Thursday, Feb. 13, 2003 - 4:18 A.M.

Eh so your suffering and dieing needlessly, but that poor ass!


Have you ever sat back and questioned the validity of an organization?

Like, for example, Mensa aka the high IQ group. I mean how smart are a bunch of people, who�s average age is 26, when they base there entire organization of a test that is no longer valid after the age of 18?

Just in case you don�t know what I�m talking about, let me clarify. The IQ test, as is now, has a certain formula on figuring your IQ score. Part of this formula is your current age which they use to divide the number answer you got right times a thousand. As the test goes once you are past the age of 18 it no longer works. Why you may ask? Because you can have the same amount of answers right at the age 19 as you did at 18, but have a lower IQ.


Because after the age of 18 the number starts cutting into your total the higher your age is. Age 18 being the optimal age to take the test. So with this formula by the time you reach Mensa�s average members age level. Your IQ could have been genius level, but at that age it could be in the effective �retarded� IQ level.

It�s fucked up, I know, but that�s how it works.

So all you really are doing then is clinging onto something you did well when in High School. Effectively making them all brain child�s of Al Bundy clinging onto there �four touch downs in one game� like history.

To me that is kind of sad, but if they do some good in this world who really cares.

Now as bad as I see that, Mensa is a shining hope in comparison to one organization I have in mind. An organization whose fundamental basics are sound and worthwhile. Problem is its run by narrow minded, ignorant, radicals whose only care in the world is for the furry animals.

I�m talking about PETA or People for the Ethical Treatment of Animals. Or as I like to think of them the �I love my cat, but fuck you,� people.

Now I�ve always taken this organization with a grain of salt and just shrugged them off. When there members raided research facilities to free animals being tested on. I understood doing that when the research is something like how good does this lipstick work? Though I can�t agree with them doing that at a facility that is trying to find a cure for cancer or AIDS.

I�m sorry, but if a few gerbils lose there life in the name of finding a cure. Strap these little furry bastards up to electrodes and get to testing. I think the �sacrifice� of a few bunnies and gerbils is much worth the thousands upon thousands of lives they would save.

I ignored the fact PETA members where spray painting peoples fur coats because �fur is murder.� Ok I can understand there argument here, but not there method for how to get there point across. Is there a way you can try and make your point without vandalizing someone?

I even ignored there cry for everyone to stop drinking milk because it�s bad for our body and cruel and unusual treatment to cows.

Pretty much I just didn�t bother arguing these things since arguing with a radical is pointless. If a person thinks they are righteous and standing a moral high ground there is just no showing them the error of there ways.


Some things you just can�t ignore. Sometimes when the ignorance is so blaringly obvious and yet they still do not see it. You just have to do something.

Even if it�s to poke fun at them, a much preferred method in this case.

Now for the example I�m talking about that is right here on Jewish World Review.

This is something you should click through and read on your own, but I�m guessing not many of you will do this. So I�ll try and sum up what this article is about.

A little over two weeks ago a bomb went off on the road between Jerusalem and the West Bank settlement of Gush Etzion. No one was hurt during this terrorist attack meant to go off as a bus passed by. Well no humans where hurt, but the bomb was strapped to a donkey which was killed.

Now we all have heard about the terrorist attacks over there and no people have been dying or severally injured to do this. Yet it takes the death of one Donkey to finally get PETA to be outraged by this.

But are they outraged by all the death of humans? Oh hell no, it�s that ass they only worry about. That is when the President of PETA decided to fax Arafat in hopes of pleading with him to get his people to stop using donkeys or other animals for these bombings.

No not stop the bombings and unnecessary deaths, just stop using animals to kill each other off.

Excuse me, but am I missing something here? Yeah I�m pretty sure the donkey didn�t have a �choice� in deciding it wanted to be a suicide bomber for there �cause�. But I�m pretty damn sure the victims of these bombings didn�t have a fucking choice either.

Yet this doesn�t faze PETA that they ignore all these deaths and instead focus on the plight of the poor animals. As the Vice President of PETA stated when asked, �Why didn�t you plead for the deaths of humans to stop as well?�

And she said�

�It�s not my business to inject myself into human wars.�

Excuse me, but you just fucking did.

I am so baffled at this level of radical ignorance that I can�t even put it into words. If was standing there talking to her and she said that. All I would be able to do is stare at her in disbelief and babble incoherently. It�s like a sensory overload of idiocy; my brain can�t handle that much crammed in such a small statement.

And yes I do value human life more then I value any animal�s life. Doesn�t mean I agree with what is going on here, but I can�t fathom how someone could just ignore all the pain, death, and suffering and focus on one dead ass.

It�s like someone walking through a field of dead bodies then crying over a little kitty that just died. Like all these other deaths didn�t mean shit, that kitty is all that mattered.

Seriously I�m so blown away by this that I think that popping noise I just heard was my brain exploding. In fact I think I can feel all reasoning and logical thinking leaking out of my left ear.

Which, now I think about it, is probably what has happened to PETA to make them act like this. That or they traded in logical thinking for a nice shiny quarter.

I can see either explanation working.

Michael Moore for 2004



It's about time - Wednesday, Jul. 07, 2004
An Honor for Chrome - Friday, Feb. 20, 2004
A great loss - Monday, Oct. 20, 2003
a terrible announcement. - Tuesday, Sept. 09, 2003
Chrome speaks: - Friday, Sept. 05, 2003

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