Sunday, Jul. 28, 2002 - 1:14 A.M.

The Misadventures of Monty&Dexter - episode 5 - Party time summer fun and the sorrow of handcuffs.


We enter the interior of Monty's normally dump of an apartment completely cleaned and reranged. One room completely cleared except for a DJ booth and christmas lights lining the celing and cascading down the walls. All movable valuables and breakables are stored haphazardly into Monty's locked bedroom. His kitchen bar covered in a plethora of multiple drinks, mixes, and plastic cups. House music fills every room of the apartment from cleaverly placed speakers at all possible angles. Monty, dressed to the nines, is causally dancing around the apartment, making last minute changes when the door bell rings.

Monty: Oh yeah, bring on the ladies cause I'm ready to par-tay! *swings the door open* oh, its just you.

Dexter: Yeah, glad to see you too, pal.

Monty: I'm just fucking around, come on in and help me finish up getting this place ready.

Dexter: Man, I've been looking forward to this party all week. Its been a rough week at work since we have been starting the designs on the new city building.

Monty: Well kick off your penny loafers, toss that suit, and pull that stick out of your ass. This night we party like we are still in college! I plan on getting trashed and finding one more fine ladies to participate in a little game I call rock, scissors, its time to get nasty!

Dexter: I'm definetly ready for this. I want to have a few drinks, listen to some music, and find some special lady to dance the night away.

Monty: Well well well, it seems someone is on the prowl tonight.

Dexter: I don't know man. I just feel like tonight might be my night. I'm feeling pretty good here.

Monty: heh, it seems a bit of me is rubbing off on you.

Dexter: Well, you hump my leg enough times, I'm bound to get a little of you rubbed off on me.

Monty: Hey, I only hump your leg out of love man.

*The door bell rings repeatedly as several people pound on the door. A mingle of voices enthusiatically screaming as Monty makes his way to open it up.*

Monty: Yeah yeah, settle down people! Don't go getting your panties in a bunch, the party hasn't started yet!

*Opening the door, a rush of people come in and great Monty with hugs, kisses, and pats on the back. Dexter stands next to him dutifully, taking all the bottles of wine and other party favors brought by thoughtfull guest to the kitchen to add to the collection. With in an hour, the place is packed with writhing bodies gyrating to the fast paced music. A constant hum of voices filling the room from multiple conversations. Drinks being made and poured with every passing second, plastic cups filling the hands of smiling, excited party goers.*

Dexter: *yelling to be heard through the mix of loud music and blur of voices* Dude, your parties are still going hard every summer since that first year of college. How do you do it man. How do you get so many people to come to your parites every year?

Monty: Its easy man! I call up a ton of lady friends I know and tell them I'm holding THE party of the summer. I offer up plenty of booze and good music. The dudes I don't even bother with, they seem to smell out when the action is happening.

Dexter: Thats amazing man. I don't remember a single one of these parties that didn't pack a place to the brim. Hell, there's a line going down the building and out the front door of people trying to get in!

Monty: Yeah, I got contingency plans for that. Theres a miny bar and bartender set up on the second, fifth, and nineth stair well. And there is a DJ booth on the third and seventh floor.

Dexter: How the hell do you pay for all this?

Monty: Who says I pay for it. Oh yeah, I see a set of twins I just GOT to get to know. *raising his drink up above his head, he dance steps his way across the room, greeting people as he goes along.*

*Dexter swirls his cup around a few times before downing the rest of it. Slowly he makes his way through the crowd into the packed kitchen. Carefully dancing around couples and packs of people, he reaches out to the bar and grabs the bottle of rattle snake mix, but instead places his hand on top of the delicate and smooth hand of the woman grabbing for the same bottle. Looking up the long, delicate arm attatched to the hand under his. He sees a very beautiful woman with long, straight golden brown hair with sparkling green eyes. Slightly rounded, dimpled cheeks raise up with the the smile on her face. A light summer dress, knee length, and strapped low cut heels reveals a curvacious and beautiful body. Blushing slightly, Dexter, although reluctant to stop touching that soft, silky, delicate hand, slowly takes his hand away.*

Dexter: I'm really sorry, I didn't see you reaching for the bottle.

