Saturday, May. 18, 2002 - 2:36 A.M.

Reasons why stupidity is becoming a viable reason for disability benifits.


First off, I went and seen Star Wars episode II and holy hell was that so much better then episode I. Not to spoil anything for those who haven't seen it yet, but damn I'm never going to be able to look at Yoda the same again. Little mean kickin yo ass pimpin machine that he is.

At first I didn't think I was going to be able to see it on the first day. After all it is freakin Star Wars. You just expect the line to go around the block. Thats how it was for episode I here. If you weren't there five hours ahead of time, you might as well not bother, the line will be to long.

Still, I had my hopes to seeing the very first showing of it here. So Coco came over and spent the night so early in the day, we could make the less then two block walk to the theater and beat out on all the suckers who live outside of town.

Hours before we are ready to go there, we come to find out starting late the night before, there was like a dozen or so people camped out all night in front of the theater. Despite it raining, they faithfully sat there with there umbrellas and endured the weather just to be the first people to recieve there tickets.

In ways its admirable that they love the Star Wars genre so much to be willing to endure sleeping on the sidewalk in the rain. Mostly its sad and pathetic because lets face it folks, talk about a seering testimony to how much of loveless geek you are by commiting this act. You might as well wear a t-shirt that says, "I slept on the siedwalk in the rain all night just so I get the first tickets to the new Star Wars movie aka I'll not get laid tell I'm in my thirties."

Now if this wasn't sad and pathetic enough, let me tell you something that makes this a much more worse scenario. So bad you will probably find yourself groaning in sympathy and/or supressed laughter for these sad souls.

Well, as soon as Coco and I heard about people camping out, we decied it would be impossible for us to get first showing tickets unless we stood there for like five hours or longer and it just wasn't worth it. We can just wait a few days tell it cools down enough that there isn't a long line.

So Coco packs up his shit and takes off, opting to spend his money on food at the restraunt down the block.

A few hours later, I'm online searching for Paint Shop Pro tips when I get a MSN message from him telling me when he passed the theater, the line wasn't all that long.

Well, I decided to log off and call to see if the show was sold out or not. A shorter line doesn't mean shit if enough people are buying the tickets by the hand fulls.

Holy christ, it isn't sold out and its not looking like its going to sell out. So I slap on some clothes and high tail it down to the theater and sure enough, the line wasn't that long.

Now the wait in line couldn't have been more then ten minutes, but it felt like a lifetime. Who knows how many of these people in line are here to see Star Wars and how many tickets they are going to buy. Had a slight moment of panic when the kid three people away from me ordered six tickets, but I decided to stick it out.

And sure enough I had me a Star Wars episode II: Attack of the clones ticket in my hot little hand.

Sleeping Bag: $40

Umbrella: $10

Wanting to be one of the first dozen people to have Star Wars tickets: 16 hour night of sleeping on a concrete sidewalk.

MSN message informing of how short of a line it really is and a ten minute wait for the same damn ticket: Priceless

A ticket, mind you, the theater didn't even let you keep. Instead opting to take the ticket from everyone and stamping there hand so no one gets Spiderman tickets then sneaks into Star Wars.

*Pauses in a moment of silence for the lost dignity of those faithfully unecessary fans of Star Wars in the town that hell forgot.*

Alright, it seems I have made a big mistake reffering to Willow as a "hotty" in my last entry. And probably not for the reasons you all are thinking of.

Now first off, if anyone bothered to read my guestbook, you would have seen that Prego left a message that if I didn't bribe her, she was going to tell Spanky and Willow that I reffered to her as a "hotty" in my diary.

Not a problem figuring I told the two of them hours before I got that guest book entry and got a good laugh out of both of them.

Now here lies the problem. Since Prego can't hold that over my head and her ventures of trying to give me a nickname like Coco, but not sticking, she has found a way of.....well...sticking this one to me.

If you have seen Miss Congeniality, then you will remember a scene with Sandra Bullock when she was doing her sing song voice while saying, "You want to kiss me you want to hug me hold me and marry me."

Well, now everytime this whole incident I shall now on reffer to as "the great mistake of mentioning I find my friend's girlfriend hot", Prego looks at me with a big grin on her face and starts singing that song, claiming I have a crush on her.

Oh hell, I barely mention in here things that make a twitch in my pants and one of the rare moments I have, its turned around and took a chunk out of my ass.

You can see why now I don't talk about this shit on here....I know to many people in real life that read this damn thing.

Speaking of Prego, me and here were once again driving around, getting some shit done. Well, we happen to stop by the tobbacco store, for advious reasons, which turns out a friend of hers is working there that day.

Found out a intersting little fact about this tobbacco store. When the cigar boxes are empty, they can sell the boxes for five bucks a piece. Only, they don't actually sell the boxes, they give them away and just tell there distributors that they threw them away. So, if you leave your name and phone number, you can reserve to keep one of those boxes for yourself.

Of course there are cigars in the cheap little paper boxes that fall apart after a point of time, but some of them where real wood, very nice and sturdy. I personally reserved me one with a gloss finish and a velvet lining. Now that I know this little fact, I think for now on anytime I'm at the tobbacco store, I'll be asking which boxes haven't been reserved already. Start up a little collection of fine looking cigar boxes. Because, well, I've always had some weird little obsession with cigar boxes. Now I can start collecting them for free......heh sometimes life throws you some table scraps it seems.

While Prego was talking to her friend, I decided to check out this constest that Basic cigarettes is holding to win a free house. On the front of the little flier is pictured the two types of houses you can choose from. Printed underneath the pictures it says two things....

Contest does not include the land the house will be built on

Of course, every contest has some kind of stipulation that costs you money. One of them being the taxes you have to pay off on your prize. Which can suck if you win something, but don't have the money to pay the taxes on it. So take it from me folks, if one of the options for your prize is to take cash equilancey, then take the cash and run.

The other thing printed underneath the pictures, and I shit you not about this...

Houses shown are not actual size.

No shit? And here I thought you were building a house for my ant farm. Good fucking lord how stupid do these people think we are. The worst thing about this has got to be do to being sued and all the idiotic complaints companies recieve on a daily basis, they actually felt there was a need to tell people hey, your house isn't going to be the size of pack of cigarettes.

A truelly sad testimony to our culture here in the states.

Get third degree burns on your thighs because you thought the best place to put your steaming hot cup of coffee while driving is between your legs. Sue McDonalds and actually win a large sum of cash.

Sue a furniture store because you tripped over a rambuncious todler, despite the fact that kid is actually yours and manage to STILL win your case.

Get angry and sue a cigarette company because the house shown wasn't to actual size and the sand box you bought isn't a big enough plot of land for the house you just got for free.

I would say I'm sicken by all this, but I'm still waiting for my settlement check from Taco Bell for sucking so much, but costing a hell of a lot more.

Michael Moore for 2004



It's about time - Wednesday, Jul. 07, 2004
An Honor for Chrome - Friday, Feb. 20, 2004
A great loss - Monday, Oct. 20, 2003
a terrible announcement. - Tuesday, Sept. 09, 2003
Chrome speaks: - Friday, Sept. 05, 2003

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