Thursday, May. 02, 2002 - 3:33 A.M.

I probably have box seats in hell by now.


So, if you have stuck around during the last few days, then you might have noticed I have been whinning more then John Macenro in his hay-day.

Thats what I get for having nothing to say on my diary so I try and wing an entry and foremost on my thought lately is every little agravation possible in my life.

I'm probably going to remain a bit pissy on occasion since I'm going no movie channels cold turkey. But, I'll be ok, I'll be fine. I just need to remind myself that there will be times I have enough money to rent movies. Maybe even see one in the theater on occasion. That the cartoon network shall sooth the wounds on those late nights. And that if I keep myself loaded on caffeine and nicotene, I'll be alright.

Well, tell they put me in the iron lung. That or they give me one of those tracheotomy tubes in my neck. Then I can stick the cigarrette in there and run around scarring the shit out of little kids with that voice box.


Now that is what I call blind optimism when I can see the bright side of throat cancer...heh.

I've mentioned Spanky,my bass playing friend, often in here. And this time will be no exception.

Now in oh so many ways I'm a hell of a lot....I guess I could say stranger, then Spanky. But, in one thing the man takes the cake on being strange.

He has this thing for super balls. You know those little bouncey balls you played jacks with. Well, you can find them in just about every store and gas station around here in one of those gum ball machines.

Well, he has developed this obsession with collecting these little things. Doesn't really play with them, he just sticks them in a can and every once and awhile looks at his building collection.

Earlier today he was going over all his bills, seeing where all his money his next check will go, and how much he would have left over. The last thing on his list of "must do with this check" was this...

"And I'm spending five dollars on super balls."

I'm preaty sure that is a sentence never before said in human history.

Its hard to imagine some one obsessing over bouncey balls so much that they go out, cash there check, get five dollars worth of quarters, then sits in front of those gum ball machines cranking out bouncey balls. Or worse yet, one of the machines thats disguised as some game. Looks like some old fashion baseball styled pine ball game. When in reality all it is is two manualy controlled flippers and some holes.

Now if this isn't funny enough as is *or at least it was in real life, doesn't seem to transfer on here so well* CoCo made it all the much more funny because of his consistent confusion as of late.

When he heard this sentence...

"And I'm spending five dollars on super balls."

He didn't even fathom an idea that Spanky was reffering to the little balls of rubber he has grown a odd facination with. No, he instead thinks Spanky is talking about getting those "Super Ball" lottery tickets.

So, he sits there for the longest time with this complete look of confusment on his face as me and Spanky discuss obsession. He can't seem to put two and two together with this conversation. The whole time he thinks where talking about lottery tickets, and I can see it in his face that the further the conversation went on, the more confused of a look he had on his face. It was sort of like watching someone looking at the world, and the longer they starred at the world, the less sense it made and the more chaotic it seemed.

Then his face all of sudden brightened up as his brain finally catches up to the conversation. I swear in my head I could imagine a light bulb over his head lighting up the moment he realized we weren't talking about lottery tickets.

All be it a five watt light bulb with a crack down the middle, but a light bulb none the less....heh

So, I have sort of had this on going joke for the past five years or so. Only thing is, I was the only one who even knew a joke was being played.

Ok, let me 'splain.

About six or seven years ago, me Spanky *then not a bass playing friend, just a friend* and Coco *pre "Coco" and Wallmart Nazi days* where all hanging out at my apartment.

During this time, we all had this weird obsession with this retractable antena I had ripped off an old stereo of mine. So, we where having our little stupid fun with this antena, retracting it, whiping it around the room like a foil *fencing term*, using it as a pointer. The thing was preaty popular, so it got passed around a lot at that time.

One night, we where all just haning out, and I was playing with the thing when Spanky asked me to toss him it. So, I retracted it then tossed it over to him. Well, he wasn't paying attention at the time, so the thing just flew over his right hip and landed behind him. At the time he was laying on my floor on his left side, right in front of my entertainment center.

Well, after I tossed it to him, I just forgot about it and begin talking to someone else. After a point I notice out of the corner of my eye that Spanky is fumbling around like he lost something.

Come to find out, ten minutes later, Spanky couldn't find that little antena for the life of him. Well, that became some what of an obsession of the moment *my god, I'm talking a LOT about obsessions this entry*. So for a good hour we searched the entire corner that Spanky and my entertainment center was sitting.

Now the thing is, other then Spanky and the center, there really wasn't much else in that corner for the antena to be hiding under or behind, but that damn thing still eluded us. He even opened up the heat vent that was near by on the off chance it rolled down there.

Nope, no where to be found.

Since that moment, every time something gets lost, one of the two jokingly say...

"It must be lost in the black hole where the antena is."

So for the past seven years or so, when ever someone was around who hadn't heard the "antena/black hole" story, they where then subjected to the story told as if its some urban myth.

Now here's the thing. About two years later I was doing a thorough cleaning of my apartment so I could bring in proffesional rug cleaners. While cleaning up, I found that little antena and it was under the entertainment center, I guess we just didn't look far enough under it to find it.

The thing is, I didn't tell anyone about this.

So for about the past five years, everytime this "black hole" or the story itself was mentioned, I went right along with it, but in my head I was laughing my damn balls off.

Tell yesterday, that is, when I revealed a little secret to Coco and Spanky when I told them I found it about five years ago.

Let me tell you, those two really didn't seem to apreciate my little joke.

Well, I laughed....and for a long time too.

heh heh heh I'm a bad man some times.

Michael Moore for 2004



It's about time - Wednesday, Jul. 07, 2004
An Honor for Chrome - Friday, Feb. 20, 2004
A great loss - Monday, Oct. 20, 2003
a terrible announcement. - Tuesday, Sept. 09, 2003
Chrome speaks: - Friday, Sept. 05, 2003

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