Wednesday, Oct. 09, 2002 - 4:24 A.M.

I refuse to be judged by my genitalia! You have to sleep with me first before you can do that.


Ok so now that the first immunity challange is out of the way. Back to the usual crap I put up here.

Now the entry before that I knew was going to be disturbing to many, but disgustingly funny to some. Unfortunetly that entry has come back to bite me in the ass for this first immunity challange.

It seems the vast majority of them mention either me doing something with my balls or wanting to show them.

Holy shit did I ever paint a bad picture then. I mean really I try and avoid talks of my balls at all times.

Of course this will now be the second time I've talked about them in a few days. So I can see where that might be difficult to believe.

And really I don't like showing off my balls to people, let alone to roaming cameras. Sure I've known guys who have had obessions with flashing there nether regions like it some party favor we are at Mardi Gras.

But still I happened to go into great details about it in said entry. Thanks to a couple conversations with friends, which I won't get into now. And coming up with this line...

You are killing off a nation's worth a swimmers because you insist on wearing fruit of looms.

That shit actually made me laugh and its not often I actually laugh that good at something I say. I figure its gotta be a winner and worth writing an entire entry around it.

Little did I know I'd end up on some tropical island with several people nervously afraid I'll draw a happy face on them and try and give a puppet show.

And really folks, the puppet show is for private, small audiences only. Though you'd be amazed how good of a Richard Nixon impersonation they can do.

Alright, I'll leave that subject at that before I become the blue ball wonder of diaryland.

So as luck would have it I was flipping through the channels tonight when I caught an episode of Charlie Rose on PBS. His special guest of the night. The same guy on the banner below this entry, Michael Moore.

I loke watching Charlie Rose at times, especially when he has a good guest. With Michael Moore on, I was glued to my seat. That man knows more about the underdog, over looked atrosities in life and its very compelling to just listen to him talk about it.

As part of the interview, Michael Moore was out supporting his up coming documentry about the Columbine killings. The footage they showed was him interviewing Maryln Manson about how he felt about it all.

Say what you will about Marylin Manson, despite his pandering to the fears of the religous right. Feeding off it in the media to shine the spot light on him. The man can articulate his thoughts very well. As my mother once said it while watching an episode of Polticaly Incorrect with him on it...

I want to keep disliking him, but its so hard to do after hearing him speak so well.

A new Michael Moore documentry added on with what looks to be a very good interview with Marylin Manson. This definetly a good "must see" kind of movie.

I'd tell you whats the name of it, but I have forgotten it. Though if you go here. I'm sure this guy knows and would be more then willing to tell you.

Did anyone actually watch George W. Bush's speech that was on television a couple days ago?

Yeah, me neither.

It was obvious what the whole damn thing was going to be about. Him wanting to whip his dick out and slap Iraq with it tell they give up there crazy ways and hand over there country to us.

Which I can't agree with doing under such flimsy excuses and with almost no backing from other countries. Personally I think we fucked up the last time we where there and didn't get the job done right.

As gruesome as that is, its the facts of war. You don't invade another country and do a half ass atempt at trying to stop them. Sure hundreds upon hundreds of Iraq soliders where surrendering to us on a daily basis, but what came of it?

He is still and rule and we knew damn well he was going to fight us at every corner with "no fly zones" and chemical and biological weapons inspections. We knew what kind of man we where dealing with. Hell we even helped and trained them to take care of our messes in Iran.

Which as we can all see, went oh so well.

So why is he pushing for this so hard? Why is he so insistent we go back and bomb the living hell out of Iraq who have made no physical threats against us. Oh sure, they've talked a lot of shit about this country in the past. Though if we are willing to go to war over that, we'd be fighting three quarters of the planet. Maybe even more.

I'll tell you why, in my opinion, he is pushing so hard.

Because no one respects him and he knows it. Right from the start it was a sad case for him. His campaign trail was a pathetic show case of rehashed words his very opponent was speaking then shoving words in his mouth about "big goverment". Which Bush claimed he didn't want, but if you read the small print in the contract you'll find the words "unless I feel like it".

The election was dull, boring, and completely uninspired. And at the end of it, look what happened. A nation which prizes its "democracy" while throwing out our common catch phrase "your vote counts" like it was going out of fad. And what happens, in the end your vote didn't mean shit as Bush was one of a hand full of presidents who got into office based on electorial votes.

And no one is happy about, not even the people who orginally voted for him.

So now he is deathly afraid of a repeat perfomance his father had three elections ago. He sees the media and entertainment treating him like a big buffon, fitingly so. Being seen as the child of a former President squeezing his way into the oval office and living it up like a teenager fulfilling his rock star dreams.

And has he proven these beliefs wrong? Lets see he managed to choke on a pretzel nearly killing himself which resulted in broken blood vessels around his eyes making him look like he just went three rounds with Mike Tyson. He went on national television and tried to play tough guy by threatening the entire country with "don't you dare talk bad about my daughter" when any rational person would see this would just be fuel to the flames. Him quoted to say, while in France visiting the Prime Minisiter, to a french journalist who asked her question in english and frnech "are you trying to be fancy."

Trailor park trash type quality representing our country across the world.

You know I hate to say "I told you so" to many people about him getting voted into office.

Oh who am I fucking kidding....

I fucking told you so!

Thanks for making our goverment look like a very special polticial episdoe of Hee Haw.

Damn it.

Michael Moore for 2004



It's about time - Wednesday, Jul. 07, 2004
An Honor for Chrome - Friday, Feb. 20, 2004
A great loss - Monday, Oct. 20, 2003
a terrible announcement. - Tuesday, Sept. 09, 2003
Chrome speaks: - Friday, Sept. 05, 2003

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