Jennifer: *her smile broadening, revealing straight, pearly white teeth* Its ok, I'm not gonna scream for the cops or anything.

Dexter: *his blush deepens a bit more as a big smile forces its way onto your face* Heaven forbid you did. How would I ever explain to my parents. Ma, I'm in jail for touching a woman's hand. Please come bail me out before this big guy wearing a dog collar and missing his front teeth makes me his new girlfriend.

Jennifer: *a soft, musical giggle escapes her lips.* Well I promise, I won't partake in making you some big big guys new girlfriend. *Extends her hand out to him* My name is Jennifer by the way.

Dexter: *taking her delicate hand like a piece of fragile porcelian, he slowly shakes her hand* I'm Dexter. I'm best friends with the guy who is running this party.

Jennifer: I haven't met him yet, he seems to be a really popular guy.

Dexter: Yeah, everybody seems to love him. Well everyone except his numerous amount of ex's. They would rather see his head hanging on a wall and his privates sitting in a bottle of formaldehyde.

Jennifer: I got that sense from him. A real charming, out going kind of guy, but not what you call a real long term relationship kind of guy.

Dexter: heh, yeah that pretty much describes Monty. But he is a really great guy also. Is there when you need him the most, will try and cheer you up when you need it, real loyal to those he cares about. Thats something not everyone can see behind his brash nature.

Jennifer: You must be a really great friend to stand up for him like that. I bet Monty wouldn't be half the man he is if he didn't have such a good friend as you.

Dexter: *drops his gaze a bit to hide his blushing* ahem, well I do my best. So, um, how did you find out about this party then?

Jennifer: Actually a couple girlfriend's of mine dragged me along with them because they think I work to hard and not party enough.

Dexter: Really, so what do you do for a living?

Jennifer: Actually I'm still in college working on my masters degree in psychology. Right now I'm working a summer internship at the mental health ward for the public hospital.

Dexter: Whoa, thats pretty impressive. So what do you plan on doing after you get out of college.

Jennifer: Of course, there's graduate school. Then I want to do something good with my degree. I want to get into working with social security offices. Give psychological help to those not able to afford one themselves. Tell then I volunter at the local homeless shelter every weekend and hope I bring some hope in the lives of the less fortunate.

Dexter: Well aren't you just a Mother Terace in heels. I'm quite impressed, not many people can see beyond there own needs and desires to help out others.

Jennifer: So are you still going to college or are you out there in what my parents describe as "the real world where hell seems like a weekend at the Bahamas".

Dexter: heh, Well I work for the architectual firm Jaccobs and Michaels. I'm currently working on the blue prints and model for the new city building.

Jennifer: Well, might I say that to is mighty impressive. Say, you think we could go some where away from all this noise and talk.

Dexter: *eyes widen a bit* um, sure, but the only place here thats free is Monty's bedroom and...

Jennifer: Sure, that sounds good to me.

Dexter: *nearly chokes on his own words, his eyes grow big as saucers*

Jennifer: Whoa, now settle down. I'm not asking you to take me to his bedroom and bend me into a pretzel. I just want to be able to talk without going horse. And you are the first person I've met tonight whose vocabulary doesn't consist of the word party and various forms of it.

Dexter: Well, heh, I'll see what I can do. Please, just stay right here and I'll be back as soon as I can.

*Playing it casual, he weaves his way through the crowd slowly tell out of eyesight of Jennifer. Then quickly he pushes his way through the crowd while mumbling "excuse me, pardon me, I'm so sorry, excuse me" desperately looking for Monty in the crowded apartment. Finally he sees Monty talking with a set of identical twins across the over packed room. Frustrated, he stops trying to make his way through the crowd and decides to jump about and scream his name in hopes he hears him through all the noise.*

Dexter: *hop* MONTY! *hop* MONTY! *hop* MONTY!

