2001-07-22 - 3:55 a.m.

Is it hot in here or is it.....JUST THE FUCKING SUN!!!!


"When your over thirty, and he have an intense burning in your ass. You go see the doctor, tute sweet."

John Stewart, Comics Come Home

Ssssssssssssssssoooooooooooooooooooo we will just ignore my last entry, cause even I don't know why the fuck I did that. Eh, maybe its was just not my day. Er, or month, shit how about year. Ok, can I say life, cause so far its been a doosey. Damn, I may not be a believer, well in anything I cann't see, touch, feel, taste, or pass through my lower intestines. But I sure hope there is a such thing as past lives. Cause, I sure as shit can't wait tell I'm past this one and on to my new life. I'm figuring karmicly speaking. I'm racking up enough shit in this life. I should come back as some gargantuan dicked porno star who becomes the lead singer of a band that hits it bigger then the Beatles, Rolling Stones, and Metallica combined. Eh...... with my luck, I'll probably come back as Pee Wee Herman's kid, Ity Bity Smity Herman.

I got a question, its a simple one, so feel free jump in and answer it for me. WHAT THE FUCK IS UP WITH THIS BIG BROTHER SHIT!!!! I keep hearing about, its in several diary's. I saw a bit on the Daily Show with John Stewart about a guy getting kicked off there. I guess while kissing a girl, he put a knife to her throat and said "I'm going to cut your throat" or some shit like that. So I got to wonder, what fucking channel is this on and what night. It's not like I want to watch the freaking show, nothing but another rip off reality based show. But god damn, its starting to drive me a bit nuts. Plus, what the shit is it about, I know what a big brother/sister is. So what, is it a show wherea bunch of people live toghether while going through the big brother/sister program. Oh yeah thats just smart, great for the kids. Shove *how many people are on the show* with conflicting personalities all in one house, forced to live together. And they get to play all there melodrama on camera, to be brodcasted nation wide. I kind of feel sorry for these kids, a bunch of wannabe actors looking to catch there fifteen minutes of fame *Warhol, you have made one hell of a quotable line. But I gots to say, your paintings kinda suck. Praised for panting a freakin can of cambels soup. Some times I got to wonder what the fuck is wrong with this artistic culture. I might claim to be an artist myself, but I'm not the prentious fucked in the head artist. I'm just fucked in the head.* So you got to wonder, do any of these people on the show REALLY give a shit if there helping out these kids........I'm just saying.

Jesus christ, would some one turn the freakin temperature down on the freakin sun. What are we doing, trying to heat the entire freakin world. Man its been fucking hotter then after eating pig that was on a strict diet of red hot burittos covered in "Ow, my ass is on fire" hot sauce. Yeah yeah, I know, didn't make much sense, but you get my point here. So I have been marinating quite nicely in my sweat while on a slow cook for the past week. Much more of this shit, and I'm going to send a ass load of nukes to take out that freakin sun. And yeah, I know it aint as hot here as it is in lets say, Texas or Saudi Arabi. But GOD DAMN!!!! I live in Michigan people. Where we jokingly say about the weather, "If you don't like Michigan weathere, give it ten minutes, it will change." HEY, NUMB NUTS!!! ITS BEEN MORE THEN TEN MINUTES!!!! KNOCK IT OFF WITH THE HEAT ALREADY!!!! And its not just the freakin heat that is killer, its that god damn bitch of humidty thats killing me. I swear I have lost a step or two in speed trying to force my way through this nearly visible layer of freakin water in the air. Now, to gain a bit of prespective for all yeah. Lets give yeah some good ol small town Michigan info here. Aparently, Wallmart sold out ALLL there air conditioners, even the huge "meant to keep a walk in freezer nice and cold" sized air condtioners. Two pallets about 8 feet tall each full of box fans, and three hours later. The pallets where only like 2 feet tall. Hell, I ran into a old friend tonight, and he offered to trade me a $300 night vision scope for a freakin $100 air conditioner. Which I don't have, and don't have the money to pick up one to make the trade, which doesn't matter cause Wally world is out of air conditioners. And besides, I don't have a gun and how hot my apartment has been in the past week. I wouldn't trade any of my friends life to give up a air conditioner. Damn I hate summer time and its constant fucking rays of sun shinning down. Let it be perpetually fall with its preaty colors and chilly breezes stirring the piles of leafs everywhere. Now that my friends.......is what you call a small piece of Nirvana.

Now if the heat isn't bad enough, then the Gus Macker is the straw that broke the camel's back. Or better yet, the letter that sends the mail man to go postal. Now for those of you blessed enought to NOT be intiated in the concept of Gus Macker. I'll give you a quick run down what it is. It is one huge ass media event, meant to bust tourist business all across Michigan. And what do they do to attract this tourists you ask. Well, don't be so fucking impatient, I was getting that.......damn short atention spans. Well Gus Macker is a basketball tournment for all those arm chair Air Jordans of the world. Where people from all over can show da skillz in basketball know how. Its kinda fucking sad how many people feel if it wasn't for *place lame excuse here* they would be the next first round draft pick for *place number one basket ball team name here.....don't follow the game. I mean come on... watching a bunch of men dribble back and forth on a bunch of wood slats while trying to get there ball into one hole or another. If I really want to see this......I'll just go to a dance club and watch some guys try and score with two ladies. Ok, joke may not make much sense to you, but trust me. It made me nearly laugh my balls off* So now the streets are loaded with Gus Maker pig fuckers with annoying addituteds cause "GUS MACKER RULZ! YEAH!" ........

eeeeerrrrrrr ......fuck off dude........I came in to get a burrito. No back off Spare *tire* Jordan before I bust a cap in dat ass BIO-TCH!!!



Michael Moore for 2004



It's about time - Wednesday, Jul. 07, 2004
An Honor for Chrome - Friday, Feb. 20, 2004
A great loss - Monday, Oct. 20, 2003
a terrible announcement. - Tuesday, Sept. 09, 2003
Chrome speaks: - Friday, Sept. 05, 2003

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