Wednesday, Aug. 14, 2002 - 2:50 A.M.

The argument I pose for the legalization of marijuana......quite possibly this might not be the first time I did this.


Lets just start this one by me saying I'm not sure if I've gone into great detail about this subject in the past on here. Personally, I can't remember, but its possible.

First off, I'm to damn lazy to look through two hundred and fifty some odd entries to see if I've touched on this subject with as much details as I will here.

And, well, my memory is for shit.

Prime example of that today is when I was with Dragonhawke in the car. We had the radio on to one of three shitty ass radio stations around here when that Water Falls song by TLC came on.

I actually stopped and thought, "why in the world haven't we heard anything from them in awhile?"

Oh yeah, thats right, one of them is dead.

Um........which one again?

I had to ask Dragonhawke which one of them was dead. Before I even asked him, I knew how lame in the head I was going to come across asking this.

Oh yeah, the one who used to wear a condom over her left eye.

Yep....now it all comes back to me. Apparently I learn no lesson about pop culture from diary land pop stars that a new, shiney object won't make me forget about.

If I'm like this at age twenty six. I don't even want to think about what its going to be like if I make it until I'm seventy years old.

Though I look forward to the myseteries I shall recieve every five minutes of my life.

Who is that on television? What the hell is this meat between these two pieces of bread? Why the hell is my diaper wet? Who the fuck are you!?!

Yep, I need to have me a flock kids before that time so someone takes care of me during my senile years. Besides, someone's gonna have to wipe my ass.

Because if not, the itching is going to drive me fucking nuts.

Now today's topic is the result of me talking to a few people and realizing the ignorance of the futelity that is the war against drugs. One drug in specific.

Now to cover my ass, and in case said people come to read my page. Which, I've come to realize is happening more often.

God damn curious people.

When I say ignorance, I don't mean that to be insultive nor am I calling you stupid. Ignorance, by definition, means lack of knowledge about a specific topic.

So don't go thinking I'm saying your a special forces member of Team Short Bus(TM).

Just chill and listen.

Here lies the details of my argument for legalizing marijuana.

To start off, we all know how easy it is to get some weed in the United States. Sure, you can't go down to your local grocery store and grab some off the shelf. But, you might be able to ask a clerk or a bagger descretly if he/she knows where he can find some.

Despite the laws, marijuana is a multi-million to billion dollar business each year.

So what does this tell you?

That millions upon millions of dollars each year goes to stopping the traffic of this ilegal substance, but still doesn't put all that big of a dent in its sales.

So, with legalization, we will see multi-millions of dollars not wasted each year on man hours, paper work, govermental hours, housing, feeding, and clothing people who's only crime is dealing in marijuana. Millions of dollars better put to use in the developes of curing diseases, feeding the homeless, solving enviromental issues.

There lies a serious rise from the red of our current govermental debt. Also a serious drop in our already over crowded prsion system.

Now, lets assume we have legalized marijuana. What happens when any new product thats in demand is open for sales to the public?

You then see companies investing the growing and packaging of said product for sales on the open market. Which means millions of dollars building factories, setting up farms, buying of equipment and product needed to make and prodcue said product. All these millions upon millions of dollars being pumped into our currently failing economy.

Oh, and let us not forget that we will need man power to produce, package, and sell this product. Thus creating tens of thousands of new jobs in the market. Jobs that are desperately needed. Yet another answer of how to put more money in our failing economy.

With this comes govermental regulations. Keeping this drug safe and its prices regulated. No more worrying if some asshole decided to fuck with you and give you a bag laced with angel dust or something else as particularly nasty.

Now, its legalized and its being produced and shipped for sales. Guess what, its a product, and what does the goverment do with every marketable product out there?

Taxes the living piss out of it.

Yep, so with each pack of "joints" you buy, you have just payed the goverment a certain percentage of cash.

So, we have first off taken them a good deal out of the red by giving up the futilety of trying to keep it in the streets, then earning them a very large sum of cash each and every year in the prodcuing and sales of it.

Can you say bling bling boys and girls?

I thought you could.

After all these points, I was offered the objection of, "you could say these same things about any other drug out there?"

Ah, a challange to my argument, very good.

And here is why you can't say that about marijuana specificly.

First off marijuana is known to not have any additives that make it psycholgicaly or physicaly addictive. Sure, there are are "addicts" to it, but in this case this addiction is like anything else you do in excess.

Anything done in excess that we consume can become addictive. After a point of excess, your body adjusts to having this product inside you. Be it different kinds of foods, drinks, candies, or medications. Your body adjusts to having it in it's system, and after a point becomes reliant of having it there. Reliant to the point of symptoms of detoxification when said product is not introduced to the system on a regular basis. Gitters, discomfort, decline in concentration, cravings in said product.

Next, marijuana is one of the very few currently ilegal drugs that doesn't out right kill you. Sure, it has long term negative effects to your body. But once again, the same thing can be said about tons of things already legal and marketed. There is no over dosing on marijuana, you just get really stoned and kill off a ton of brain cells.

No one dies of smoking a joint or a bong hit unless some one laces it with shit that does kill you.

And yes, with the legalization of marijuana, there comes a risk of abuse of the product.

Once again, same argument arises that abuse of anything happens with everything. Alchol, prescription drugs, tobacco, food, caffeine, even your damn stair master.

To assume keeping it ilegal will keep it from being abused is beyond ignorance and destructively optimisitic. It reaches beyond the barriers of reality and I would go as far to say that any one who thinks its possible is deluding themselves.

There is no more sociably acceptable drug in existance then marijuana. Its apearance has apeared in radio, television, and movies. More and more people have come forward to not only accepting someone who smokes it, but may admit to smoking it themselves.

This war against marijuana equates to the same failure as the prohibition of alchol was in the early twentieth century. It didn't work and all it ended up doing was lining the pockets of current criminal organizations.

Oh, and one last bit argument for legalization.

I've seen this comerical on television some time after the incidents of September 11th.

Basically the comercial consists of showing a list of different things a terroist needs in order to create terror in the States. From buying cars, purchasing ammo and guns, to the acusition of explosives. The pose the quiestion, "Where do they get the money for all this?"

They say quite possibly from the sales of that ounce of weed you bought the other day.

Now I'll give them credit for being sneaky enough to suggest marijuana use equals funding terroist activity.

But, thats not what this comercial tells me. What it does tell me is hey, finally legalize the shit so criminals, who might possibly be terrorists, aren't the ones selling this shit to Americans.

Well, ok, not crimninals who aren't govermentaly subsidized I mean.

Now thats a completely different argument.

Michael Moore for 2004



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