Wednesday, Jan. 02, 2002 - 2:07 A.M.

I have been slammed by a memeber of the retard nation! Oh it stings. Ok, not really, but I got nothing better to talk about.


"Life is like a box of turds with the occasional chocolate, you're preaty sure its all going to be shitty, but once and awhile theres a sweet suprise."

A cynical out take of Forest Gump

Well would you look at this, I got my first ever hate guestbook since I started this sight.

Or as Gawain said in this short bit of conversation...

ChromeMagnumMan: (2:11 AM)I got my first hate guestbook entry today.

Gawain: (2:20 AM) what, this?

"Man your diary fucking sucks dawg. Mine kicks you ass"

thats not hate, thats just retarded.

Which I have to agree, but precieving it as a hate guestbook entry makes this a bit more fun.

And well, I don't have anything better to talk about, so lets give this a shot.

The words in bold italics above are what I found in my guestbook entry tonight, I'm not going to say his name or post a direct link to his sight since I have a suspicion this was done in order to create a little controversy and maybe get a few hits sent his way. So for now on I'll just reffer to him by his given name at birth, Slap Nuts.

That or he is just flat out retarded, or a teenager hung up on himself which is preaty much the same thing.

Judging by his diary page, I would say a lot of both, though I'm not sure of his age, but judging by the one and only entry I read *one because anymore of that mindless dribble and I would have slammed my head repeatedly into my monitor tell I passed out JUST cause it would have been more fun.*

So I read this guestbook entry and imediately I have to wonder who is dawg and why is my web page seeking carnal knowledge with him/her/it? Then again you have to wonder how something made of binary codes of 0s and 1s DOES have carnal knowledge of anything, but will give Slap Nuts the benifet of doubt that said "dawg" could seek sexual pleasures from a two dimesional web site.

And let us not forget to mention this gem of a sentence...

Mine kicks you ass

Huh, well lets see, my page takes on a minumalist view with less graphics to make them stand out more on the simple but effectice black background. My images are hand made by me, and I might say look preaty good.

Slap Nuts web page, black background, white lettering, the only image on it is one of those fucking AIDS ribbons done up to look like the american flag, and judging by how OFTEN I have seen that image on the web, I'm assuming he didn't make that. Not to mention all his text is in a even smaller window within the window just to add to your delight by giving you less text on the screen at one time AND having to deal with two scroll bars.

Well gee Slap Nuts, I sure see where your case stands strong on this one cause creating a web page that looks like one of the templates only with a few minor changes JUST kicks the shit out of mine, oh boy I'm quivering at the thought.

Now I witnessed this guestbook entry by clicking on a hotmail link, and as everyone who has or had hotmail knows, any link you click on has that little hotmail bar on top...

You are visiting a site outside of Hotmail. To return to Hotmail, close this browser window

So, when I clicked through to his web page address, the bar was still there. To be fair I decided to look at his page without the bar by highlighting and pasting his web address in hopes the removal of the hotmail bar would make his web page seem more apealing.

Nope.....I was wrong.

In fact I actually missed the bar since it was the only entertaining thing on his web page.

Ok, so the look of a diary and how good the graphics are take a back seat to how good the diary is, so I'm still trying to keep fair on this and read his current entry.


What is this guy, fourteen!?

All he seems to be talking about is how he kissed this one girl and he didn't care what you think about it, though here is the entire story to it as I see it, but still I really don't care what you think, but could you still read it, mind you I STILL don't care what you think, but its there for you to read if you want...

Yeah, we get the hint buddy, you don't care what we think and if I don't like you for this its my loss and blah blah blah....

You know, when I read that page I could actually imagine a teenager throwing a tempertantrum with his parent while saying that...

"I like her and we kissed and she maybe young but I like her and I don't care what you think about it!"

*stomps foot, crosses arms, and turns all red faced and stubborn*

hahahah preaty funny visual I might say, so this page isn't a COMPLETE waste of my time.

So how about we wrap this up with a quick summary on todays entry.

1. Not hate, just retarded.

2. Some dude named dawg wanting to screw my web page.

3. His web page's template, you know the one that looks like a diaryland template's HTML code in a Java Scrip table with a scroll bar kicks my web pages ass for some unknown reason.

4. I'm right your wrong and I don't care what you have to say about it!! But read my web page!

5. Oh look, I kissed a girl! Yippee, I'm a man now!!

Actually when I think about it, I don't know whats more sad, him writting that guestbook entry, or me responding to it when his "lack of imagination, must be a teenager and mildly retarded, kissing underaged girls and not carring what you think but still putting it up for you to read but he deoesn't care what you think" web page speaks loud and clear how stupid Slap Nuts is.

message to Slap Nuts:

Listen kid, if you don't like my shit, just don't read it, simple as that. Normally I wouldn't feel the need to say that to someone, but of course I normally assume I'm talking to someone with the ability of cognitive thinking, but I'm making an exception in your case.

Grow up kid, find a new hobby other then weakly slamming someone in there guestbook. And for god's sake, at least be creative with your slams, my god I've seen more creative thinking watching a episode of Tom Green and I fucking hate that show.

End of Message

So as this entire entry isn't completly about something lame, I was sent this link by a friend of mine and I found it to be preaty damn funny.

Plus it had this sticker on it and I definetly want this sticker, Christopher Walkens could definetly kick my candy ass and still look good doing it.

Michael Moore for 2004



It's about time - Wednesday, Jul. 07, 2004
An Honor for Chrome - Friday, Feb. 20, 2004
A great loss - Monday, Oct. 20, 2003
a terrible announcement. - Tuesday, Sept. 09, 2003
Chrome speaks: - Friday, Sept. 05, 2003

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