Thursday, Jan. 31, 2002 - 1:50 A.M.

I'm feeling preaty good now. So its about time I give the business end of my foot to our politics ass.


"The dead only know one thing. Its better to be alive."

Full Metal Jacket

Ok, so I'm doing much better now, I apreciate everyone's concern *you know who you all are, thank you*, but I'm getting back on track now.

I seem to be able to work these things out in my head preaty good, or just get over the funk I fall into. Which is a preaty handy trick when most of my life I was the "kid" of the family, alone for a good majority of my life, and have never quite felt like I had anyone to talk about my problems with, I mean truelly talk to them and have them listen.

Which now seems to be a little different because there are so many good people on diaryland that want to listen.

What is it about this place that breeds such good and willing listeners. Maybe it has to do with the whole "diary" aspect of this, of just letting go of all the things we hide from others in our real life, making it easier to listen to people on here who are sincere with there thoughts and feelings. Sure, a lot more people online know more about me then even some of my closest friends, but the majority of the time its people you will never meet face to face, which is a bit helpfull to let me and others poor out everything with inside them in these diarys.

Diaryland, the new "self help" format of the internet. Its no wonder more and more people are signing up for there own diaryland diary.

Now, truth be told, I don't tell everything on here that is floating through my head, which is probably ture for the majority of diarylanders. I hold a lot back because some of it I don't even know how to aproach the subject, somethings I don't want known at all, and others I preffer not to talk about it tell its already in my past and I can look back with a sigh of thankfullness that its done and past.

I know I have a lot issues to work out, and will have probably for the rest of my life. Maybe need a tad bit of psycholigical help, and hopefully not find I'm a few of the things I thought possible during abnormal psychology. Personally I'd rather not be on any drug, and it comes down to it I wouldn't take them for fear of losing some of me with the daily doses.

I'll be the Robin Williams of diaryland, maniac depressive with a strong need to be on drugs, but not taking them so it doesn't effect my "act".

I don't know if I'm maniac depressive, though I do fit a lot of the symptoms of it, but as the teacher has says "self diagnosis is the worst thing you can do with this class." So I'll just stick with being called "freaky weird" for my analysis for now. Now where do I send the bil for that?

I can safely say I'm not any form of schizophrenia since I have never reached a floral stage or suffered from a "global decline of all abilities." Which makes me feel sorry for people who suffer from schizophrenia, knowing everytime that the cycle through the three stages of it, they will lose more and more touch with reality and ability to function as a human being. To one day, after several global declines, end up a drooling vegetable and being feed and cleaned by orderlies. Which is a scary thought.

So last night, like every other time, I declined to watch the President's state of the union address.

I can not stand to watch these speaches, not only becomes there long and boring as hell. I find it to be nothing but over a hour of hot gas with plenty of back slapping and self congratulitory pauses to applaud every little thing.

President: Today we stand on the brink of self preservation or self destruction. We as a nation must unite together to stand against the evil presence of terroists, nuclear warfare, the French, a violtile Middle East, and Barney the purple dinasour.

Congress: *five hours of aplause* more, more!

President: Our military shall serve to defend this great nation against the evil forces of terroists and seven eleven employees.

Congress: *twenty seven hours of aplause* Go bush go!

President: Oops, I think I peed myself.

Congress: *two days of standing ovation* We are with you Bush!

President: Oh look, a pretzel *crunch crunch...gag...THUMP*

Congress: *three weeks five days sixteen hours thrity five minutes and fourty five seconds of standing ovation* Four more years, four more years!

Its unbelievable how much these people love there own voices, but can't back there own words. How much faith can we take in these promises anyways? Speechs written by people who are primarly just speech writers, told by others what they want discussed, and put it an easy to read but inteligent enough forum to make the president look good. How much can we trust a chain of command to stick strictly with what is to be actually done. Not to mention that not a single one of the things the president "promises" to do can't go through if Congress decides not to pass the law or plan. How many good ideas where shot down because of political reasons like a majority deomocratic Congress but a Republican president constantly butting heads just because of differences in parties, which seem so small in the first place that it makes you wonder sometimes why they even bother to be two different parties.

Alright, how about this for an idea, you tell me what you think of it. A new govermental organization set with impartial committee board with no affilation to any political party. Every year the pought out a report about what plans and promises the president has made and those that are actually set into action. A list of all the things he *she maybe in the future* has done for this country in the past year, from the positive to the negative. And a list of all the plans/bills/laws he/she wishes to try and get passed in the up comming year. An unbiased committee would not sugar coat it or slander it, just show you the cold, hard facts of the situation. Something we could use to cut through all the bullshit speeches, hand shakes and kissing babies and all the other postive PR crap they do each and every single day of there freakin lives.

Of course thats asking for to much since no one will remain "impartial" in that committee, plenty of people around to line there pockets full of gold and there hearts filled with greed.

Not to get to biblical here, but it makes you wonder how many people in politics would take that bag of thirty pieces of silver.

Michael Moore for 2004



It's about time - Wednesday, Jul. 07, 2004
An Honor for Chrome - Friday, Feb. 20, 2004
A great loss - Monday, Oct. 20, 2003
a terrible announcement. - Tuesday, Sept. 09, 2003
Chrome speaks: - Friday, Sept. 05, 2003

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