2001-07-24 - 3:57 a.m.

Concrete Blonde and Florida Party central


"Everybody knows the dice are loaded. Everybody rose with ther fingers crossed. Everybody knows that the war is over. Everybody knows that the good guys lost. Everybody knows that the fight is fixed. The poor stay poor the rich get rich. Thats how it goes. And everybody knows. Everybody knows the boat is sinking. Everybody knows that the captain lied. Everybody got this broken feeling. Like there momma or there dog just died. Everybodies hands are in there pockets. Everybody wants a box of chocolates and a long stem rose. And everybody knows."

Every Body Knows, Concrete Blonde

Yeah, I know this entries quote is long. But I'm listening to my finally returned Concrete Blonde, Still in Hollywood cd. I made the big mistake of lending it to a friend who was living with a married couple. Not keeping in mind that the wife is a completly insane religious freak from hell that is paranoid as fuck and has a habit of kicking people out of her house for the craziest shit in the fucking world!! *gasps for air* damn that was a long sentence. Now this cd is one of my rare ventures out of fast paced metal *well just about anything angry loud and fast paced that is* in my cd collection. And truth be told, its one of my favorite cd's. Some times I get a bit sick of the same cd over and over, so I would slide it right back in my cd tower and forget about it shortly there after. But some weeks or months later, while searching for something different to listen to, I always end up coming back to that cd. I put it in and listen to it nearly religiously for a period of time. At times its very mellow, but dark and foreboding. And at times it can rock out and raise the prespective middle finger. Johnette Napolitano, lead singer and bass player, has such a deep soulfull husky voice that I have just fallen madly in love with. Her singing sooths my soul and touches me deep inside, sharing my pain for a period of time. Some day, when money isn't so tight. I'm just going to collect a nice sized wad of cash, hit the music store and order as many Concrete Blonde cd's as I can get my greedly big clumsy ass hands on.

So this freakin heat wave is persisting to melt my ass into my chair all day and all night. I still say blow up that god damn sun......just put millions of sun lamps everywhere so we can adjust the temperature at all times....eeeerrrrrrrrr whatever. This heat is fucking with my brain. I have lost my powers of humor. The sun is my kryptonite..... I can not make funny as long as it is hot....ack.... I'm dieing over here.

So my friend from florida who came back here for the first time in 9 years is going back home tommorow morning. Guess he got a call from his girlfriend begging him to come home, his younger brother who lives next door is getting a bit out of hand since a friend of yours moved in with him. This friend as mention is a real good friend, but drinks WAY to much and WAY to often. And when he gets drunk, he does some real stupid shit. Which is why he can't not come back to Michigan without living in fear of going to prison for the rest of his young freaking life. Now this friend from Florida wants a few of my friends and me to move down to there where he lives. Now in theory this sound real wicked. Get out of Michigan and live out of state for the first time. Get away from all the bullshit this little town heaps on yeah. Having some of my best friends there with me, so moving to a strange place won't be so scary or lonely. Now that all sounds real good, but to face the harsher facts. One, where are all of us going to stay. Well I guess thats taken care of since my friends little brother said we all can live with him. Which by the way is SUCH a bad idea. Five guys in one house, four of them known for the serious partying habbits. A few of them known for there hard core drug inhaltion. Now I know the bills and rent *if there is any* will not be a problem being covered. My best friend up here who is going is a ex truch driver with a CDL licence should get a good job preaty easily. My outlaw friend already there maybe be a drunken chaotic mess, but is a hard worker. From what I have been told the younger brother is a preaty hard worker myself. I would transfer my disability shit from here to Florida *which would be such a serious pain in the ass, but its free money so I can deal*. Now the other friend who is coming down with us is a serious slacker, but with the four of us we will bully his ass into getting a job. Now the five of us in one house, two of them already brothers, and a sixith one right next door brother to one of the roomates. With his own gf who has a couple of kids of her own. And I think her sister and her husband live there too, not quite sure on that one. Well that would be one hell of a click. Would have its serious fun moments. But I know these people, all of us cooped up in a two house range constantly. Drinking, drugging and heavy partying every night. Knowing my outlaw friend a lot of shit will go down, unlong with about a million visitors a day *I say often how bad my apartment can get for visitors. But my outlaw friend has me beat by a mile. Anyone who has there house so packed that a few dozen people are forced to stand in the hall cause the apartment can't fit any more in there, every night of the week. Now that is definetly worse then my house.* There will probably be a rainbow of choices in drugs, alchol, and woman *more then likely hookers too judging by a few of the phone conversations I have had with him since he has been on the run* And my best friend who is desperate to jump into the music scene down there, well where talking about some even more hard core partying and nights of debachorey. Now, in a very morbid way this all sounds like real fun. But the fact is it would be one hell of a negative way to start leading al over our lives. I can see a very dark and disturbing ending to all of this. Now I might go visit for a period of time. That sounds like it could be fun. But to live there.......I'm not sure I can live with that level of self destruction. But then again, I could be blowing it out of preportion. Personally.......I don't think I am.


Michael Moore for 2004



It's about time - Wednesday, Jul. 07, 2004
An Honor for Chrome - Friday, Feb. 20, 2004
A great loss - Monday, Oct. 20, 2003
a terrible announcement. - Tuesday, Sept. 09, 2003
Chrome speaks: - Friday, Sept. 05, 2003

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