Thursday, May. 09, 2002 - 5:13 A.M.

My life aka whats on television.


Well, I'm currently working on a new look for this diary once again. I get to easily bored with my look, and I always feel like I could do better then what is currently up.

I like to THINK that, doesn't necassarily mean I will do better.

The thing is I'm looking for an image of a mother board for vusual refrence, and for the life of me I can't seem to find one. So, any of you kind people out there willing to send me a link or a image, my e-mail link is to the left of yeah, don't be shy.

Well, I no longer have movie channels, and all the regular channels are mixed up now. Which is very confusing as I'm sitting on one channel just trying to figure out what channel it is.

Thank god some of them have those water marks in the corner, or I wouldn't have a clue what half of them are.

We have the Tech channel. Its so nice to see that computer geeks can have there own channel now. To bad it seems like none of them have the charisma or vocabulary to be running a show, but thats not stopping them. Nothing like watching a show that one of the hosts tries cracking a comparison joke, only to finally come up with a punch line five minutes later.

Am I really paying this much extra to watch someone tell shitty jokes so badly it makes me cring in emberassment for them.

Though it is pretty nice having the cartoon network finally since I am just a big kid with shinier toys. Getting my fix on some Scooby Do, Gargoyles, and hopefully I'll see Space Ghost.

We have also recieved the TV guide channel. Sounds like a preaty helpfull channel huh?

Oh hell no it isn't. Most of the channels the mention are not in the right spots, some I'm pretty sure we don't have, then there is the constant reminder I DON'T have movie channels anymore as they show you what I could be watching if I still had them.

And it seems that we have gotten a all spanish channel now. Which, not to be cruel, is fucking hilarious to watch. Mostly its the millions of soap operas they have on there. Some of them have comericals that look like there advertising for a evengilist program. Plus, its fun to watch it with friends and play a game I like to call, "spot the word(s) not in the spanish language." Mostly its brand names that you can hear in english because there is no spanish word for it.

Speaking of hilarious, lets talk about the game show network. My god, watching those old shows, especially from the seventies, and seeing what was prizes you can win. Down right laugh your balls off funny. And the colors of some of this shit, oh my god the colors are so nasty. It looks like someone puked day glow over every apliance you see. And the funniest thing, spotting prizes you have seen on the curb side during spring cleaning.

"I saw a fridge just like that last spring cleaning!"

A funny thig happened while watching the game show network. Prego, Coco, and me where all reminiscing about a old game show from the 80's, Press your luck. Not ten minutes later, we see a comercial for revitilization of the game, Whammy: the new Press your luck. Oh shit, I just had to watch that. And it turns out it comes on just when prim tv starts getting boring.

Which makes me even more sad now, cause I actually have an 7PM to 1AM tv schedule when I'm watching.

7-8PM Old Friends reruns.....I don't know why I like this show so much. Lets just call it my guilty pleasure and be done with it.

8-10PM Prime time tv *depends on what night*

10-10:30PM Whammy: the new Press your Luck.

10:30-11PM Cartoon Network, or old episodes of Press your luck.

11-12PM TNN, Star Trek Next Generation.

12-1AM Lifetime, back to back Mad about you reruns. Talk about guilty pleasures, I'm watching a show on the "women's" network.

Which I've come to notice there are a quite a few "women only" channels. Lifetime, WE (Women's Entertainment), and Oxygen.

Now I would ask where the specific "guy only" channels are, but I'm guessing people would say ESPN and Speedvision. Both channels don't really apeal to me.

Oh god, I'm in desperate need of a life before I start working out a weekly chart of what shows to watch at what times.

Sad...oh so sad.

Michael Moore for 2004



It's about time - Wednesday, Jul. 07, 2004
An Honor for Chrome - Friday, Feb. 20, 2004
A great loss - Monday, Oct. 20, 2003
a terrible announcement. - Tuesday, Sept. 09, 2003
Chrome speaks: - Friday, Sept. 05, 2003

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