Saturday, Aug. 03, 2002 - 3:00 A.M.

Festive poo.


You know, I came to a quick conclusion that I"ve been drinking to much Kool Aid as of late when I looked in my toilet tonight.

Before I go on any further, let me say why I've been drinking a ton of Kool Aid as of late.

First off, the shits pretty damn good if you don't skimp on the sugar. And lets face it, its pretty damn cheap to make, the key reason to me buying it. And, well city war tastes like I'm drinking pool water mixed with toothpaste, not exactly the taste that satisfies.

So, I've been drinking Kool Aid by the glass fulls, hoping to replenish the water I'm losing from sweating cause I decided to breath in all this heat and humidity.

I'm properly hydrated, but I'm in the bathroom every five minutes with my bladder at full red alert. WHich is just annyoing as hell, especially since the sensation doesn't creep up on you. Instead it flies at you like a speeding bullet to annoyance "must.pee.now!" The kind of need to pee that you beg the toilet seat is already up because the idea of bending over as you barely hang on.....not a good idea.

Well, earlier today I need to hit the bathroom faster then Cheech in Up and Smoke after he ate those Mexican burritos.

Come on cheeks stay together...lets stay together...


Oh, I hope that was only a fart.

SO I get in there, do my business, then clean up. As I turn around to flush the toilet, I happen to see what looked like I had shit a christmas tree.

It was all green, a real dark colored green on top of it.


So I look at in facination, not being able to believe THAT came from MY body. It was like rubber necking at a car accident, you know its nasty, but you can't help but look.

Though, oddly enough, it reminded me of christmas. Kind of festive actually. I'm thinking before the next time, I'm gonna eat a bunch of tinsel. It should liven up my toilet time with a flair of pazzaz. It would be festiv poo...great for those christmas time parties. Just spend a week constantly drinking Kool Aid. Then the day of the party, take a big, steaming dump in your toilet and drop a few christmas bulbs in there. Maybe run some christmas lights around the bowl. Though, what to do about the stink factor, I can't tell yeah. I haven't perfected the new craze of festiv poo.

Then again, the possibilities of ending up with a shit covered piece of tinsel sticking out of my ass all day, some how doesn't quite appeal to me.

Though I'm thinking a certain diarylander, if she still reads this diary, probably just laughed her ass off reading that.

Cause anyone who reads her diary knows she just has a thing for poo.

Well, it seems that I will have new neighbors fairly shortly here. Normally, this is something I find a bit on the annoying side.

Well they want to meet me on that first day? Will they want a house warming gift? Will they be cool at first, but turn annoying and obsessively clingy after a point? Will I sneak to my door every time I go out in fear one of them wil hear me in the hall? Will they persistent on calling the cops every time they see me dragging a large, sheet covered object mystersiously in the shape of a human body and covered by strange red stains? Will they have a daughter of the age of consent that doesn't mind me burrowing a hole in the wall to her bedroom?

You know, the normal worries you get when you have a new neighbor.

Ah, but this time is very different. Because I already know these people, and quite well too.

Dragonhawke and the artist formaly known as Prego, with there brand new baby are moving into the apartment right next to me.

Yay, I'll have access to a car any time I want now!

*coughs* ahem...

I mean yay, I actually already like my neighbors.

Though I'm a little jealous they are getting this apartment because its a hell of a lot larger then this apartment. Has its own private back porch. And has a very well made shower installed in it. Oh, and they actually have a closet....

rat bastards.

Though here's the deal, no bathtub in the apartment. Thats sort of a problem when you got a kid thats only a month old.

Yeah, but I have an old fashioned clawed foot bath tub with a home made shower that works for shit.

Ok, guess who's gonna be getting that good shower lovin real soon here.

And add on the fact my only other neighbor is cool as hell....that means kegger in the lobby.

Oh yeah.....I definetly landed a good gig getting this apartment.

Michael Moore for 2004



It's about time - Wednesday, Jul. 07, 2004
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A great loss - Monday, Oct. 20, 2003
a terrible announcement. - Tuesday, Sept. 09, 2003
Chrome speaks: - Friday, Sept. 05, 2003

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