Wednesday, Oct. 02, 2002 - 6:35 A.M.

Could I be any more all over the map with this entry?


You know for a self-proclaimed slacker and someone who really has no life and to much time on my hands. I really have been busy the past couple of days.

Busy with what, hell I couldn't even tell you. Its not like I did anything major during the past couple days. It was just a million little things that made me realize...hey...where the hell did yesterday go??

And just now as I'm typing this. I've managed to cut my finger on the fan I've mentioned many times in here thats been driving me completely nuts. Damn think squeeks, it whines, it makes strange rubbing noises, and it locks up and makes a loud humming noise when it does.

Pretty much it makes more noises then your average senior citizen on the crapper after "all you can eat burritos and chilli" night.

I swear if I owned a baseball bat I'd be flying at that damn thing like Puff Daddy at an Music Excutive. Its either that or this slow ass computer that has given me more pains in my ass then that summer I spent at "camp" which really turned out to be "prison time".

Thats the last time I sign up for any trips over the phone.

Figuring I still have need for my computer, its the fan that will get the Rodney King package deal. Cause with out my computer I couldn't bring to you fine folks my mix thoughts about political issues, the fear of humanity driving up so moral and unjust actions, and shiny objects.

Not to mention I wouldn't be able to read such thrilling things like mission:angry white man caught in a pottery store, the reason why they got the whole "super models are sexy" thing wrong and The results of giving your children to much sugar while on mood enhancers.

And let us not forget participating in such things as DS4 or as I like to put it "Who loves Kevin Smith more?".

Jesus, there is a lot of Kevin Smith fans on this Diary Survivor. It just goes to show you that when you start off a movie repeating the same four letter swear word over and over again while slipping a loop behind it....you got gold ba-by.

Now I know I haven't gotten around to dropping a line to a lot of you other DS4 contestents or have listed you as a favorite yet, but like I said I've been busy. Plus, no offense to those who have cause I've thought of doing it myself, I'd rather not label all of you as "fellow DS4 member". I'd least like to write a little blog about each of them.

Though being the lazy shit that I am. I'll probably end up doing that anyways out of haste to keep up with all you people and what you have written for the immunity challanges.

So if you haven't heard from me yet...then thats probably cause I'm outside your bedroom window seeing if you snore or dry hump your pillow while you sleep.

Which reminds me...man the number of hits I've gotten since they announced all the contestents has exploded big time for me. Makes me feel loved, wanted, cherished like that cute girl with the sexy ass in the short skirt you see every day, but don't have the nerve to say "hey....how you doin'".

Ok its late, I'm gone.

Maybe next time I'll write a more enteresting, coherent, and riveting entry for all of you.

Yeah, don't hold your breath on that one.

Oh hey, one more thing I forgot to mention when I first wrote this now I'm back editing it to add on at the last moment.

In case you haven't noticed, my message board sucks more dick then your average porn starlet. And badly too with a lot of drooling and inapropriate use of teeth action.

At first it wasn't so bad, but ever since my "gold membership" ran out on that damn thing its had more pop up ads then your average porn site.

So I'm calling out to all of you to do me a little favor. Anyone know where I can find a good message board with little interference from the web site who hosts it and no pop up banners? If you do, give me an e-mail or a guestbook and point me in the right direction.

Oh and make sure its a service that hasn't locked its doors to any new users. It seems all the good ones I've found has done that shit.....damn thats annoying.

Michael Moore for 2004



It's about time - Wednesday, Jul. 07, 2004
An Honor for Chrome - Friday, Feb. 20, 2004
A great loss - Monday, Oct. 20, 2003
a terrible announcement. - Tuesday, Sept. 09, 2003
Chrome speaks: - Friday, Sept. 05, 2003

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