2001-08-10 - 7:20 a.m.

Nothing funny to see here folks so move along


"Did you hear that Ireland just voted in divorce recently. Whoa we are a long ways away from getting blow jobs past. Right now we are regulated three a year and they all go to MICHAEL FLATLEY!!!"

Denis Leary, Lock and Load

Well, my life recently has been about as fun as watching paint dry. At least nothing bad is happening....thus far.

I'm pleasantely suprised of my ability as of late to keep my apartment as tiddy as it is. I used to keep my apartment looking like a tornado blew through right after somebody held a full contact foot ball game complete with BBQ roast for everyone. Now I don't feel embaressed or have to go on a cleaning binge from hell when I want some maitence done on my apartment. Which is severly good cause I'm have had it up to my cake hole with this weak ass water preasure in my bathroom. I'm sick of washing my hair and face in my kitchen sink and dealing with a tiny ass trickle in the shower for the rest of it. So I'm going to nag the shit out of my land lord tell I get some asshole with a tool belt and enough crack showing to be equated to the grand canyon. I'm getting that mofo fixed even if I have to rip the shit out of the wall myself.

So I'm going to go see American Pie 2 today, for free mind you. Crewd, crass, simple dick and fart jokes but damn in the right mood that can be some funny shit. Besides, all the good shit doesn't seem to come here... damn Nazi bastards.

well for fuckes sake I have already run out of things to talk about. Ok I got to do something intersting tute sweet before I start getting bored.


Michael Moore for 2004



It's about time - Wednesday, Jul. 07, 2004
An Honor for Chrome - Friday, Feb. 20, 2004
A great loss - Monday, Oct. 20, 2003
a terrible announcement. - Tuesday, Sept. 09, 2003
Chrome speaks: - Friday, Sept. 05, 2003

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