*Hearing his name called by a familiar voice, he pans the audience looking for his long time friend. Unable to see the hoping Dexter, he finally ops to hop himself and call back to Dexter in a twisted game of Marco Pollo*

Monty: *hop* DEXTER!

Dexter: *hop* MONTY!

Monty: *hop* DEXTER!

Dexter: *hop MONTY!

*The two of them hoping up and down, calling each others voices seems to slowly catch on with other members of the crowd. At first a few big hoping up and down, then a few more join in. Then more and more join in tell the entire crowd is hoping up and down calling out in unison *hop* MONTY *hop DEXTER *hop* MONTY *hop* DEXTER. Frustrated by this turn of events, the top of the grudingly and slowly make there way to each other.*

Dexter: Monty, I need the key to your bedroom man!

Monty: Why?

Dexter: I need a quiet place to talk to this woman I met and...

Monty: Oh shit, you smooth player you. Hell yeah, heres the key man.

Dexter: No, its nothing like that...

Monty: Yeah, the lube and the condoms are in the left hand night stand drawer. All the fun toys are in my closet in a box marked 'bible school'. Have fun!

Dexter: No, wait!

*Before Dexter can say anything more, Monty is already lost in the crowd heading back the way he came. Dexter turns around and begins weaving through the crowd again, heading back to the kitchen. With a big smile on his face, he looks around for Jennifer, but can not see her. Feeling crest fallin he turns around to head back into the room when he sees Jennifer walking towards him.*

Jennifer: Thought I ditched you for some other guy didn't you.

Dexter: heh, the thought did cross my mind.

Jennifer: So, is it a go for the bedroom?

Dexter: Yeah, we just got to make are way through the crowd.

*Smilling, Jennifer reaches out and takes his hand and awaits him to lead. Taken back a bit, Dexter begins weaving his way through the crowd, down the hall to Monty's bedroom door. After a few moments of politely coarsing people to move out of the way, Dexter slips in the key and opens the door. Leading her into the room, he quickly turns and locks the door before the crowd and can push there way in. Monty's bedroom, a room more fit to be a storage room then a place to sit. Boxes upon boxes piled nearly ceiling high surrounded by furniture stacked on other furniture. The only clear place to sit, to Dexter's horror, is the large, black silk sheet covered bed. Smiling reasuringly at Dexter, Jennifer makes her way through the boxes and sits on the bed. Looking up she softly pats the bed next to her.*

Jennifer: Come here, I don't bite.

Dexter: You know, to some men that would be a disapointment.

*Slowly he manuevers between the boxes then sits down on the bed. Carefull to not sit to close that he is pressed against her.*

Jennifer: So, Dexter, tell me. Do you have a girlfriend?

Dexter: *his cup raised to his lips, he chokes a little on his drink from her words. Turning he looks her straight in her eyes.* um,no I don't, why do you ask?

Jennifer: Well, I don't want to get you into any trouble. I mean, if you do have a girlfriend, I wouldn't want her getting suspicious of you and me locked up in this bedroom alone.

Dexter: Oh, um, heh good point. No, I don't have a girlfriend nor am I currently dating anyone.

Jennifer: Thats good...

*The two of them sit there in akward silence as the reality of there situation settles in a bit. Dexter, desperate for anything to say, blurts out the first thing that comes to his mind.*

Dexter: Did you know the planet has only seventeen years to live?

Jennifer: Uh, what?

Dexter: Yeah, um, I read it in the newspaper. There is an asteroid on a trajectory heading towards earth right now. Its something like two kilometers wide.

Jennifer: Oh, I read about that too. I'm not to worried really. The reality is there are several thousands of asteroids roaming around in space and many of them come dangerously close to Earth's orbit.

Dexter: Yeah, exactly. If more people had a clue about it, I bet you they would be screaming how the world is coming to an end.

