2001-07-28 - 6:32 a.m.

The New NEW look of this infatecimal web page



Me working on my new lay out about 6 in the morning

Soooooooooooo how you like the new look of my diary??? Eh, kinda spiffy aint it. I designed all the buttons and did the html. Well I started with that then I ran in a few tiny problems. Like not being able to get certain buttons working, and not being able to access my older.html page. So I'm talking to Gawain while I am doing it. And the second I had a problem I turned to *trumpets fanfare* a person who knows WAY more shit about computers and html then I will ever know. Aka Gawain aka De Man aka Computer Guru. So with some work and a lot of tinkering. I finally get the coding just right with a lot of help from Gawain. Now I would go into more detail exactly what LAME ASS BONE HEADED shit I did, but its my diary and I don't want to look as stupid as I am. So I finally get done with the lay out, all the problems fixed *except one little problem I have with it but I can deal with it* and this is a tiny bit of Gawain's and I's conversation.

ChromeMagnumMan: (6:25 AM) eh..a little agitated how the buttons above my counter look when resized but at least everything fucking works.....don't know what I would have done without you.

Gawain: (6:25 AM) heh. flown into an incoherent rage and broke something I would imagine.

ChromeMagnumMan: (6:28 AM) ha...good thing I didn't flip out......all this around me if I broke it....man would I be extra pissed that I DID....talk about a vicious circle.

he he...the man knows me TO well.

So now I'm basking in the glorious new look of my page, feeling a bit of pride in my work *yeah I know I didn't do ALL the work but FUCK IT!!! I did the majority...Gawain just made it work*. So now its new, its fresh, it INCOHERENT RANTING WITH A NEW LOOK!!!

"You know, you can put on as much makeup and spray as much perfume on a piece of shit as you want. But its still going to be a piece of shit."

eh shut the fuck up....stupid pig fucker.

Oh your going to like this. The theater here in town has a hotline for movies currently on and there times. Well, I guess some one over there got REAL bored and decided play time was best on the hotline. I called up to find out the times for Planet of the Apes. And as I'm waiting for them to get through all the standard bullshit I realized in the backround the theme music of the godfather was playing quite clearly. What the Fuck!?! Did they do that on purpose. So finally they get to Planet of the Apes and the guy starts doing this little weasely voice, which just makes it hard as shit to understand the times. Once again I'm in WHAT THE FUCK LAND *where I seem to have a condo and a beach resort there sense I visit oh so often* Now don't get me wrong, I like to see people to joke and fuck around. Love to watch them do it especially while at work *hell....I came up with the idea to play on one of my old factory jobs on last day I would blast Nine Inch Nails Happiness in Slavery over the loud speakers. To bad I never got to do that, but thats what happens when you DON'T know thats your last day* But DON'T FUCK WITH MY LOVE OF MOVIES NUMB NUTS!!! I get very angry..and you wouldn't like me when I'm angry. Now I can't say much sense my answering machine message is me doing a impersonation of Little Nicky *which I must say I do very welll thank you very much* But I'm not running a business out of my apartment now am I. If I was, man it must be bankrupt cause I aint got shit for money. Well I call the number some time later in the afternoon, and sure enough the wackiness on the hotline is gone. Probably got bitch slapped around and told KNOCK IT OFF AND DO IT RIGHT PIG FUCKER!!!

yeah....don't fuck with a lonely mans movie times... he might just have to FUCK YOU UP!!!


Michael Moore for 2004



It's about time - Wednesday, Jul. 07, 2004
An Honor for Chrome - Friday, Feb. 20, 2004
A great loss - Monday, Oct. 20, 2003
a terrible announcement. - Tuesday, Sept. 09, 2003
Chrome speaks: - Friday, Sept. 05, 2003

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