Friday, May. 10, 2002 - 3:51 A.M.

Start off talking about food I love, end with me being all sappy and shit. Its sort of sickening really.


With a little extra cash in my pocket, a very rare moment in my life. I decided to partake in some food I rarely have, but oh so love....chinese food.

I got me a large order of General' Tso's chicken and some crab meat rangoons. And my god I'm still full as hell and its been like six hours since the last of it was gone.

Now, normally I hate all forms of fish. I just can't stand how it tastes, especially hate the smell of it. But, crab meat rangoon's are the one and only exception of this rule.

I love those little fuckers so much, I usually get a double order so I have some to munch on later.

Chinese food has slowly raised as my number one food I love, tying the long running mexican food for me.

From a young age, I have always loved mexican food, couldn't get enough of it. Problem with that is, I have a very picky eater for a father.

Ok, so I inherited a lot of that picky eater shit from my father, it just seems we dislke and like completely different foods the majority of the time. Thanks to my father and his "tastes", I can't look at a breaded pork chop without wanting to hurl.

Well, my father really hated mexican, so we usually never had it. My only saving grace was the house rule, if its your birthday, you get to choose whats for dinner. So, every year I would always want one thing and one thing only, tacos baby

Which leads to my earliest rememberance of a birthday is my mother asking me what I wanted for dinner on my birthday and my father grumbling, "why bothering asking, he is just going to say tacos like he always does."

Which, of course, was what I wanted. After I stopped living with my father, and begin living with my mother, I got more and more chances to eat mexican food. Now I can cook me some mean mexican food and be in heaven at the same time.

The thing is, I'm just no good at cooking chinese food. Wait, let me correct that. I don't know how to cook it, but if I tried I know I could learn cause I haven't found a thing yet I couldn't cook. Its just that the way I like my chinese food, I really can't afford to spend that much on just one meal. And the prices at the chinese restraunts are a bit to much for me the majority of the time.

So, when the mood hits me and I got a little extra cash in my pocket, its chinese food for me.

I'm thinking, if there is a heaven, its filled with breaded chicken covered in sauce and crumpled, seasoned burger put in a hard shell and covered with the fixings.

Now, I still love mexican food more then chinese, but thanks to the quantity of the two, chinese food has reached up there to being tyed with it. I can have mexican food anytime I want since I can make a lot of pretty cheap mexican meals, but chinese food we are talking about a decent amount of money.

The rules of supply and demand....can be a real bitch when your feining for some seasame chicken.

Now here is something thats been driving me absolutely nuts.

When I'm on the computer, I always have my headphones on and some tunes crnaking out. Oblivious to the rest of the world aorund me.

The thing is, I live in a pretty old building, so it can make some funky noises at times. Plus, on occasion when one of my neighbors are walking around, you can hear there heavy foot steps through the floor.

So I'll be sitting here, rocking out and typing out some shit. Then, I would hear (or feel, I'm not quite sure which one) heavy foot steps which sounds (feels?) like its aproaching me from behind.

Everytime I freak the fuck out and turn around seeing who the fuck is in my apartment. And everytime there is absolutely no one standing there. Drives me fucking insane. Especially since I become unnecassarily paranoid at the point, my mind racing with all sorts of fucked up fantasies.

It probably doesn't help that when its night and i'm alone, I only have one light on somewhere near me. So, the rest of my apartment is completely dark. Especially my kitchen because there are no windows in there, at night its like a cave in my kitchen.

I usually end up berating myself for being so paranoid, but god damn if it doesn't cath me everytime.

Now, I need to make a few comments about diaryland itself, more specifically a few peope on here, for one reason or another.

Human Debris aka ChrisB

I think this man is a highly under apreciated person on diaryland, and deserves to be given the time of day. Sure he has his off moments, but who doesn't?

Very talented and quite a under tone sense of humor that can catch me off guard with bursts of laughter. I personally believe if he can ever get it together, he will hit it big on the music scene.

But....thats just my opinion.

Madame Fromage

I don't know how quite to put this, but she is sort of like the stability so many need here in diaryland. I really can't explain that one, its just how I feel. And not only that, but she is good for some chuckles. I hope her and her husband can finally find a way to have jobs in the same town. And I wish the best of luck on the up and and coming child hers. Thats one lucky kid there.


I think to many people associate her with only her "sex" entries and not aware of enough of the person she really is. Also, I think she gets to much shit for voicing her own opinion on her OWN diary.

I think because of this, she has become particularly carefull with what she has to say. To the point its destroying the reason why she started the diary in the first place.

So, for everyone who might complain about her not being as "intersting" as before. Blame it on the assholes who view the internet as a means of viciously attacking people anonymosly.

heh....thats all I got to say.

Michael Moore for 2004



It's about time - Wednesday, Jul. 07, 2004
An Honor for Chrome - Friday, Feb. 20, 2004
A great loss - Monday, Oct. 20, 2003
a terrible announcement. - Tuesday, Sept. 09, 2003
Chrome speaks: - Friday, Sept. 05, 2003

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