Jennifer: Didn't the articule say something about it taking thirty years to create a plan to either destroy the asteroid or at the very least, push it off its current trajectory?

Dexter: Yeah, something like that. Though that seems inconcievable really. If there really is an end to the planet, I'm sure those plans could be sped up. Especially since everyone would be at risk here. I'm sure the entire planet would be able to come up with a plan in dutfull time.

Jennifer: Yeah, I agree with that. If you think about it, the thing that could destroy this planet could be the one thing to finally unite us together. No more petty bickering amongst each other, we would all be forceably subjected to this catastrophe. And history has proven, that when mankind is threatened, they form a bond not easily broken.

Dexter: Exactly! Something so catastrophic could be the one uniting force we have been....

*Dexter's words are cut short as Jennifer takes his face in her hands and press her lips to his in a deep, long kiss. Eyes wide, arms flayling a bit, Dexter sits stunned by this sudden change. Slowly his mind stops resisting and his body relaxes as he melts into the kiss. Slowly, pulling his lower lip softly with her lips, as she pulls away and looks deep in his eyes.*

Jennifer: Listen, Dexter, I like you a lot. You aren't like all the other guys I know. You are kind, respectfull, loyal to your friend, and very sweet. Now don't get me wrong here, I never do this. But its been a long time, a very long time, since I've been with a man. And....well....I don't think I could find a better man then you.

Dexter: *his eyes as wide as they will go, starring at her with complete bewilderment. Jaw hanging open, his arms dropped forgetten to his sides. He sits there preplexed, as if he is staring at a woman he never thought could possibly exist in reality* um.....wha.....wha......what are you saying, Jennifer?

Jennifer: What I'm saying, Dexter, is I've been working so hard for so long I've not had any time in my life to start a more intimate relationship with a man. And right now, I don't even know if thats possible. I didn't even want to go to this party, but my friends kept nagging me tell I finally went to get them off my backs for awhile. So I go, thinking I'm gonna have a few drinks then politely excuse myself from the party. Which turns out would have been a waste of time because in the first five minutes, all my girlfriends ditch me to go dancing or to talk to some guys. So, I'm walking around this party seeing a bunch of monosylabic neanderthals one chromosone away from a unibrow and banging large monoliths with the bones of there kill. Then I just happen to run into you when I need to get a new drink. A man so sweet and shy yet so charming at the same time that I feel my heart beating in my chest rapidly just sitting her next to you. I don't believe in wasting my time, Dexter. I believe this is a sign for me, and I'm sure not going to pass it up.

Dexter: um, ok *still stares at her with a confused look in his eyes, his breathing growing a bit more rapid*

Jennifer: So this is what I propose, Dexter. Since you and me are alone in this bedroom already, how about we put it to good use. This doesn't obligate you for anything the next day, I'm just looking for something "here and now" Do you understand what I'm saying.

Dexter: I hear what you are saying, but I got to say....

Jennifer: *gently placing her finger over Dexter's lips, she looks deep in his eyes.* Just shut up and kiss me Dexter.

*Slowly they take each other in there arms, pressing close together as they start off with soft, long kisses. Lips slightly moist, lightly pressed togehter, slow, long, deep kisses that build with more passion as there hands explore each others bodies. feeling each others curves, memorizing the feel of there body with there finger tips. There tongues lightly dancing around each other, exploring each other's taste. Jennifer lets out a soft moan as Dexter slowly lays her down on the bed, kissing her passionately the entire time. Her hands come up and begin popping open each button his shirt, feeling the soft hair along his chest. Then, from the other side of the door, comes an insist knocking.*


*The two of them shoot up from the bed looking confused and worried at the same time. Dexter leaps to the door and unlocks it. Before he can even open it, Monty bust through the door and slams it behind him, securely locking it*

Monty: Dude, I'm really sorry for this, but I had to get in here.

Dexter: What the hell is going on!

Monty: Theres a shit load of cups making there way up the stair well, busting up my party. Anyone foolish enough to stick around is getting tossed into one of the trucks they have waiting down stairs.

