Tuesday, Sept. 03, 2002 - 4:59 A.M.

A quick moment of reflection from your pal Chrome.


Well, it seems that Trinity wants me to get stoned and do very interesting things to me in a dark back alley down town.

So what do I have to say about this?

When and can we do it again?

heh really, its been an intersting week here at my site. First I show up in Madame Fromage's dream being all blonde haired and gasey.

Though later she confessed to me that she has always thought of me as a "dark" person.

Yeah, call me Batman. I don't mind, I need that kind of money....heh

Now this back alley thing with Trinity.

Am I becoming a charming stud that women just can't resist anymore???

*looks at that last line again*


Oh fuck, thats a good one *wipes the tears away*

A quick moment of reflection from your pal Chrome on...


Is it just me or are you sick and tired of hearing all these whiney millionare's acting like the kid with the only ball in the field threating to take it home if they don't get what they want?

Yeah, I didn't think I was alone on this.

Yet another quick moment of reflection from your pal Chrome on...

President George W. Bush vs. Suddam Hussien

Jesus, why don't you two just fuck and get it over with!

Fucking dolts.

Once again a quick moment of reflection from your pal Chrome on...


Can I have her?

Well around five o'clock this afternoon thunder and lighting was filling the skies over Lake Michigan. A very powerfull storm, but absolutely no rain.

Startled the hell out of me and woke my ass up.

Yes, I was sleeping at five in the afternoon. Yes, I'm fully aware of how sad that is.

Tell about two this morning it would be on and off again like that, but no rain. Oh, there was plenty of moisture in the air as I attempted to get out of bed and almost had to swim to get to the bathroom.

Personaly I love me a good thunder storm. Especially at night time. I love to watch the sky come to life with bolts of lighting arching through the thick blackness. Hear the thunder crawl up on you like some thick fabric being ripped to shreeds.

Key ingredient to making this whole moment that much better.

MUST, and I repeat MUST rain at the same time. I'm sorry, I'm not flexible on this one. If its gonna be looking like a light show at a rave party in the sky. Have the deceny to give me a shower at the same time.

Ah, but I've come to find out that on the otherside of the Lake, an F4 tornado landed and was ripping through some small Wisconsin town.

Ok, I take it back. Keep the damn rain, just don't be sending that tornado shit my way.

I live a couple blocks from the harbor which is a short distance tell it opens up to Lake Michigan. If a tornado comes ripping across the lake into this small ass town. I might as well kiss my ass good bye cause I'm a goner.

I'm to close to the shore to get an effective tornado warning in time. And really, I got no car, how the hell am I gonna get away fast enough?

Ok, so I got a back up plan I like to call "slam the yuppie into a brick wall and steal his ride."

I'm figuring with that upper class micro brewery across the street with its patrons driving proche's, SUV's, caddilacs, and all sorts of cars that cost more then my life is worth. I'm bown to find one lone yuppie in the crowd and be able to bitch slap him tell he hands over his keys.

Though really I don't know what I'm worrying about. The last time a tornado actually touched down around here people where still in awe of little thing called "fire".

So rest well my friends......I'm not dying off that quick.

Hey, did I just hear someone say "oh man, that sucks"!!

Michael Moore for 2004



It's about time - Wednesday, Jul. 07, 2004
An Honor for Chrome - Friday, Feb. 20, 2004
A great loss - Monday, Oct. 20, 2003
a terrible announcement. - Tuesday, Sept. 09, 2003
Chrome speaks: - Friday, Sept. 05, 2003

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