Wednesday, May. 01, 2002 - 4:17 A.M.

Things could be worse.


Well, in about a week I'll be losing all my movie channels.


Yes, I'm still hung up on this, and very annoyed with my cable company. I was rightfully stealing those movie channels damn it!

On the bright side, I'll be getting sixteen new channels on my cable package. Yay, sixteen more channels of absolutely nothing on, I'm so giddy I'm going to pee myself.

*inserts heavy dose of sarcasm and bitter resentment in that last line*

But, I'm beating even money you would rather hear about something else, yes?

How about I bitch about my hit counter. Has become a daily pain in my ass since my hits have been cut to half or more as they where oh say a couple weeks ago. Though I see no change on the number of people who list me as a "favortie diary", but that doesn't mean anything. It could be cause there to lazy or to busy to remove me, or don't want to be "cruel" and remove me cause they just lost that lovin Chrome feeling.

Makes me wonder if someone outside of Diaryland used to have me linked, but for some reason they have removed me and my hits have suffered greatly.

Eh, fuck it, so I'm less popular then I was before. So I have been severly side tracked on my plan to rule diaryland with a silk covered iron fist....er, forget I said that last part.

At least some of you stick around and still love me...you do love me don't you???

*FONT SIZE="-1">please tell me you still love me...

heh, kind of pathetic aint it.

So, it seems I'm playing a game of round robin with my land lord. Seems she wants to get a hold of me, but everytime I call her, she isn't in. And anytime she tries to get a hold of me, I'm not in.....ok, so I'm sleeping, so sue me I stay up late.

I'm preaty sure I know why she wants to talk to me. Probably to try and get a plumber in here cause I swear anything dealing with plumbing in my apartment right now, is acting like its on strike or some shit.

Well, everything but the toilet which I'm extremely thankfull for.

First off, my bath tub situation didn't quite get fixed. Oh sure, whatever he did last time worked tell after work hours, then it went back to shit. Its just not as bad as it was before, I now can fill my bathtub sometime this side of fucking eternity.

Ok, to add insult to injury, the sinks have been having a real problem draining. My kitchen sink will take forever to drain, and then if it does it to slow, a lot of the shit will back up into my bathroom sink. Then I got a festering pool of water mixed with food in my bathroom sink which very slowly drains off so it leaves a ring of nasty food and grease all over my sink.

Not to mention on occasion when I use my sink to much, my next door neighbor's sink will flood over onto his floor which will then leak through to the Kirby store below us.

So whats my land lords answer to fixing all this?

Drano, lots and lots of freakin Drano.

Yeah, it worked, kind of. It seemed like it made a pin sized hole in the blockage of all these pipes, but thats about it. So now it only takes an enternity to drain rather then an eternity plus one day.

Oh how nice, what am I going to do with all this spare time. Maybe knit a toaster coozy or maybe take those knitting needles and gouge someone's eyes out in a bloody rage.

Add this, my computer problems, constantly poor and deep in debt then the total value of all my possesions, my life sucking in general, and more sexual frustration then a gerbel force fed adult human sized doses of Viagra. Yeah, you get see where I'm preaty frustrated.

Though all this tension is making the muscles in my neck and upper back make me look like a football lineman from all the work there getting.

Oh yeah, there's a bright side to every flaming pile of shit.

Michael Moore for 2004



It's about time - Wednesday, Jul. 07, 2004
An Honor for Chrome - Friday, Feb. 20, 2004
A great loss - Monday, Oct. 20, 2003
a terrible announcement. - Tuesday, Sept. 09, 2003
Chrome speaks: - Friday, Sept. 05, 2003

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