Dexter: What the fuck dude! Why the hell are they breaking the party up? I thought you cleared this with your neighbors so this wouldn't happen!

Monty: I fucking did! Hell, I got the whole downstairs floor sitting in my living room right now! *stops and looks at Jennifer sitting on the bed casually rearanging her dress* Say, who's your friend?

Dexter: Um......Monty, Jennifer, Jennifer, Monty.

Jennifer: Pleased to finally meet the man who could pull off a party like this. Dexter has told me a lot about you.

Monty: *casually walking over to her, he takes one of her hands in his and raises it up to just below his chin* I hope only good things *he grins mischeviously before placing a soft kiss on the back of her hand*

Dexter: Well if your done hitting on my date. Need I remind you that at any minute the cops will reach this floor!

Monty: Oh fuck!

*Dropping to his knees, he urgently searches underneath his bed. Jennifer, her legs bumped by Monty, quickly stands up and moves over to Dexter, taking his hand in hers and watches Monty. A triumphant cry escapes from under the bed as Monty slips back out with a packed zip lock bag.*

Dexter: Is that...

Monty: Yep, its my stash of the mean green. I gotta get rid of it quick!

*Rushing to the bathroom, he drops to his knees in front of the toilet. Clutching the zip lock back tightly to his chest he mumbles*

Monty: Oh my dear friend, you must go. I regret to not have enough time to smoke you, but you could mean a life sentence for me.

*Opening the bag and up ending the contents in the toilet. With a mornfully whimper, he flushes the toilet and quietly raises his hand in salute as the water flows down the drain.*

Jennifer: Dexter, what are we gonna do? I can't get into trouble, my parents would kill me!

Dexter: I don't know Jennifer, I'll think of something.

Monty: Use the fire escape, its just outside that bedroom window *points to the window across pile of boxes* It works good, I use it often.

Dexter: Good, now get up man, we are making a run for it.

Monty: Can't bro, its my apartment after all. I got to stay and make sure they don't fuck the place up.

Dexter: Come on Monty, don't be a fool. Come with us.

Monty: Seriously, you two go without me. If there is any trouble, my name is on the lease. If I get busted, I don't want fleeing the scene added to the list. Besides, I got to stay here and make sure there are no remnents of this *holds up the zip lock back* left floating in the toilet.

*Dexter stands there with a torn look in his face, desperately clutching Jennifer's hand. Unable to move, he stands there with his mouth working, unable to speak, as he stares at his long time friend. Monty slowly stands up and walks over to him. Places a hand on his shoulder and looks into Dexter's eyes with a confident look in his.

Monty: Go man, I'll be fine, I always am.

*Quikcly the two of them clear a path through the boxes to the window. Opening it up, Dexter looks back at his friend one last time before climbing out onto the fire escape. Jennifer stops and turns towards Monty, placing her hands on his shoulders, she stretches up and places a soft kiss on his cheek then whispers in his ear.*

Jennifer: Dexter is right, you are a really good guy and the best friend.

Monty: *looking at her with a slightly suprised look in his eyes, he quickly recovers and gives her ass a light pat* Now get with you before I show you what contents you can find in a box labeled bible school. *winks and gives her a cock sure grin*

*Quickly the two of them make there way down the fire escape to the street below. The red and blue lights of multiple cop cars bounce off the surounding apartment buildings from around the corner. Climbing down first, Dexter stands under Jennifer with his arms raised up holding her sides, carefull to make sure she doesn't fall. Taking her hand, the two of them quickly run down the street in the oposite direction of all the action. Two blocks away, Dexter comes to a halt and stands there with a pained look in his eyes.*

Jennifer: *looking into his eyes* You are going to go back for him aren't you.

Dexter: I can't let him go through this alone. I got to be there for him, no matter the circumstances.

Jennifer: *moving up in between his arms, circling hers around his lower back, the two of them kiss a long, passionate kiss* How could I expect any less from such a loyal, sweet man.

