By now I would usually have to be wading through crotch deep snow tell they plowed the streets and shoveled the sidewalks. Now, I can't even get my ankles wet.

Oh the conflict, not to have so much snow I wonder where whole buildings disapeared to versus what this means to our ozone and "global warming".

Stuck between being worried that the summer will be hotter then shit or running out and shooting cans of aersols in the air in hopes to deplete it a bit more so it warms up in this mofo.

Of course, the lack of snow doesn't stop the roads from being shitty as hell. In fact all this warmer weather during the day is making it turn into slush, which by night freezes over turning into a nice combination of hard snow and black ice.

Oh joy, where's my sports car with the bald tires, I feel like going for a ride and driving real fast!

I was having this discussion with Spanky's *aka best friend* girlfriend about dish soap.

I don't know how it got the conversation, but she told me about this chemistry class she had in college. In the class each student had to bring seven different cleaning supplies as they where running a test to see which ones killed the bacteria the best.

According to her, dish soap of any brand one out over all of them since it killed off all the bacteria in the dishes.

Now that got me wondering what IS in dish soap to make it do that. Not to mention that it is reasuring that dish soap REALLY does kill the bacteria, they said it before but now I have actual proof positive.

So we are discussing this and I wonder out loud, "I wonder if what ever ingredients in the soap that does kill the bacteria, if it was more potent and/or mixed with something else how effective it would for killing off other bacteria, like maybe possible diseases."

Not knowing the answer, she thought this idea wasn't bad and decided she was going to e-mail her profesor that quiestion and see what he has to say about the subject.

Which is cool, cause imagine if for SOME reason no one in the research labs never thought of this. What if they hear this for the first time from her asking a quiestion for me.

That got me to thinking, what if I JUST came up with the basis of an idea to cure some desease or deseases or solved someother signifigant problem?

Whoa, would they name it after me in someone for inspiring such an idea. How fucking cool would that be!?!?

Just think of the bragging rights I would have if MY idea cured AIDS or some shit like that.


*swaggers up to the bar, sit next to a long legged goddess*

ME:Heeeellllllloooooooooooooooooo nurse *winks*

LEGGY GODDESS: What do you want *mumbles under breath* loser.

ME: Ah, I was just wondering if you where in need of *insert drug name here*, in case you came down with *insert disease here*. Cause see.....yep....that was me, I came up with the idea. You can tell my the name of it, cause its a funny story how this drug came about *insert funny antecdote with lots of touching and eye contact from me*.

LEGGY GODDESS: Oh my, why didn't you say that *grips my shirt tight and pulls me to her* take me now you hunka hunka burning love you!

See, having a cure named after sure wins one over on the ladies.

Of course this all speculation, and assuming the profesor doesn't laugh his balls off at such a simpleton idea in the medical field then make fun of me with his higher education and twenty five cent words.

Damn, you could have just said it was a stupid idea.

Didn't have to go and hurt my feelings with your superior inteligance *sniff*

damn smarty pants.

Michael Moore for 2004



It's about time - Wednesday, Jul. 07, 2004
An Honor for Chrome - Friday, Feb. 20, 2004
A great loss - Monday, Oct. 20, 2003
a terrible announcement. - Tuesday, Sept. 09, 2003
Chrome speaks: - Friday, Sept. 05, 2003

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