Dexter: I'm sorry Jennifer, I got to....

Jennifer: *placing her finger over his lips, she quietly shushs him* Don't say another word, I completely understand.

Dexter: Thank you, and I'm sorry.

Jennifer: *fumbling around in her purse, she pulls out a small slip of paper and a pen. Quickly she begins scribbling on the little piece of paper.* Here is my phone number. I expect you to call me the minute you get out of jail, ok.

Dexter: *grasping the note still in her hand, he steps forward and gives her a soft kiss* Of course, I wouldn't have it any other way.

*His index finger lightly caresses down the length of her hand as he takes the note and then places it in his pocket. Back stepping quickly, he watches her for a bit before turning around and running full bore, never looking back again.

Quickly he gets back to the fire escape and climbs it with leaping steps. Running as fast as he can up the twelve floors of fire escape. Panting heavily, he finally arives at the open window of Monty's bedroom. Slowly he peeks his head into the bedroom while quietly whispering Monty's name. Before he is half way through the window, two sets of hands roughly grasp the back of his shirt and pull him into the room,slamming him to the floor. Stunned, his head swimming, he struggles a bit as one set of hands grasps his wrist and twist them up behind his back.*

Officer: Police, you are under arrest. You have the right to remain silent. You have the right to an attorney. Anything and everything you say can and will be used against you in a court of law...

*Hours later, Monty and Dexter are sitting in an empty interogation room in the police station. A single light above the cast iron table, casts an eerie shadows in the far corners. The two of them sitting on the same side of the table, hands still handcuffed behind there backs. Two sets of chairs sit on the opposite side of the table. A large, framed mirror sits on the wall behind those chairs. The only door to the room just off to the left of the mirror.*

Monty: *wearily* Why the hell did you come back?

Dexter: I couldn't let you take this alone man.

Monty: *sighs* I told you I would be fine. I can handle this on my own man.

Dexter: I know you can, but being best friends means you don't have to handle it on your own. I'm here for you, not just when its convienent for me.

Monty: *looks over at Monty* I love you dude.

Dexter: Oh, don't get all mushy on me now. Especially in here.

Monty: *chuckles softly* You know when it comes down to it, your going to be my bitch not me yours.

Dexter: Sure, keep telling yourself that buddy. I'm sure it will help you get through those long nights wearing that little pink number I will give you to wear.

*The two of them sit there laughing together. Starting off soft laughing, but quickly turning into full, side aching laughter. They can barely supress the mirth when the door opens and two plain clothes officers come into the room and sit themselves oposite of them.*

Jones: You think this is a laughing matter?

Monty&Dexter: No sir.

Jones: Good, cause this is far from a laughing matter. I'm officer Jones, this is my partner, officer Robinson.

Robinson: Listen boys, we have a pretty serious matter on our hands here. You two are looking at a long sentence here unless you coperate with us.

*Monty and Dexter look at each other completely baffled.*

Monty: I'm not sure what you are getting at.


Robinson: This is not the time to play innocent. Its not gonna get you anywhere but more years in prison.

Dexter: I......I don't get it. What have we done? How could a loud party land us in prison?

Jones: You're really starting to get on my nerves boy!

Dexter: But....

Robinson: Don't play games boys, we found what you where trying to hide.

Dexter: *eyes wide, he looks over at Monty* I THOUGHT YOU GOT RID OF YOUR SHIT!!

Monty: I fucking did! There was nothing left...I swear I flushed it all down the toilet!

Jones: Explain to me how the hell you flush three dead bodies down the toilet!

*Monty and Dexter stop and stares at the officers with scarred, bewildered looks on there faces, jaws dropped open.*

Robinson: Thats right, we found your hidden room with the three dead woman and the implements you used ....*covers his mouth with his hand for a minute* to torture them to death.

Dexter: But....we.....we...didn't....we didn't...

Monty: NO FUCKING WAY MAN! I did no such fucking thing! I would never kill someone let alone torture them! This is a fucking conspiracy and you fucking assholes are trying to use me as the scape goat! I'm not fucking going down like that!

Jones: *slaming his fist down on the table* YOU LITTLE SHIT! You dare preach to me about conspiracies when we got enough evidence to put you both in the chair! *reaches out and grabs the front his shirt forceable and pulls him right up to his face* You make me sick!

Robinson: *fighting Jones to let go, he quickly tries to regain composure* Now listen boys. We have all the evidence and I'm sure in a matter of hours we will find DNA and finger print evidence all over the bodies and objects we found in that room.

Dexter: But.....I.....I .......no.....I....NO!

Jones: YOU FILTHY FUCKING MAGGOT! *leaps out of his seat and tries strangling Dexter. Dexter, helpless with his hands cuffed behind his back, stares at him wide eyed in horror. Robinson leaps up and quickly pries his partner off Dexter and pushes him out the door, slaming it behind him, leaving Monty and Dexter alone in the interogation room.*


Monty: I DON'T HAVE A FUCKING CLUE! There is nothing like tha in MY apartment!

Dexter: This doesn't make any sense. How could they find that there? What the fuck is going on? I can't go down for this Monty, it will ruin my life.

Monty: Yours and mine both buddy.

Dexter: This HAS to be a mistake! It just has to be!

*Several hours go by and the two of them are left alone in the room stewing in there juices. The door slowly opens up and a more subdued Jones and Robinson walk into the room and Jones makes his way around behind Dexter. Dexter instinctively flinches away from him as Monty stares at him with eyes of fury.*

Robinson: Relax boys, we are here to release you.

Monty: Sure you are...so you can fuck with us some more huh!

Dexter: Quiet Monty! What do you mean you are letting us go.

Robinson: There seems to be a mix up here. It turns out the bodies where found in your next door neighbor's apartment. Seems the officers on the scene didn't ask who owned THAT particular apartment, but rather where asking who through that party. One thing got mixed up with another, and we thought you two owned that apartment.

Jones: *As he unhandcuffs Dexter* Sorry about what happened before, honest mistake.

Dexter: Yeah, sure....its cool.

Monty: So are you saying we are free to go, no charges over our heads, we can just walk out the building.

Robinson: Yep, you are free and clear. We weren't there to bust up your party. We had an annoymos tip we where folllowing. It just so happened to be on the same night as your party.

*Monty and Dexter, now free of the handcuffs, quickly stand up and are begin walking to the door. Just as Monty is about to walk out the door.*

Robinson: Oh, there is just one more thing. What exactly did you mean when you said earlier "you flushed it all."

Monty: *looks back at Dexter then to Robinson* Oh, it was just a stash of prescription drugs my last room mate left in the medicine cabinet. I panicked and flushed it all. Didn't want you to think I was abusing someone's prescription medication.

Robinson: *smiling knowingly* Sure kid. Now get on home and stay out of trouble.

Dexter: Oh you bet your sweet ass we will!

Monty: *looks back at Dexter in suprise then lets out a hearty laugh as the two of them walk out the door*.

*Walking out the front doors of the police station, the two of the quickly cover there eyes as the morning sun beats down on there senstive eyes.*

Monty: Its times like this I really wish I was a smoker.

Dexter: Yeah, cause when you get falsely acussed of torture and murdering three woman, nothing hits the spot like a cool cigarette.

Monty: Something like that. Man, I'm killer hungery. You wanna head up town and get some breakfeast?

Dexter: Can't man, I got a promise to keep. *holds up the slip of paper from earlier, gives a big grin, then slowly walks away*

Michael Moore for 2004



It's about time - Wednesday, Jul. 07, 2004
An Honor for Chrome - Friday, Feb. 20, 2004
A great loss - Monday, Oct. 20, 2003
a terrible announcement. - Tuesday, Sept. 09, 2003
Chrome speaks: - Friday, Sept. 05, 2003

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